7 research outputs found

    Proceeding in cases involving infringement of possession: the need for reduction of numbers of specific types of proceedings in the Polish Civil Procedure Code. Selected issues

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    Podj臋cie tematu wynika ze zwi臋kszania liczby post臋powa艅 odr臋bnych w Kodeksie post臋powania cywilnego, co powoduje odwr贸cenie istniej膮cej uprzednio i naturalnej proporcji mi臋dzy post臋powaniem zwyk艂ym, s艂u偶膮cym rozpoznawaniu wi臋kszo艣ci spraw, a post臋powaniami odr臋bnymi, maj膮cymi s艂u偶y膰 wy艂膮cznie rozpoznawaniu pewnych rodzaj贸w spraw. Przepisy art. 478 i 479 K.p.c. budz膮 powa偶ne w膮tpliwo艣ci w praktyce s膮d贸w, nie s膮 adekwatne do potrzeb praktyki i nie s膮 w pe艂ni skorelowane z przepisami prawa materialnego. Dlatego post臋powanie w sprawach o naruszenie posiadania nie wymaga, zdaniem autorki, odr臋bnej regulacji i powinno zosta膰 usuni臋te z Kodeksu.The topic is necessitated by the increase in the number of separate proceedings in the Polish Civil Procedure Code, which reverses previously existing and natural proportion between ordinary proceedings, normally used to hear most cases, and separate proceedings, which are only to be used to hear certain types of cases. Provisions of Articles 478 and 479 of the Polish Civil Procedure Code raise serious doubts in the practice of courts and are inadequate to the needs of the practice. They are also not fully correlated with the provisions of substantive law (the Polish Civil Code). Therefore, according to the author, proceedings in cases of infringement of possession do not require a separate regulation and should be removed from the Polish Civil Procedure Code