180 research outputs found

    Efficient Construction of Homozygous Diploid Strains Identifies Genes Required for the Hyper-Filamentous Phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Yeast cells undergo diploid-specific developments such as spore formation via meiosis and pseudohyphal development under certain nutrient-limited conditions. Studies on these aspects require homozygous diploid mutants, which are generally constructed by crossing strains of opposite mating-type with the same genetic mutation. So far, there has been no direct way to generate and select diploids from haploid cells. Here, we developed a method for efficient construction of homozygous diploids using a PGAL1-HO gene (galactose-inducible mating-type switch) and a PSTE18-URA3 gene (counter selection marker for diploids). Diploids are generated by transient induction of the HO endonuclease, which is followed by mating of part of the haploid population. Since the STE18 promoter is repressed in diploids, diploids carrying PSTE18-URA3 can be selected on 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) plates where the uracil prototrophic haploids cannot grow. To demonstrate that this method is useful for genetic studies, we screened suppressor mutations of the complex colony morphology, strong agar invasion and/or hyper-filamentous growth caused by lack of the Hog1 MAPK in the diploid Σ1278b strain background. Following this approach, we identified 49 suppressor mutations. Those include well-known positive regulator genes for filamentous growth signaling pathways, genes involved in mitochondrial function, DNA damage checkpoint, chromatin remodeling, and cell cycle, and also previously uncharacterized genes. Our results indicate that combinatorial use of the PGAL1-HO and PSTE18-URA3 genes is suitable to efficiently construct and select diploids and that this approach is useful for genetic studies especially when combined with large-scale screening

    Nonlinear Response of Underground Duct Structures with Due Attention to Seismic Input Ground Motions

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    Under destructive earthquake motions, structures behave heavily in nonlinear manner that is quite different from the linear response computation. The underground structures such as tunnels, ducts are susceptible to the ground motions so that the nonlinear interaction analysis should be performed for the reliable design. In case of irregular soil profile, due to the surface wave generation, the vertical motions come out to a less negligible extent compared to the horizontal motions. The present paper has concerned with such nonlinear response evaluation of a duct structure under strong motions. The effect of the transient characteristics in the inland type and ocean type earthquake motions is investigated. The effect of the vertical component in the ground motions is also evaluated

    Behavioral effects of adult male mice induced by low-level acetamiprid, imidacloprid, and nicotine exposure in early-life

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    IntroductionAcetamiprid (ACE) and imidacloprid (IMI), the neonicotinoid chemicals, are widely used as pesticides because of their rapid insecticidal activity. Although these neonicotinoids exert very low toxicity in mammals, the effects of early, low-level, chronic exposure on the adult central nervous system are largely unclear. This study investigated the effects of low-level, chronic neonicotinoids exposure in early life on the brain functions of adult mice, using environmentally relevant concentrations.MethodsWe exposed mice to an acceptable daily intake level of neonicotinoids in drinking water during the prenatal and postnatal periods. Additionally, we also exposed mice to nicotine (NIC) as a positive control. We then examined the effects on the central nervous system in adult male offspring.ResultsIn the IMI and NIC exposure groups, we detected behavior that displayed impairment in learning and memory. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis revealed a decrease in SOX2 (as a neural stem cell marker) and GFAP (as an astrocyte marker) positive cells of the hippocampal dentate gyrus in the IMI and NIC exposure groups compared to the control group.DiscussionThese results suggest that exposure to neonicotinoids at low levels in early life affects neural circuit base formation and post-maturation behavior. Therefore, in the central nervous system of male mice, the effects of low-level, chronic neonicotinoids exposure during the perinatal period were different from the expected effects of neonicotinoids exposure in mature animals

    Involvement of β-defensin 130 (DEFB130) in the macrophage microbicidal mechanisms for killing Plasmodium falciparum

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Understanding the molecular defense mechanism of macrophages and identifying their effector molecules against malarial parasites may provide important clues for the discovery of new therapies. To analyze the immunological responses of malarial parasite-induced macrophages, we used DNA microarray technology to examine the gene profile of differentiated macrophages phagocytizing Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes (iRBC). The transcriptional gene profile of macrophages in response to iRBCs represented 168 down-regulated genes, which were mainly involved in the cellular immune response, and 216 upregulated genes, which were involved in cellular proteolysis, growth, and adhesion. Importantly, the specific upregulation of β-defensin 130 (DEFB130) in these macrophages suggested a possible role for DEFB130 in malarial parasite elimination. Differentiated macrophages phagocytizing iRBCs exhibited an increase in intracellular DEFB130 levels and DEFB130 appeared to accumulate at the site of iRBC engulfment. Transfection of esiRNA-mediated knockdown of DEFB130 into macrophages resulted in a remarkable reduction in their antiplasmodial activity in vitro. Furthermore, DEFB130 synthetic peptide exhibited a modest toxic effect on P. falciparum in vitro and P. yoelii in vivo, unlike scrambled DEFB130 peptide, which showed no antiplasmodial activity. Together, these results suggest that DEFB130 might be one of the macrophage effector molecules for eliminating malarial parasites. Our data broaden our knowledge of the immunological response of macrophages to iRBCs and shed light on a new target for therapeutic intervention. © The Author(s) 2017

    Reduced Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Cognitive Impairments following Prenatal Treatment of the Antiepileptic Drug Valproic Acid

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    SummaryPrenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA), an established antiepileptic drug, has been reported to impair postnatal cognitive function in children born to VPA-treated epileptic mothers. However, how these defects arise and how they can be overcome remain unknown. Using mice, we found that comparable postnatal cognitive functional impairment is very likely correlated to the untimely enhancement of embryonic neurogenesis, which led to depletion of the neural precursor cell pool and consequently a decreased level of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Moreover, hippocampal neurons in the offspring of VPA-treated mice showed abnormal morphology and activity. Surprisingly, these impairments could be ameliorated by voluntary running. Our study suggests that although prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs such as VPA may have detrimental effects that persist until adulthood, these effects may be offset by a simple physical activity such as running

    Electronic Health Record–Nested Reminders for Serum Lithium Level Monitoring in Patients With Mood Disorder: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Clinical guidelines recommend regular serum lithium monitoring every 3 to 6 months. However, in the real world, only a minority of patients receive adequate monitoring. Objective: This study aims to examine whether the use of the electronic health record (EHR)–nested reminder system for serum lithium monitoring can help achieve serum lithium concentrations within the therapeutic range for patients on lithium maintenance therapy. Methods: We conducted an unblinded, single-center, EHR-nested, parallel-group, superiority randomized controlled trial comparing EHR-nested reminders with usual care in adult patients receiving lithium maintenance therapy for mood disorders. The primary outcome was the achievement of therapeutically appropriate serum lithium levels between 0.4 and 1.0 mEq/L at 18 months after enrollment. The key secondary outcomes are included as follows: the number of serum lithium level monitoring except for the first and final monitoring; exacerbation of the mood disorder during the study period, defined by hospitalization, increase in lithium dose, addition of antipsychotic drugs or mood stabilizers, or addition or increase of antidepressants; adherence defined by the proportion of days covered by lithium carbonate prescription during the study period. Results: A total of 111 patients were enrolled in this study. A total of 56 patients were assigned to the reminder group, and 55 patients were assigned to the usual care group. At the follow-up, 38 (69.1%) patients in the reminder group and 33 (60.0%) patients in the usual care group achieved the primary outcome (odds ratio 2.14, 95% CI 0.82-5.58, P=.12). The median number of serum lithium monitoring was 2 in the reminder group and 0 in the usual care group (rate ratio 3.62; 95% CI 2.47-5.29, P<.001). The exacerbation of mood disorders occurred in 17 (31.5%) patients in the reminder group and in 16 (34.8%) patients in the usual care group (odds ratio 0.97, 95% CI 0.42-2.28, P=.95). Conclusions: We found insufficient evidence for an EHR-nested reminder to increase the achievement of therapeutic serum lithium concentrations. However, the number of monitoring increased with relatively simple and inexpensive intervention. The EHR-based reminders may be useful to improve quality of care for patients on lithium maintenance therapy, and they have potentials to be applied to other problems. Trial Registration: University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry UMIN000033633; https://tinyurl.com/5n7wtya

    The potential role of Arhgef33 RhoGEF in foveal development in the zebra finch retina

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    The fovea is a pit formed in the center of the retina that enables high-acuity vision in certain vertebrate species. While formation of the fovea fascinates many researchers, the molecular mechanisms underlying foveal development are poorly understood. In the current study, we histologically investigated foveal development in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and found that foveal pit formation begins just before post-hatch day 14 (P14). We next performed RNA-seq analysis to compare gene expression profiles between the central (foveal and parafoveal) and peripheral retina in zebra finch at P14. We found that the Arhgef33 expression is enriched in the middle layer of the inner nuclear layer at the parafovea, suggesting that Arhgef33 is dominantly expressed in Müller glial cells in the developing parafovea. We then performed a pull-down assay using Rhotekin-RBD and observed GEF activity of Arhgef33 against RhoA. We found that overexpression of Arhgef33 in HEK293 cells induces cell contraction and that Arhgef33 expression inhibits neurite extension in Neuro 2A cells, which is partially recovered by a Rho-kinase (ROCK) inhibitor. Taken together, we used zebra finch as a model animal to investigate foveal development and identified Arhgef33 as a candidate protein possibly involved in foveal development through modulating RhoA activity

    Thymidine Catabolism as a Metabolic Strategy for Cancer Survival

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    Thymidine phosphorylase (TP), a rate-limiting enzyme in thymidine catabolism, plays a pivotal role in tumor progression; however, the mechanisms underlying this role are not fully understood. Here, we found that TP-mediated thymidine catabolism could supply the carbon source in the glycolytic pathway and thus contribute to cell survival under conditions of nutrient deprivation. In TP-expressing cells, thymidine was converted to metabolites, including glucose 6-phosphate, lactate, 5-phospho-α-D-ribose 1-diphosphate, and serine, via the glycolytic pathway both in vitro and in vivo. These thymidine-derived metabolites were required for the survival of cells under low-glucose conditions. Furthermore, activation of thymidine catabolism was observed in human gastric cancer. These findings demonstrate that thymidine can serve as a glycolytic pathway substrate in human cancer cells

    Thymidine catabolism promotes NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling in KB and yumoto cells

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    Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) is a rate-limiting enzyme in the thymidine catabolic pathway. TP is identical to platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor and contributes to tumour angiogenesis. TP induces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and enhances the expression of oxidative stress-responsive genes, such as interleukin (IL)-8. However, the mechanism underlying ROS induction by TP remains unclear. In the present study, we demonstrated that TP promotes NADPH oxidase-derived ROS signalling in cancer cells. NADPH oxidase inhibition using apocynin or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) abrogated the induction of IL-8 and ROS in TP-expressing cancer cells. Meanwhile, thymidine catabolism induced by TP increased the levels of NADPH and intermediates of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Both siRNA knockdown of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), a rate-limiting enzyme in PPP, and a G6PD inhibitor, dihydroepiandrosterone, reduced TP-induced ROS production. siRNA downregulation of 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate (DR5P) aldolase, which is needed for DR5P to enter glycolysis, also suppressed the induction of NADPH and IL-8 in TP-expressing cells. These results suggested that TP-mediated thymidine catabolism increases the intracellular NADPH level via the PPP, which enhances the production of ROS by NADPH oxidase and activates its downstream signalling