605 research outputs found

    Static Properties of a Simulated Supercooled Polymer Melt: Structure Factors, Monomer Distributions Relative to the Center of Mass, and Triple Correlation Functions

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    We analyze structural and conformational properties in a simulated bead-spring model of a non-entangled, supercooled polymer melt. We explore the statics of the model via various structure factors, involving not only the monomers, but also the center of mass (CM). We find that the conformation of the chains and the CM-CM structure factor, which is well described by a recently proposed approximation [Krakoviack et al., Europhys. Lett. 58, 53 (2002)], remain essentially unchanged on cooling toward the critical glass transition temperature of mode-coupling theory. Spatial correlations between monomers on different chains, however, depend on temperature, albeit smoothly. This implies that the glassy behavior of our model cannot result from static intra-chain or CM-CM correlations. It must be related to inter-chain correlations at the monomer level. Additionally, we study the dependence of inter-chain correlation functions on the position of the monomer along the chain backbone. We find that this site-dependence can be well accounted for by a theory based on the polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM). We also analyze triple correlations by means of the three-monomer structure factors for the melt and for the chains. These structure factors are compared with the convolution approximation that factorizes them into a product of two-monomer structure factors. For the chains this factorization works very well, indicating that chain connectivity does not introduce special triple correlations in our model. For the melt deviations are more pronounced, particularly at wave vectors close to the maximum of the static structure factor.Comment: REVTeX4, 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    No Evidence for “Break-Induced Replication” in a Higher Plant – But Break-Induced Conversion May Occur

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    “Break-induced replication” (BIR) is considered as one way to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). BIR is defined as replication of the proximal break-ends up to the end of the broken chromosome using an undamaged (homologous) double-stranded template and mimicking a non-reciprocal translocation. This phenomenon was detected by genetic experiments in yeast. BIR is assumed to occur also in mammals, but experimental evidence is not yet at hand. We have studied chromosomes of the field bean, Vicia faba L., with respect to the occurrence of BIR after DSB induction during S and G2 phase. Simultaneous incorporation of the base analog ethynyldeoxyuridine (EdU) revealed no chromosomal replication pattern indicative of BIR. Thus, if occurring at all, BIR does not play a major role in DSB repair in higher plants with large chromosome arms. However, the frequency of interstitial asymmetric EdU incorporation within heterochromatic regions, visible on metaphase chromosomes, increased after chromosome breakage during S and G2 phase. Such asymmetric labeling could be interpreted as conservative replication up to the next replicon, circumventing a DSB, and yielding an interstitial conversion-like event

    Photodynamische Therapie (PDT) und wassergefiltertes Infrarot A (wIRA) bei Patienten mit therapierefraktären vulgären Hand- und Fußwarzen

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    Background: Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are human papilloma virus (HPV) infections with a high incidence and prevalence, most often affecting hands and feet, being able to impair quality of life. About 30 different therapeutic regimens described in literature reveal a lack of a single striking strategy. Recent publications showed positive results of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) in the treatment of HPV-induced skin diseases, especially warts, using visible light (VIS) to stimulate an absorption band of endogenously formed protoporphyrin IX. Additional experiences adding waterfiltered infrared A (wIRA) during 5-ALA-PDT revealed positive effects. Aim of the study: First prospective randomised controlled blind study including PDT and wIRA in the treatment of recalcitrant common hand and foot warts. Comparison of "5-ALA cream (ALA) vs. placebo cream (PLC)" and "irradiation with visible light and wIRA (VIS+wIRA) vs. irradiation with visible light alone (VIS)". Methods: Pre-treatment with keratolysis (salicylic acid) and curettage. PDT treatment: topical application of 5-ALA (Medac) in "unguentum emulsificans aquosum" vs. placebo; irradiation: combination of VIS and a large amount of wIRA (Hydrosun® radiator type 501, 4 mm water cuvette, waterfiltered spectrum 590-1400 nm, contact-free, typically painless) vs. VIS alone. Post-treatment with retinoic acid ointment. One to three therapy cycles every 3 weeks. Main variable of interest: "Percent change of total wart area of each patient over the time" (18 weeks). Global judgement by patient and by physician and subjective rating of feeling/pain (visual analogue scales). 80 patients with therapy-resistant common hand and foot warts were assigned randomly into one of the four therapy groups with comparable numbers of warts at comparable sites in all groups. Results: The individual total wart area decreased during 18 weeks in group 1 (ALA+VIS+wIRA) and in group 2 (PLC+VIS+wIRA) significantly more than in both groups without wIRA (group 3 (ALA+VIS) and 4 (PLC+VIS)): medians and interquartile ranges: -94% (-100%/-84%) vs. -99% (-100%/-71%) vs. -47% (-75%/0%) vs. -73% (-92%/-27%). After 18 weeks the two groups with wIRA differed remarkably from the two groups without wIRA: 42% vs. 7% completely cured patients; 72% vs. 34% vanished warts. Global judgement by patient and by physician and subjective rating of feeling was much better in the two groups with wIRA than in the two groups without wIRA. Conclusions: The above described complete treatment scheme of hand and foot warts (keratolysis, curettage, PDT treatment, irradiation with VIS+wIRA, retinoic acid ointment; three therapy cycles every 3 weeks) proved to be effective. Within this treatment scheme wIRA as non-invasive and painless treatment modality revealed to be an important, effective factor, while photodynamic therapy with 5-ALA in the described form did not contribute recognisably - neither alone (without wIRA) nor in combination with wIRA - to a clinical improvement. For future treatment of warts an even improved scheme is proposed: one treatment cycle (keratolysis, curettage, wIRA, without PDT) once a week for six to nine weeks. © 2004 Fuchs et al; licensee German Medical Science. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL : http://www.egms.de/en/gms/volume2.shtmlHintergrund: Vulgäre Warzen (Verrucae vulgares) sind humane Papillomvirus-Infektionen (HPV) mit einer hohen Inzidenz und Prävalenz, die am häufigsten Hände und Füße befallen und die in der Lage sind, die Lebensqualität zu beeinträchtigen. Etwa 30 in der Literatur beschriebene Therapieverfahren zeugen von einem Mangel an einer einzigen überzeugenden Strategie. Jüngste Veröffentlichungen zeigten positive Ergebnisse der Photodynamischen Therapie (PDT) mit 5-Aminolävulinsäure (5-ALA) in der Therapie von HPV-induzierten Hautkrankheiten, besonders Warzen, wobei sichtbares Licht (VIS) verwendet wird, um ein Absorptionsband des endogen aus 5-ALA gebildeten Protoporphyrin IX zu stimulieren. Weitere Erfahrungen, wassergefiltertes Infrarot A (wIRA) während der 5-ALA-PDT zusätzlich anzuwenden, offenbarten positive Wirkungen. Ziel der Untersuchung: Erste prospektive randomisierte kontrollierte Blind-Studie, die PDT und wIRA in die Behandlung von therapierefraktären vulgären Hand- und Fußwarzen einbezieht. Vergleich von "5-ALA-Salbe (ALA) vs. Placebo-Salbe (PLC)" und "Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht und wIRA (VIS+wIRA) vs. Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht allein (VIS)". Methoden: Vorbehandlung mit Keratolyse (Salizylsäure) und Kürettage. Photodynamische Therapie (PDT): topische Applikation von 5-ALA (Medac) in "Unguentum emulsificans aquosum" vs. Placebo; Bestrahlung: Kombination von sichtbarem Licht (VIS) und einem hohen Maß an wassergefiltertem Infrarot A (wIRA) (Hydrosun®-Strahler Typ 501, 4 mm Wasserküvette, wassergefiltertes Spektrum 590-1400 nm, kontaktfrei, typischerweise schmerzlos) vs. sichtbares Licht (VIS) allein. Nachbehandlung mit Vitamin-A-Säure-Salbe. Ein bis drei Therapiezyklen im Abstand von 3 Wochen. Hauptzielvariable: "Prozentuale Änderung der Gesamtwarzenfläche jedes Patienten über die Zeit" (18 Wochen). Globales Urteil von Patient und von Arzt sowie subjektive Einschätzung von Empfindung/Schmerz (visuelle Analogskalen). 80 Patienten mit therapierefraktären vulgären Hand- und Fußwarzen wurden randomisiert einer der vier Behandlungsgruppen (mit vergleichbarer Anzahl an Warzen in vergleichbaren Lokalisationen in allen Gruppen) zugeteilt. Ergebnisse: Die individuelle Gesamtwarzenfläche nahm während 18 Wochen in Gruppe 1 (ALA+VIS+wIRA) und in Gruppe 2 (PLC+VIS+wIRA) signifikant mehr als in den beiden Gruppen ohne wIRA (Gruppe 3 (ALA+VIS) und 4 (PLC+VIS)) ab: Mediane und Interquartil-Spannen: -94% (-100%/-84%) vs. -99% (-100%/-71%) vs. -47% (-75%/0%) vs. -73% (-92%/-27%). Nach 18 Wochen unterschieden sich die zwei Gruppen mit wIRA deutlich von den zwei Gruppen ohne wIRA: 42% vs. 7% komplett geheilte Patienten; 72% vs. 34% völlig verschwundene Warzen. Das globale Urteil von Patient und von Arzt und die subjektive Einschätzung des Empfindens waren in den zwei Gruppen mit wIRA viel besser als in den zwei Gruppen ohne wIRA. Folgerungen: Das oben beschriebene vollständige Therapieschema von Hand- und Fußwarzen (Keratolyse, Kürettage, Photodynamische Therapie, Bestrahlung mit VIS+wIRA, Vitamin-A-Säure-Salbe; drei Therapiezyklen im Abstand von 3 Wochen) erwies sich als effektiv. Innerhalb des Therapieschemas zeigte sich wIRA - als nicht-invasive und schmerzlose Therapiemodalität - als ein wichtiger, effektiver Faktor, während die Photodynamische Therapie mit 5-ALA in der beschriebenen Form nicht erkennbar - weder alleine (ohne wIRA) noch in Kombination mit wIRA - zu einer klinischen Verbesserung beitrug. Für die zukünftige Behandlung von Warzen wird ein weiter verbessertes Schema vorgeschlagen: ein Therapiezyklus (Keratolyse, Kürettage, wIRA, ohne PDT) einmal pro Woche für sechs bis neun Wochen

    Business Process Management in Public Administrations – The PICTRUE Approach

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    Due to the changes in the structures of public administrations within the European Union, business process management has moved into the focus of public decision makers. Several projects with established modelling and reorganisation approaches from the private sector show (Fraser et al. 2003; Seltsikas and Palkovits 2006), that the specific legal, personnel, and political conditions rule out a careless adoption of these approaches for the public sector. Especially, the high amount of public services requires an efficient representation of the entire process landscape in order to measure the overall reorganisation potential. Focusing on isolated processes only leads to small local improvements (Raster 1994). In this paper the PICTURE-approach for an integrated business process management in public administrations is presented. The PICTURE-method allows for an efficient documentation of the entire process landscape in a public administration and a detailed analysis of the resulting process descriptions

    High Performance ATP Systems by Combining Several AI Methods

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    We present a concept for an automated theorem prover that employs a searchcontrol based on ideas from several areas of artificial intelligence (AI). The combi-nation of case-based reasoning, several similarity concepts, a cooperation conceptof distributed AI and reactive planning enables a system using our concept tolearn form previous successful proof attempts. In a kind of bootstrapping processeasy problems are used to solve more and more complicated ones.We provide case studies from two domains of interest in pure equationaltheorem proving taken from the TPTP library. These case studies show thatan instantiation of our architecture achieves a high grade of automation andoutperforms state-of-the-art conventional theorem provers

    Model Based Identification and Measurement of Reorganization Potential in Public Administrations – the PICTURE-Approach

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    Public administrations are faced with a modernization and performance gap. On the one hand citizens and companies have increasing requirements. On the other hand the financial and human resources remain static or even decrease. In recent years public administrations tried to counteract with reengineering their business processes. However, it is observable that reengineering projects in public administrations have a too narrow focus as they concentrate on a small subset of their overall processes. In this paper we claim that significant progress in the identification and measurement of reorganization potential can only be achieved by including the majority of all administrational processes – the process landscape. Therefore, we propose a method architecture which is capable of two things: Firstly, it supports a distributed modeling process across a whole public administration in order to capture the process landscape. Secondly, it is able to estimate the reorganization potential within the process landscape based on an analysis model. A working example derived from a currently funded EU project is supplemented in order to demonstrate our approach and to make it more comprehensible to the reader