657 research outputs found

    Signals of Two Universal Extra Dimensions at the LHC

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    Extensions of the standard model with universal extra dimensions are interesting both as phenomenological templates as well as model-building fertile ground. For instance, they are one the prototypes for theories exhibiting compressed spectra, leading to difficult searches at the LHC since the decay products of new states are soft and immersed in a large standard model background. Here we study the phenomenology at the LHC of theories with two universal extra dimensions. We obtain the current bound by using the production of second level excitations of electroweak gauge bosons decaying to a pair of leptons and study the reach of the LHC Run~II in this channel. We also introduce a new channel originating in higher dimensional operators and resulting in the single production of a second level quark excitation. Its subsequent decay into a hard jet and lepton pair resonance would allow the identification of a more model-specific process, unlike the more generic vector resonance signal. We show that the sensitivity of this channel to the compactification scale is very similar to the one obtained using the vector resonance.Comment: 11 pages and 6 figure

    Top quark associated production of topcolor pions at hadron colliders

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    We investigate the associated production of a neutral physical pion with top quarks in the context of topcolor assisted technicolor. We find that single-top associated production does not yield viable rates at either the Tevatron or LHC. tt-associated production at the Tevatron is suppressed relative to Standard Model ttH, but at the LHC is strongly enhanced and would allow for easy observation of the main decay channels to bottom quarks, and possible observation of the decay to gluons.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Scalars from Top-condensation Models at Hadron Colliders

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    We study the production and decay of neutral scalars and pseudo-scalars at hadron colliders, in theories where the top-quark mass is the result of a ttˉt\bar t condensate. We show that the dominant decay channel for masses below the ttˉt\bar t threshold is the flavor changing mode tctc. This is a consequence of the non-universal nature of the underlying interactions in all top-condensation models and provides a model-independent signature of these scenarios. We show that an upgraded Tevatron is sensitive to a sizeable region of the interesting parameter space and that the LHC will highly constrain these models through this flavor violating channel.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Minor changes in figures for readibility. final version to appear in PR

    The Little Hierarchy in Universal Extra Dimensions

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    In the standard model in universal extra dimensions (UED) the mass of the Higgs field is driven to the cutoff of the higher-dimensional theory. This re-introduces a small hierarchy since the compactification scale 1/R should not be smaller than the weak scale. In this paper we study possible solutions to this problem by considering five-dimensional theories where the Higgs field potential vanishes at tree level due to a global symmetry. We consider two avenues: a Little Higgs model and a Twin Higgs model. An obstacle for the embedding of these four-dimensional models in five dimensions is that their logarithmic sensitivity to the cutoff will result in linear divergences in the higher dimensional theory. We show that, despite the increased cutoff sensitivity of higher dimensional theories, it is possible to control the Higgs mass in these two scenarios. For the Little Higgs model studied, the phenomenology will be significantly different from the case of the standard model in UED. This is due to the fact that the compactification scale approximately coincides with the scale where the masses of the new states appear. For the case of the Twin Higgs model, the compactification scale may be considerably lower than the scale where the new states appear. If it is as low as allowed by current limits, it would be possible to experimentally observe the standard model Kaluza-Klein states as well as a new heavy quark. On the other hand, if the compactification scale is higher, then the phenomenology at colliders would coincide with the one for the standard model in UED.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics

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    It has been argued that the observations of cosmic particles with energies in excess of 10810^8 TeV represent a puzzle. Its solution requires new astrophysics or new particle physics. We show that the latter is unlikely given that the scale associated with a new particle physics threshold must be of order 1 GeV, not TeV and above, in order to resolve the problem. In most cases such new physics should have been revealed by accelerator experiments. We examine the possibility that the highest energy cosmic rays are initiated by non-standard interactions of neutrinos in the atmosphere. We show that proposals in this direction either violate s-wave unitarity or fall short of producing a sizeable effect by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Kaluza-Klein masses of bulk fields with general boundary conditions in AdS5_5

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    Recently bulk Randall-Sundrum theories with the gauge group SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)B−LSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L} have drawn a lot of interest as an alternative to electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. These models are in better agreement with electroweak precision data since custodial isospin symmetry on the IR brane is protected by the extended bulk gauge symmetry. We comprehensively study, in the S^1/\ZZ orbifold, the bulk gauge and fermion fields with the general boundary conditions as well as the bulk and localized mass terms. Master equations to determine the Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass spectra are derived without any approximation, which is an important basic step for various phenomenologies at high energy colliders. The correspondence between orbifold boundary conditions and localized mass terms is demonstrated not only in the gauge sector but also in the fermion sector. As the localized mass increases, the first KK fermion mass is shown to decrease while the first KK gauge boson mass to increase. The degree of gauge coupling universality violation is computed to be small in most parameter space, and its correlation with the mass difference between the top quark and light quark KK mode is also studied.Comment: 25 pages with 10 figures, Final version accepted by PR

    Dispersive Approach to Semileptonic Form-Factors in Heavy-to-Light Meson Decays

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    We study the semileptonic decays of heavy mesons into light pseudoscalars by making use of dispersion relations. Constraints from heavy quark symmetry, chiral symmetry and perturbative QCD are implemented into a dispersive model for the form-factors. Large deviations from B∗B^*-pole dominance are observed in B→πℓΜB\to\pi\ell\nu. We discuss the model prediction for this mode and its possible impact on the extraction of ∣Vub∣|V_{ub}|.Comment: 30 pages, including 5 Postcript figure

    Cosmological Constraints on Radion Evolution in the Universal Extra Dimension Model

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    The constraints on the radion evolution in the Universal Extra Dimension (UED) model from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data are studied. In the UED model, where both the gravity and standard model fields can propagate in the extra dimensions, the evolution of the extra dimensional volume, the radion, induces variation of fundamental constants. We discuss the effects of variation of the relevant constants in the context of UED for CMB power spectrum and SNe Ia data. We then use the three-year WMAP data to constrain the radion evolution at z \sim 1100, and the 2 \sigma constraint on \dot{\rho} / \rho_0 (\rho is a function of the radion, to be defined in the text) is [ -8.8, 6.6] \times 10 ^{-13} yr^-1. The SNe Ia gold sample yields a constraint on \dot{\rho} / \rho_0, for redshift between 0 and 1, to be [-4.7, 14] \times 10^{-13} yr^-1. Furthermore, the constraints from SNe Ia can be interpreted as bounds on the evolution QCD scale parameter, \dot{\Lambda}_{QCD} / \Lambda_{QCD, 0}, [-1.4, 2.8] \times 10^{-11} yr^-1, without reference to the UED model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, comments added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Phenomenological Bounds on B to Light Semileptonic Form Factors

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    The form factors for the weak currents between B and light mesons are studied by relating them to the corresponding D form factors at q^2_{max} according to HQET, by evaluating them at q^2=0 by QCD sum rules, and by assuming a polar q^2 dependence. The results found are consistent with the information obtained from exclusive non-leptonic two-body decays and, with the only exception of A_1, with lattice calculations.Comment: 8 LaTeX pages + 2 figures. Will appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.
