314 research outputs found

    RNA secondary structure prediction using large margin methods

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    The secondary structure of RNA is essential for its biological role. Recently, Do, Woods, Batzoglou, (ISMB 2006) proposed a probabilistic approach that generalizes SCFGs using conditional maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters. We propose an alternative approach to parameter estimation which is based on an SVM-like large margin method

    Kernel Methods for Predictive Sequence Analysis

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    This tutorial is meant for a broad audience: Students, researchers, biologists and computer scientist interested in (a) an overview of general and efficient algorithms for statistical learning used in computational biology, (b) sequence kernels for the problems such as promoter or splice site detection. No specific knowledge will be required since the tutorial is self-contained and most fundamental concepts are introduced during the course

    Large Scale Genomic Sequence SVM Classifiers

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    In genomic sequence analysis tasks like splice site recognition or promoter identification, large amounts of training sequences are available, and indeed needed to achieve sufficiently high classification performances. In this work we study two recently proposed and successfully used kernels, namely the Spectrum kernel and the Weighted Degree kernel (WD). In particular, we suggest several extensions using Suffix Trees and modi cations of an SMO-like SVM training algorithm in order to accelerate the training of the SVMs and their evaluation on test sequences. Our simulations show that for the spectrum kernel and WD kernel, large scale SVM training can be accelerated by factors of 20 and 4 times, respectively, while using much less memory (e.g. no kernel caching). The evaluation on new sequences is often several thousand times faster using the new techniques (depending on the number of Support Vectors). Our method allows us to train on sets as large as one million sequences

    Towards the Inference of Graphs on Ordered Vertexes

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    We propose novel methods for machine learning of structured output spaces. Specifically, we consider outputs which are graphs with vertices that have a natural order. We consider the usual adjacency matrix representation of graphs, as well as two other representations for such a graph: (a) decomposing the graph into a set of paths, (b) converting the graph into a single sequence of nodes with labeled edges. For each of the three representations, we propose an encoding and decoding scheme. We also propose an evaluation measure for comparing two graphs

    Asymmetric Totally-corrective Boosting for Real-time Object Detection

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    Real-time object detection is one of the core problems in computer vision. The cascade boosting framework proposed by Viola and Jones has become the standard for this problem. In this framework, the learning goal for each node is asymmetric, which is required to achieve a high detection rate and a moderate false positive rate. We develop new boosting algorithms to address this asymmetric learning problem. We show that our methods explicitly optimize asymmetric loss objectives in a totally corrective fashion. The methods are totally corrective in the sense that the coefficients of all selected weak classifiers are updated at each iteration. In contract, conventional boosting like AdaBoost is stage-wise in that only the current weak classifier's coefficient is updated. At the heart of the totally corrective boosting is the column generation technique. Experiments on face detection show that our methods outperform the state-of-the-art asymmetric boosting methods.Comment: 14 pages, published in Asian Conf. Computer Vision 201

    PALMA: Perfect Alignments using Large Margin Algorithms

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    Despite many years of research on how to properly align sequences in the presence of sequencing errors, alternative splicing and micro-exons, the correct alignment of mRNA sequences to genomic DNA is still a challenging task. We present a novel approach based on large margin learning that combines kernel based splice site predictions with common sequence alignment techniques. By solving a convex optimization problem, our algorithm -- called PALMA -- tunes the parameters of the model such that the true alignment scores higher than all other alignments. In an experimental study on the alignments of mRNAs containing artificially generated micro-exons, we show that our algorithm drastically outperforms all other methods: It perfectly aligns all 4358 sequences on an hold-out set, while the best other method misaligns at least 90 of them. Moreover, our algorithm is very robust against noise in the query sequence: when deleting, inserting, or mutating up to 50 of the query sequence, it still aligns 95 of all sequences correctly, while other methods achieve less than 36 accuracy. For datasets, additional results and a stand-alone alignment tool see http://www.fml.mpg.de/raetsch/projects/palma

    Parsimonious Kernel Fisher Discrimination

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    By applying recent results in optimization transfer, a new algorithm for kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis is provided that makes use of a non-smooth penalty on the coefficients to provide a parsimonious solution. The algorithm is simple, easily programmed and is shown to perform as well as or better than a number of leading machine learning algorithms on a substantial benchmark. It is then applied to a set of extreme small-sample-size problems in virtual screening where it is found to be less accurate than a currently leading approach but is still comparable in a number of cases

    Transcript quantification with RNA-Seq data

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    Motivation Novel high-throughput sequencing technologies open exciting new approaches to transcriptome profiling. Sequencing transcript populations of interest, e.g. from different tissues or variable stress conditions, with RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) [1] generates millions of short reads. Accurately aligned to a reference genome, they provide digital counts and thus facilitate transcript quantification. As the observed read counts only provide the summation of all expressed sequences at one locus, the inference of the underlying transcript abundances is crucial for further quantitative analyses. Methods To approach this problem, we have developed a new technique, called rQuant, based on quadratic programming. Given a gene annotation and position-wise exon/intron read coverage from read alignments, we determine the abundances for each annotated transcript by minimising a suitable loss function. It penalises the deviation of the observed from the expected read coverage given the transcript weights. The observed read coverage is typically non-uniformly distributed over the transcript due to several biases in the generation of the sequencing libraries and the sequencing. This leads to distortions of the transcript abundances, if not corrected properly. We therefore extended our approach to jointly optimise transcript profiles, modeling the coverage deviations depending on the position in the transcript. Our method can be applied without knowledge of the underlying transcript abundances and equally benefits from loci with and without alternative transcripts. Results To quantitatively evaluate the quality of our abundance predictions, we used a set of simulated reads from transcripts with known expression as a benchmark set. It was generated using the Flux Simulator [2] modeling biases in RNA-Seq as well as preparation experiments. Table 1 shows preliminary results with segment- and position-based loss as well as with and without the transcript profiles. Our results indicate that the position-based modeling together with transcript profiles allows us to accurately infer the underlying expression of single transcripts as well as of multiple isoforms of one gene locus

    Exploiting physico-chemical properties in string kernels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>String kernels are commonly used for the classification of biological sequences, nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences. Although string kernels are already very powerful, when it comes to amino acids they have a major short coming. They ignore an important piece of information when comparing amino acids: the physico-chemical properties such as size, hydrophobicity, or charge. This information is very valuable, especially when training data is less abundant. There have been only very few approaches so far that aim at combining these two ideas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose new string kernels that combine the benefits of physico-chemical descriptors for amino acids with the ones of string kernels. The benefits of the proposed kernels are assessed on two problems: MHC-peptide binding classification using position specific kernels and protein classification based on the substring spectrum of the sequences. Our experiments demonstrate that the incorporation of amino acid properties in string kernels yields improved performances compared to standard string kernels and to previously proposed non-substring kernels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, the proposed modifications, in particular the combination with the RBF substring kernel, consistently yield improvements without affecting the computational complexity. The proposed kernels therefore appear to be the kernels of choice for any protein sequence-based inference.</p> <p>Availability</p> <p>Data sets, code and additional information are available from <url>http://www.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/raetsch/suppl/aask</url>. Implementations of the developed kernels are available as part of the Shogun toolbox.</p
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