559 research outputs found

    DNA polymerase α (swi7) and the flap endonuclease fen1 (rad2) act together in the s-phase alkylation damage response in S. pombe

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    Polymerase α is an essential enzyme mainly mediating Okazaki fragment synthesis during lagging strand replication. A specific point mutation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe polymerase α named swi7-1, abolishes imprinting required for mating-type switching. Here we investigate whether this mutation confers any genome-wide defects. We show that the swi7-1 mutation renders cells hypersensitive to the DNA damaging agents methyl methansulfonate (MMS), hydroxyurea (HU) and UV and incapacitates activation of the intra-S checkpoint in response to DNA damage. In addition we show that, in the swi7-1 background, cells are characterized by an elevated level of repair foci and recombination, indicative of increased genetic instability. Furthermore, we detect novel Swi1-, -Swi3- and Pol α- dependent alkylation damage repair intermediates with mobility on 2D-gel that suggests presence of single-stranded regions. Genetic interaction studies showed that the flap endonuclease Fen1 works in the same pathway as Pol α in terms of alkylation damage response. Fen1 was also required for formation of alkylation- damage specific repair intermediates. We propose a model to explain how Pol α, Swi1, Swi3 and Fen1 might act together to detect and repair alkylation damage during S-phase

    Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area

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    We present a seismotectonic study of the Amatrice-Campotosto area (Central Italy) based on an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences, geological data and crustal rheology. The area has been affected by three small-magnitude seismic sequences: August 1992 (M=3.9), June 1994 (M=3.7) and October 1996 (M=4.0). The hypocentral locations and fault plane solutions of the 1996 sequence are based on original data; the seismological features of the 1992 and 1994 sequences are summarised from literature. The active WSWdipping Mt. Gorzano normal fault is interpreted as the common seismogenic structure for the three analysed sequences. The mean state of stress obtained by inversion of focal mechanisms (WSW-ENE-trending deviatoric tension) is comparable to that responsible for finite Quaternary displacement, showing that the stress field has not changed since the onset of extensional tectonics. Available morphotectonic data integrated with original structural data show that the Mt. Gorzano Fault extends for ~28 km along strike. The along-strike displacement profile is typical of an isolated fault, without significant internal segmentation. The strong evidence of late Quaternary activity in the southern part of the fault (with lower displacement gradient) is explained in this work in terms of displacement profile readjustment within a fault unable to grow further laterally. The depth distribution of seismicity and the crustal rheology yield a thickness of ~15 km for the brittle layer. An area of ~530 km2 is estimated for the entire Mt. Gorzano Fault surface. In historical times, the northern portion of the fault was probably activated during the 1639 Amatrice earthquake (I = X, M~ 6.3), but this is not the largest event we expect on the fault. We propose that a large earthquake might activate the entire 28 km long Mt. Gorzano Fault, with an expected Mmax up to 6.7

    Assessment of ground-motion amplification in the Fucino Basin (Central Italy) through seismic data

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    The Fucino basin (Central Italy) is one of the largest intermountain alluvial plain in the Appennines range. It has a tectonic origin related to the presence of important systems of faults located in its northern and eastern edges. Some of these faults are still active and capable of generating strong seismic events as the January 13th 1915 Ms 7.0 Avezzano earthquake (about 30000 casualties). Site effects related to the soft soils filling the basin can be very important also taking into account the presence of historical villages located at the edges of the basin and new settlements developed in the area. In this paper we show the preliminary results of a seismic network installed in the Fucino area in order to collect information about site amplification effects and geometry of the basin. A lake occupied the Fucino basin for many thousands of years and it was completely drained at the end of the 19th century. We analyze ambient seismic vibrations and recordings of about 150 local earthquakes mainly related to the seismic sequence of the April 6th 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event. Moreover the strongest events of L’Aquila sequence were analyzed at the three strong-motion permanent stations operating in the area. Using standard spectral techniques we investigate the variation of resonance frequencies within the basin. The ground motion recorded in the Fucino plain is mainly characterized by strong energy at low-frequencies (f < 1 Hz) affecting both horizontal and vertical components. This is particularly evident for stations deployed in correspondence of very thick deposits of sedimentary filling, where a significant increase of ground-motion amplitude and duration is caused by locally generated surface waves. The amplification at low-frequencies (< 1 Hz) on the horizontal components can reach up a factor of 10 in comparison to nearby stiff sites. However, we found evidences of seismic amplification phenomena also for stiff sites surrounding the basin, including stations of the Italian strong motion network. The independent geological information, the shallow shear-velocity profiles available for the basin can be combined with resonance frequencies of the sites for deriving representative geological sections to be used as base for future numerical 2D-3D modeling of the seismic wave propagation in the basin. Seismic modeling can be important to reduce the seismic hazard in the area


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    We present velocity profiles obtained through surface-wave methods in the historical city of L’Aquila (Italy). The city suffered severe damage (VIII-IX EMS intensity) during the April 6th 2009 Mw 6.3 earthquake. The area is characterized by the deep (up to 300-400 meters) basin of the Aterno river valley filled by lacustrine sediments over limestone bedrock. In downtown L'Aquila an outcropping unit basically composed of stiff conglomerates (Breccia) is over-imposed to ancient lacustrine sediments with a possible velocity inversion at a depth ranging from few tens up to one hundred meters. We deployed five 2-D arrays of seismic stations and 1-D array of vertical geophones in the city center. The 2-D arrays recorded ambient noise, whereas the 1-D array recorded signals produced by active sources. Surface-wave dispersion and spatial autocorrelation curves, calculated using array methods, were inverted through a neighborhood algorithm jointly with the microtremor HVNSR ellipticity. We obtain shear-wave velocity profiles (Vs) representative of the southern and northern sector of downtown L'Aquila. The resulting Vs profiles are used to compare the 1-D transfer functions to aftershock data results. We apply a convolution approach evaluating synthetic time-histories in sites where surface stratigraphy is known and comparing them to recorded strong-motion data

    Shear and Breathing Modes of Layered Materials.

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    Layered materials (LMs), such as graphite, hexagonal boron nitride, and transition-metal dichalcogenides, are at the center of an ever-increasing research effort, due to their scientific and technological relevance. Raman and infrared spectroscopies are accurate, non-destructive approaches to determine a wide range of properties, including the number of layers, N, and the strength of the interlayer interactions. We present a general approach to predict the complete spectroscopic fan diagrams, i.e., the relations between frequencies and N for the optically active shear and layer-breathing modes of any multilayer comprising N ≥ 2 identical layers. In order to achieve this, we combine a description of the normal modes in terms of a one-dimensional mechanical model, with symmetry arguments that describe the evolution of the point group as a function of N. Group theory is then used to identify which modes are Raman- and/or infrared-active, and to provide diagrams of the optically active modes for any stack composed of identical layers. We implement the method and algorithms in an open-source tool to assist researchers in the prediction and interpretation of such diagrams. Our work will underpin future efforts on Raman and infrared characterization of known, and yet not investigated, LMs

    Assessment of ground-motion amplification in the Fucino Basin (Central Italy) through seismic data

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    The Fucino basin (Central Italy) is one of the largest intermountain alluvial plain in the Appennines range. It has a tectonic origin related to the presence of important systems of faults located in its northern and eastern edges. Some of these faults are still active and capable of generating strong seismic events as the January 13th 1915 Ms 7.0 Avezzano earthquake (about 30000 casualties). Site effects related to the soft soils filling the basin can be very important also taking into account the presence of historical villages located at the edges of the basin and new settlements developed in the area. In this paper we show the preliminary results of a seismic network installed in the Fucino area in order to collect information about site amplification effects and geometry of the basin. A lake occupied the Fucino basin for many thousands of years and it was completely drained at the end of the 19th century. We analyze ambient seismic vibrations and recordings of about 150 local earthquakes mainly related to the seismic sequence of the April 6th 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event. Moreover the strongest events of L’Aquila sequence were analyzed at the three strong-motion permanent stations operating in the area. Using standard spectral techniques we investigate the variation of resonance frequencies within the basin. The ground motion recorded in the Fucino plain is mainly characterized by strong energy at low-frequencies (f < 1 Hz) affecting both horizontal and vertical components. This is particularly evident for stations deployed in correspondence of very thick deposits of sedimentary filling, where a significant increase of ground-motion amplitude and duration is caused by locally generated surface waves. The amplification at low-frequencies (< 1 Hz) on the horizontal components can reach up a factor of 10 in comparison to nearby stiff sites. However, we found evidences of seismic amplification phenomena also for stiff sites surrounding the basin, including stations of the Italian strong motion network. The independent geological information, the shallow shear-velocity profiles available for the basin can be combined with resonance frequencies of the sites for deriving representative geological sections to be used as base for future numerical 2D-3D modeling of the seismic wave propagation in the basin. Seismic modeling can be important to reduce the seismic hazard in the area

    Issues in Choosing the References to Use for Spectral Ratios from Observations and Modeling at Cavola Landslide in Northern Italy

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    A reference site has to be free of amplification or de-amplification effects, namely with no troughs and peaks in its Fourier amplitude spectrum. At the Cavola landslide we show that this spectrum is dependent on the direction of propagation of wave fronts for incidence angles in the range 30° to 90°. Our study is based on comparison of spectral ratios from observations and 2D numerical simulations. We have modeled propagation in a 2D profile for SH and SV waves with several incidence angles in the 0° ±90° range, where 0° and 90° are respectively vertical and horizontal incidence, except that ±90° denotes Rayleigh waves in the P-SV. We discuss in detail the result for angles of incidence of 0, ±20°, ±60°, ±90°. We have obtained observed horizontal-to-horizontal earthquakes spectral ratios using three reference sites. Two of these have matching receivers in the model, located at the opposite ends of the 2D profile. Overall observations are matched best when the reference site is located on the same side of the landslide as the incoming wave front. We also find general agreement of the observed H/H spectral ratios from earthquakes with H/V and H/H spectral ratios from noise, and the match between H/V values from noise and synthetic spectral ratios using an absolute, flat half-space reference is very good. On the other hand, 1D modeling performs poorly in comparison with 2D modeling in our case, for which the shape ratio h/D = 0.2 is intermediate between primarily-1D and strongly-2D wave propagation according to the classification of Bard and Bouchon (1985)

    The magnitude of damaging volcanic earthquakes of Mt. Etna: are the commonly used scales adequate?

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    On October 2002 a seismic swarm occurred on the eastern flank of Mt. Etna. One of the strongest events caused severe damage, up to EMS intensity of VIII that contrasts with its local magnitude of 4.4. The occurrence of significant damage at such small magnitude is repeatedly observed in the Mt. Etna area and is traditionally attributed to the shallow source of volcanic earthquakes. Strong-motion accelerograms and broad-band seismograms recorded during the swarm demonstrate that there is a more cogent cause for the severe damage, i.e. an anomalously strong low-frequency (0.1 < f < 1 Hz) radiation deviating from the conventional Brune (1970) spectral scaling. Therefore, these earthquakes cause unexpectedly large ground displacements and long ( 20 sec) durations of shaking. The integration of digital accelerograms recorded on October 2002 yields a maximum peak ground displacement as large as 1.8 cm at a distances of 18 km, out of the largest damage zone. Based on the sharp local attenuation of ground motion amplitudes observed during the Mt. Etna earthquakes, we infer that displacements near the epicentres can have attained 10 cm. So large displacements are consistent with the maximum observed damage. Moreover, the frequency cutoff below 1.25 Hz in the Wood-Anderson response attenuates the peak-to-peak amplitudes used to assess local magnitudes. This instrumental deamplification at low frequency yields underestimated values of local magnitude that are not representative of the real ground shaking. Since a prompt, correct magnitude (and potential damage) assessment is crucial for efficient Civil Protection actions, a procedure is proposed which, in near-real-time, can be successful in identifying potentially damaging earthquakes of Mt. Etna through the computation of response spectra. The procedure provides a magnitude value that is derived on a statistical basis from the Housner (1952) spectral intensity computed in the low-frequency band. This parameter is a suitable near-real-time indicator of large earthquake-induced building shaking and could also be applied for a preliminary determination of the epicentral macroseismic intensity of volcanic events of Mt. Etna through consolidated relationships established for tectonic earthquakes in Italy