26 research outputs found


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    RANS-CFD is a well-established tool with widespread use in maritime industry and research. Valuable information might be extracted from the results of such simulations in terms of ship resistance and flow field variables. With recent advancements in computational power, it became possible to investigate the performance of ships in self-propulsion conditions with RANS method. This paper presents the results of a study in which self-propulsion analyses of a small size product/oil tanker has been carried out at ship scale. The methodology proposed in this study makes use of open water propeller performance predictions, resistance analyses at model scale and self-propulsion computations at ship scale for a minimum of 2 different propeller loadings to obtain the self-propulsion point and respective performance parameters. In order to speed up the time-consuming self-propulsion computations, these cases have been solved with a single-phase approach. Resistance predictions have been compared with experimental findings. Uncertainty associated with prediction of resistance and thrust has been quantified. Additionally, sea trials have been conducted on the subject vessel and its two sisters and measured delivered power data have been used for evaluating the capability of the numerical method in self-propulsion predictions. Comparison of results indicate that the proposed self-propulsion computation methodology with RANS CFD at ship scale is capable of predicting delivered power with sufficient accuracy at an acceptable computational cost

    Neuro-acanthocytosis: Report of two case

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    Nöroakantostoz, yanlış biçimli eritrositler ve nöronal çoklu sistem patolojisi ile karakterize nadir görülen bir grup hastalık için kullanılan şemsiye bir terimdir. Klinik özellikleri koreik hareket bozuklukları, psikiyatrik bulgular ve bilişsel gerilemeye ek olarak myopati, aksonal nöropati ve nöbetleri içerir. Burada Türkiye’den, nöroakantozun farklı klinik seyirleri ile prezente olan iki olgu -42 yaşında bir kadın ve 28 yaşında bir erkek- sunulmuştur.Neuro-acanthocytosis (NA), an umbrella term for a group of rare diseases characterized by misshapen erythrocytes (acanthocytes) and neuronal multisystem pathology. Clinical features include choreatic movement disorder, psychiatric manifestations and cognitive decline, and additional features including myopathy, axonal neuropathy and seizures. Herein we report two cases - a 42-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man - from Turkey presented with heterogenous courses of neuro-acanthocytosis

    POEMS syndrome: Case report

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    POEMS sendromu, polinöropati ve multisistemik tutulum ile seyreden oldukça ender görülen bir plazma hücre diskrazisidir. Semptomlardan plazmasitom tarafından salgılanan vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Distal simetrik sensörimotor polinöropati kliniği ile başvuran, yanı sıra organomegali, endokrin bozukluk ve deri değişiklikleri de olan olgunun immünelektroforezinde serum ve idrarda M proteini saptanması nedeniyle POEMS sendromu düşünülmüştür. Edinsel nöropatilerin ayırıcı tanısında akla gelmesi gereken bu sendrom ender görülmesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur.Presented with characteristic polyneuropathy and multisystemic manifestations, POEMS syndrome is a rare plasma cell disorder. Vascular endothelial growth factor, secreted by plasmacytoma, is considered responsible for these symptoms. The first symptoms in this patient were arthralgia, distal sensory impairment ascending proximally and motor impairment of distal lower extremities. By immunoelectrophoresis, M protein in serum and urine was detected. In addition to polyneuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy, the patient presented with organomegaly, endocrine dysfunction and skin changes, and was diagnosed as POEMS syndrome. This rare syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of acquired neuropathies associated with multisystemic manifestations

    POEMS sendromu: Olgu sunumu

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    Presented with characteristic polyneuropathy and multisystemic manifestations, POEMS syndrome is a rare plasma cell disorder. Vascular endothelial growth factor, secreted by plasmacytoma, is considered responsible for these symptoms. The first symptoms in this patient were arthralgia, distal sensory impairment ascending proximally and motor impairment of distal lower extremities. By immunoelectrophoresis, M protein in serum and urine was detected. In addition to polyneuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy, the patient presented with organomegaly, endocrine dysfunction and skin changes, and was diagnosed as POEMS syndrome. This rare syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of acquired neuropathies associated with multisystemic manifestations.POEMS sendromu, polinöropati ve multisistemik tutulum ile seyreden oldukça ender görülen bir plazma hücre diskrazisidir. Semptomlardan plazmasitom tarafından salgılanan vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Distal simetrik sensörimotor polinöropati kliniği ile başvuran, yanı sıra organomegali, endokrin bozukluk ve deri değişiklikleri de olan olgunun immünelektroforezinde serum ve idrarda M proteini saptanması nedeniyle POEMS sendromu düşünülmüştür. Edinsel nöropatilerin ayırıcı tanısında akla gelmesi gereken bu sendrom ender görülmesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur

    Tuberoskleroz kompleksi ve otizm

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    Introduction: Tuberous sclerosis is a common autosomal dominant neurocutaneous disorder characterized by abnormal tissue growth resulting in benign tumors, hamartomas, and non growing lesions, hamartias, in numerous organs including skin, brain, eye, heart and kidney. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is frequently associated with autistic behavior. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of autism in patients with TSC and the relationship between autism and infantile spasms (IS) and mental retardation. Material and Methods: The participiants in this study were 17 (6 female, 11 male) patients seen in Child Neurology Unit at the Ege University Hospital Department of Neurology. The assessment of autism was made with clinical evaluation, DSM IV and CARS. Results: Autism was seen in 35.3% (6/17) of patients. IS and mental retardation were strongly associated with autism but there wasn;amp;#8217; t statistically significance (p;gt;0.05). Conclusion: Autism is seen frequently in patients with TSC and our results supports this data. There is a high occurence of IS and mental retardation in autism in TSC but they are not inevitably concomittant with it.Giriş: Tuberoskleroz göz, deri, beyin, kalp ve böbrekler gibi çok sayıda organı tutabilen, anormal doku büyümeleri sonucu iyi huylu tümörler, hamartomlar ile seyreden, sıkça görülen, otozomal dominant geçişli kalıtsal bir nörokutanöz hastalıktır. Tuberoskleroz kompleksi (TSC) otizm ile sıklıkla beraberlik gösterir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada TSC’ nde otizm sıklığı, otizm ile infantil spazm (İS) varlığı ve zeka geriliği arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Materyel ve Metod: Çalışmaya Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Nöroloji Ana Bilim Dalı Çocuk Nörolojisi Birimi’ nde 1999-2005 yılları arasında takip edilen 5 yaş ve üzerinde, 6’ sı kız, 11’ i erkek 17 TSC hastası alındı. Hastalar klinik, CARS ve DSM IV kriterleri ile değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Hastaların %35.3’ ünde (6/17) otizm saptandı. Otizm, İS ve zeka geriliği ile yüksek oranda birliktelik gösterse de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi. Tartışma: Otizm TSC’ nde sık olarak görülmektedir, çalışmamızın sonuçları da bunu desteklemektedir. İS ve zeka geriliğinin TSC’ nde otizme neden olduklarına dair kesin kanıt olmasa da güçlü bir birliktelik görülmektedir

    İnvaziv Fungal Sinüzite Bağlı Gelişen Üç Oftalmopleji Olgusu

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    Invasive fungal sinusitis is an infection of the paranasal sinuses that should be diagnosed early due to its high mortality and morbidity rates. Mucormycosis and aspergillus are the two most important agents of invasive fungal sinusitis. Although usually seen in patients who are immunocompromised, they are rarely seen in immunocompetent patients. In this Article, we present three patients with ophthalmoplegia; one patient with hematologic malignancy, and two patients with uncontrolled diabetes. By presenting these three patients with invasive fungal sinusitis, we aimed to emphasize the possible role of fungal sinusitis in the development of ophthalmoplegia in patients with diabetes or immunosuppression due to any reason, and the importance of early treatmentİnvaziv fungal sinüzit, paranazal sinüslerin yüksek mortalite ve morbidite nedeniyle erken tanınması gereken bir enfeksiyonudur. Mukormikoz ve aspergillus, invaziv fungal sinüzitin en önemli iki etkenidir. Genellikle immünsüprese kişilerde görülmekle birlikte, nadiren immünsüpresyonu olmayanlarda da görülebilir. Bu yazıda oftalmopleji kliniği ile gelen hematolojik malignitesi olan bir ve kontrolsüz diyabeti olan iki olgu sunulacaktır. İnvaziv fungal sinüzit saptanan bu üç hastanın sunulması ile diyabeti veya herhangi bir nedenle immünsüpresyonu bulunan hastalarda oftalmopleji gelişiminde fungal sinüzitin ön tanılar içinde akla gelmesi ve erken tedavinin öneminin vurgulanması amaçlanmıştı

    Ophthalmoplegia due to Invasive Fungal Sinusitis: A Report of Three Cases

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    Invasive fungal sinusitis is an infection of the paranasal sinuses that should be diagnosed early due to its high mortality and morbidity rates. Mucormycosis and aspergillus are the two most important agents of invasive fungal sinusitis. Although usually seen in patients who are immunocompromised, they are rarely seen in immunocompetent patients. In this article, we present three patients with ophthalmoplegia; one patient with hematologic malignancy, and two patients with uncontrolled diabetes. By presenting these three patients with invasive fungal sinusitis, we aimed to emphasize the possible role of fungal sinusitis in the development of ophthalmoplegia in patients with diabetes or immunosuppression due to any reason, and the importance of early treatmen