32 research outputs found

    Method for reducing sidelobe impact of low order aberration in a coronagraph

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    The invention relates to a method for reducing a sidelobe impact of low order aberrations using a coronagraph (2) having an apodized occulting mask (10), comprising the steps of: (a) providing in the coronagraph (2) the apodized occulting disk (10) having a transmission profile which graduates from opaque to transparent along its radius and the negative of whose amplitude transmission is a Gaussian profile; (b) determining a predicted sidelobe impact of the aberrations from a particular mix of low order aberration measured in a system as described by the Zernike polynomials; (c) applying the coronagraph to a system point spread function using a given rms width for the Gaussian profile describing the apodized occulting mask (10) and determining an attenuation level of the aberration sidelobes; (d) scaling the Gaussian occulting mask (10) profile to a wider rms width if the sidelobe attenuation level is too low; and (e) repeating the steps (b) through (d) until the attenuation level is acceptable

    Advanced Curvature Deformable Mirrors

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    ABSTRACT The need for a variety of deformable mirrors (DMs) is growing steadily as more applications are brought on line, components are more widely available and adaptive control evolves into an off-the-shelf item. While the bulk of the readily available systems are of the push-pull variety, curvature mirrors have much to offer in simplicity and efficiency. We will explore paths for development of these components

    Observing Strategies for the NICI Campaign to Directly Image Extrasolar Planets

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    We discuss observing strategy for the Near Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the 8-m Gemini South telescope. NICI combines a number of techniques to attenuate starlight and suppress superspeckles: 1) coronagraphic imaging, 2) dual channel imaging for Spectral Differential Imaging (SDI) and 3) operation in a fixed Cassegrain rotator mode for Angular Differential Imaging (ADI). NICI will be used both in service mode and for a dedicated 50 night planet search campaign. While all of these techniques have been used individually in large planet-finding surveys, this is the first time ADI and SDI will be used with a coronagraph in a large survey. Thus, novel observing strategies are necessary to conduct a viable planet search campaign.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the SPI

    The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign: The Offset Ring of HR 4796 A

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    We present J, H, CH_4 short (1.578 micron), CH_4 long (1.652 micron) and K_s-band images of the dust ring around the 10 Myr old star HR 4796 A obtained using the Near Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the Gemini-South 8.1 meter Telescope. Our images clearly show for the first time the position of the star relative to its circumstellar ring thanks to NICI's translucent focal plane occulting mask. We employ a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to constrain the offset vector between the two. The resulting probability distribution shows that the ring center is offset from the star by 16.7+/-1.3 milliarcseconds along a position angle of 26+/-3 degrees, along the PA of the ring, 26.47+/-0.04 degrees. We find that the size of this offset is not large enough to explain the brightness asymmetry of the ring. The ring is measured to have mostly red reflectivity across the JHK_s filters, which seems to indicate micron-sized grains. Just like Neptune's 3:2 and 2:1 mean-motion resonances delineate the inner and outer edges of the classical Kuiper Belt, we find that the radial extent of the HR 4796 A and Fomalhaut rings could correspond to the 3:2 and 2:1 mean-motion resonances of hypothetical planets at 54.7 AU and 97.7 AU in the two systems, respectively. A planet orbiting HR 4796 A at 54.7 AU would have to be less massive than 1.6 Mjup so as not to widen the ring too much by stirring.Comment: Accepted to A&A for publication on April 23, 2014 (15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables

    NICI: combining coronagraphy, ADI, and SDI

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    The Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) is a high-contrast AO imager at the Gemini South telescope. The camera includes a coronagraphic mask and dual channel imaging for Spectral Differential Imaging (SDI). The instrument can also be used in a fixed Cassegrain Rotator mode for Angular Differential Imaging (ADI). While coronagraphy, SDI, and ADI have been applied before in direct imaging searches for exoplanets. NICI represents the first time that these 3 techniques can be combined. We present preliminary NICI commissioning data using these techniques and show that combining SDI and ADI results in significant gains.Comment: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7014, 70141Z (2008

    Performance of the Near-infrared coronagraphic imager on Gemini-South

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    We present the coronagraphic and adaptive optics performance of the Gemini-South Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI). NICI includes a dual-channel imager for simultaneous spectral difference imaging, a dedicated 85-element curvature adaptive optics system, and a built-in Lyot coronagraph. It is specifically designed to survey for and image large extra-solar gaseous planets on the Gemini Observatory 8-meter telescope in Chile. We present the on-sky performance of the individual subsystems along with the end-to-end contrast curve. These are compared to our model predictions for the adaptive optics system, the coronagraph, and the spectral difference imaging.Comment: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7015, 70151V (2008

    The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign

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    Our team is carrying out a multi-year observing program to directly image and characterize young extrasolar planets using the Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the Gemini-South 8.1-meter telescope. NICI is the first instrument on a large telescope designed from the outset for high-contrast imaging, comprising a high-performance curvature adaptive optics system with a simultaneous dual-channel coronagraphic imager. Combined with state-of-the-art observing methods and data processing, NICI typically achieves ~2 magnitudes better contrast compared to previous ground-based or space-based programs, at separations inside of ~2 arcsec. In preparation for the Campaign, we carried out efforts to identify previously unrecognized young stars, to rigorously construct our observing strategy, and to optimize the combination of angular and spectral differential imaging. The Planet-Finding Campaign is in its second year, with first-epoch imaging of 174 stars already obtained out of a total sample of 300 stars. We describe the Campaign's goals, design, implementation, performance, and preliminary results. The NICI Campaign represents the largest and most sensitive imaging survey to date for massive (~1 Mjup) planets around other stars. Upon completion, the Campaign will establish the best measurements to date on the properties of young gas-giant planets at ~5-10 AU separations. Finally, Campaign discoveries will be well-suited to long-term orbital monitoring and detailed spectrophotometric followup with next-generation planet-finding instruments.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, vol 7736 (Advances in Adaptive Optics, San Diego, CA, June 2010 meeting), in pres