970 research outputs found

    Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrinos: Status of subdominant oscillations

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    In the context of the recent (79.5 kTy) Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino data, we concisely review the status of muonic-tauonic flavor oscillations and of the subdominant electron or sterile neutrino mixing, in schemes with three or four families and one dominant mass scale. In the three-family case, where we include the full CHOOZ spectral data, we also show, through a specific example, that ``maximal'' violations of the one-dominant mass scale approximation are not ruled out yet.Comment: 8 pages + 10 figure

    Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino data, zenith distributions, and three-flavor oscillations

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    We present a detailed analysis of the zenith angle distributions of atmospheric neutrino events observed in the Super-Kamiokande (SK) underground experiment, assuming two-flavor and three-flavor oscillations (with one dominant mass scale) among active neutrinos. In particular, we calculate the five angular distributions associated to sub-GeV and multi-GeV \mu-like and e-like events and to upward through-going muons, for a total of 30 accurately computed observables (zenith bins). First we study how such observables vary with the oscillation parameters, and then we perform a fit to the experimental data as measured in SK for an exposure of 33 kTy (535 days). In the two-flavor mixing case, we confirm the results of the SK Collaboration analysis, namely, that \nu_\mu\nu_\tau oscillations are preferred over \nu_\mu\nu_e, and that the no oscillation case is excluded with high confidence. In the three-flavor mixing case, we perform our analysis with and without the additional constraints imposed by the CHOOZ reactor experiment. In both cases, the analysis favors a dominance of the \nu_\mu\nu_\tau channel. Without the CHOOZ constraints, the amplitudes of the subdominant \nu_\munu_e and \nu_e\nu_\tau transitions can also be relatively large, indicating that, at present, current SK data do not exclude sizable \nu_e mixing by themselves. After combining the CHOOZ and SK data, the amplitudes of the subdominant transitions are constrained to be smaller, but they can still play a nonnegligible role both in atmospheric and other neutrino oscillation searches. In particular, we find that the \nu_e appearance probability expected in long baseline experiments can reach the testable level of ~15%.Comment: 35 pages (RevTeX), including 20 ps figures (with epsfig.sty

    The Higgs Boson Mass from Precision Electroweak Data

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    We present a new global fit to precision electroweak data, including new low- and high-energy data and analyzing the radiative corrections arising from the minimal symmetry breaking sectors of the Standard Model (SM) and its supersymmetric extension (MSSM). It is shown that present data favor a Higgs mass of O(M_Z): M_H = 76+152-50 GeV. We confront our analysis with (meta)stability and perturbative bounds on the SM Higgs mass, and the theoretical upper bound on the MSSM Higgs mass. Present data do not discriminate significantly between the SM and MSSM Higgs mass ranges. We comment in passing on the sensitivity of the Higgs mass determination to the values of alpha(M_Z) and alpha_s(M_Z).Comment: 10 pages, latex, 8 figures as uu-encoded postscript fil

    Four-neutrino oscillation solutions of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly

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    In the context of neutrino scenarios characterized by four (three active plus one sterile) neutrino species and by mass spectra with two separated doublets, we analyze solutions to the atmospheric neutrino anomaly which smoothly interpolate between \nu_\mu-->\nu_\tau and \nu_\mu-->\nu_s oscillations. We show that, although the Super-Kamiokande data disfavor the pure \nu_\mu-->\nu_s channel, they do not exclude its occurrence, with sizable amplitude, in addition to the \nu_\mu-->\nu_\tau channel. High energy muon data appear to be crucial in assessing the relative amplitude of active and sterile neutrino oscillations. It is also qualitatively shown that such atmospheric \nu solutions are compatible with analogous solutions to the solar neutrino problem, which involve oscillations of \nu_e in both sterile and active states.Comment: Added references. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Evidence of theta(13)>0 from global neutrino data analysis

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    The neutrino mixing angle theta(13) is at the focus of current neutrino research. From a global analysis of the available oscillation data in a 3-neutrino framework, we previously reported [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 141801 (2008)] hints in favor of theta(13)>0 at the 90 % C.L. Such hints are consistent with the recent indications of nu(mu)-->nu(e) appearance in the T2K and MINOS long-baseline accelerator experiments. Our global analysis of all the available data currently provides >3 sigma evidence for nonzero theta(13), with 1-sigma ranges sin^2 theta(13) = 0.021+-0.007 or 0.025+-0.007, depending on reactor neutrino flux systematics. Updated ranges are also reported for the other 3-neutrino oscillation parameters (delta m^2, sin^2 theta(12)) and (Delta m^2, sin^2 theta(23)).Comment: Slightly revised text; results unchanged. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Global analysis of three-flavor neutrino masses and mixings

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    We present a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of a vast amount of data from neutrino flavor oscillation and non-oscillation searches, performed within the standard scenario with three massive and mixed neutrinos, and with particular attention to subleading effects. The detailed results discussed in this review represent a state-of-the-art, accurate and up-to-date (as of August 2005) estimate of the three-neutrino mass-mixing parameters.Comment: Final version (including a new Appendix), to be published in "Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics". Higher-resolution pdf file and eps figures can be download from http://www.ba.infn.it/~now2004/PPNP_review

    Addendum to: Model-dependent and -independent implications of the first Sudbury Neutrino Observatory results

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    In the light of recent experimental and theoretical improvements, we review our previous model-independent comparison [hep-ph/0106247] of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) solar neutrino event rates, including updated values for the ``equalized'' SK datum and for the reference Standard Solar Model (SSM) B neutrino flux. We find that the joint SK+SNO evidence for active neutrino flavor transitions is confirmed at the level of 3.3 standard deviations, independently of possible transitions to sterile states. Barring sterile neutrinos, we estimate the 3-sigma range for the 8^8B neutrino flux (normalized to SSM) as f_B=0.96 +0.54-0.55. Accordingly, the 3-sigma range for the energy-averaged nu_e survival probability is found to be = 0.31 +0.55-0.16, independently of the functional form of P_ee. An increase of the reference nu_e + d --> p + p + e cross section by ~3%, as suggested by recent theoretical calculations, would slightly shift the central values of f_B and of to ~1.00 and ~0.29, respectively, and would strengthen the model-independent evidence for nu_e transitions into active states at the level of ~3.6 sigma.Comment: 6 pages + 2 figures. Addendum to hep-ph/010624
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