544 research outputs found

    Varying G, accelerating Universe, and other relevant consequences of a Stochastic Self-Similar and Fractal Universe

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    In this paper the time dependence of G is presented. It is a simple consequence of the Virial Theorem and of the self-similarity and fractality of the Universe. The results suggest a Universe based on El Naschie's Cantorian space-time. Moreover, we show the importance of the Golden Mean in respect to the large scale structures. Thanks to this study the mass distribution at large scales and the correlation function are explained and are natural consequences of the evaluated varying G. We demonstrate the agreement between the present hypotheses of segregation with a size of astrophysical structures, by using a comparison between quantum quantities and astrophysical ones. It appears clear that the Universe has a memory of its quantum origin. This appears in the G dependence too. Moreover, we see that a G=G(t) in El Naschie's Cantorian space-time can imply an accelerated Universe.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Chaos, Solitons & Fractal

    The OPERA Experiment

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    OPERA(Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus) is a new detector concept, iron(lead)-emulsion for a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. This experiment would perform an appearance search for nu_mu-nu_tau oscillation in the parameter region indicated by the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. OPERA can run at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in the proposed NGS (Neutrino to Gran Sasso) Beam from CERN.Comment: DARK98-Second International Conference on Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics (Heidelberg, Germany

    SLOTT-AGAPE Data Processing

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    MEDEA Program (Microlensing Experiment Data-Analysis Software for Event with Amplification) is here presented. It is developed to the pixel lensing analysis used by SLOTT-AGAPE (Systematic Lensing Observation at Toppo Telescope - Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment) Collaboration. All software components are fully automated and they can be used on-line and off-line.Comment: Short paper to be published in the Proceedings of the MG 9 Meeting. July 2000, Rom

    Spatial behaviour in dynamical thermoelasticity backward in time for porous media

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    The aim of this paper is to study the spatial behaviour of the solutions to the boundary-final value problems associated with the linear theory of elastic materials with voids. More precisely the present study is devoted to porous materials with a memory effect for the intrinsic equilibrated body forces. An appropriate time-weighted volume measure is associated with the backward in time thermoelastic processes. Then, a first-order partial differential inequality in terms of such measure is established and further is shown how it implies the spatial exponential decay of the thermoelastic process in question.Comment: 12 pages, accepted by Journal of Thermal Stresse

    Can Quasars be Explained by Cosmological Waveguide Effects?

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    A sort of gravitational waveguide effect in cosmology could explain, in principle, the huge luminosities coming from quasars using the cosmological large scale structures as selfoc--type or planar waveguides. Furthermore, other anomalous phenomena connected with quasars, as the existence of "brothers" or "twins" objects having different brilliancy but similar spectra and redshifts, placed on the sky with large angular distance, could be explained by this effect. We describe the gravitational waveguide theory and then we discuss possible realizations in cosmology.Comment: To appear in Gravitation & Cosmology, 10 pages, 3 figure
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