22 research outputs found

    Influenza di un tensioattivo anionico sulle caratteristiche elettriche della pelle di rana in situ

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    L\u2019effetto tossico dei tensioattivi sugli animali acquatici \ue8 stato ampiamente studiato, soprattutto sui pesci, ma non \ue8 ancora conosciuto il meccanismo di tale azione. Per questo motivo \ue8 stato intrapreso lo studio dell\u2019influenza dei tensioattivi sulla pelle isolata di rana, il cui comportamento \ue8 ben noto. In questa i tensioattivi anionici, cationici e non ionici provocano un rapido abbassamento della differenza di potenziale transmembrana (ddp) e della corrente di corto circuito (ccc), interpretato come effetto dell\u2019inibizione della pompa sodio-potassio. Scopo del presente lavoro era la verifica di tali risultati sulla pelle di rana in situ

    Galactose oxidation using 13C in healthy and galactosemic children

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    Galactosemia is an inborn error of galactose metabolism that occurs mainly as the outcome of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) deficiency. The ability to assess galactose oxidation following administration of a galactose-labeled isotope (1-13C-galactose) allows the determination of galactose metabolism in a practical manner. We aimed to assess the level of galactose oxidation in both healthy and galactosemic Brazilian children. Twenty-one healthy children and seven children with galactosemia ranging from 1 to 7 years of age were studied. A breath test was used to quantitate 13CO2 enrichment in exhaled air before and at 30, 60, and 120 min after the oral administration of 7 mg/kg of an aqueous solution of 1-13C-galactose to all children. The molar ratios of 13CO2 and 12CO2 were quantified by the mass/charge ratio (m/z) of stable isotopes in each air sample by gas-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. In sick children, the cumulative percentage of 13C from labeled galactose (CUMPCD) in the exhaled air ranged from 0.03% at 30 min to 1.67% at 120 min. In contrast, healthy subjects showed a much broader range in CUMPCD, with values from 0.4% at 30 min to 5.58% at 120 min. The study found a significant difference in galactose oxidation between children with and without galactosemia, demonstrating that the breath test is useful in discriminating children with GALT deficiencies

    A study of HLA class I and class II 4-digit allele level in Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

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    Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are represented by rare but life-threatening cutaneous adverse reactions to different drugs. Previous studies have found that in a Han Chinese population from Taiwan and other Asian Countries, a strong genetic association between HLA-class I alleles (B*15:02, B*58:01) and SJS and TEN was induced by carbamazepine and allopurinol, respectively. To identify genetic markers that covered the MHC region, we carried out a case-control association enrolling 20 Caucasian patients with SJS/TEN. Our patient series included 10 cases related to paracetamol, 7 to allopurinol and 3 to different drugs (plaquenil, itraconazol, nabumetone). Healthy controls were represented by 115 Caucasian bone marrow or stem cell donors. The HLA-A*, B*, C*, DRB1*, DQB1*, DQA1* and DPB1* genotyping were determined. The frequencies of HLA-A*33:03 as well as C*03:02 and C*08:01 were significantly higher in SJS/TEN patient subgroup showing allopurinol drug-induced severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) as compared to controls (28.6% vs 0%, P=0.00002, Pc=0.0011; 28.6% vs 0%, P=0.00002, Pc=0.001; 28.6% vs 0%, P=0.00002, Pc=0.001, respectively). In the same subgroup the frequencies of B*58:01, DRB1*15:02 and DRB1*13:02 alleles, although considerably higher than in control group (42.8% vs 5.2%, P=0.003; 28.6% vs 1.7%, P=0.005; 28.6% vs 3.5%, P=0.037, respectively), appeared no more statistically different after P correction (Pc=0.248; Pc=0.29; Pc=1.00, respectively). In addition, in 10 of the 20 SJS/TEN patient subgroup with paracetamol-induced SCAR no statistically significant association with HLA alleles could be found. However, in the same SJS/TEN patient subgroup showing allopurinol drug-induced SCAR, haplotype analysis indicated that B*58:01, DRB1*13:02 and DRB1*15:02 alleles, that in a single allele analysis lost statistical significance after P correction, may still confer susceptibility, because the B*58:01-DRB1*13:02 and DRB1*15:02-DQB1*05:02 are positively associated with the disease (14.2% vs 0.43%, P= 0.00001, Pc=0.00028; 14.2% vs 0.43%, P=0.00001, Pc=0.00028, respectively). Our results show that in contrast to SCAR-related to paracetamol, where HLA alleles do not appear to be involved, HLA molecules behave as a strong risk factor for SCAR-related to allopurinol even when a limited number of patients are considered

    Idiopathic recurrent acute pericarditis: Familial Mediterranean Fever mutations and disease evolution in a large cohort of Caucasian patients

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    Idiopathic recurrent acute pericarditis (IRAP) is suspected to be an autoimmune phenomenon. We studied 46 consecutive patients. We looked for: 1) the occurrence of new diagnoses of autoimmune diseases during our follow up; 2) HLA typing; and 3) the presence of the most frequent mutations linked to familial Mediterranean fever (FMF gene or MEFV). HLA typing was done in 21 patients at loci B, DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1. MEFV gene was looked in 23 patients using specific primers. During the follow-up we made a new diagnosis of primary Sjogren's syndrome in four patients (8.7%) and of rheumatoid arthritis in one patient (2.2%). HLA B14, DRBI*01 and DQB1*0202 were significantly more prevalent, but we did not find a typical HLA typing. MEFV gene was searched: exon 10 was checked by sequence and the E148Q mutation by restriction site analysis. No mutations were found. In conclusion, the prevalence of definite immunorheumatological diseases and the absence of the mutations linked to FMF reinforce the notion that idiopathic acute recurrent pericarditis is an autoinmune condition