2 research outputs found

    Juventude surda: desafios e impasses no espaço escolar e no mundo do trabalho no Brasil

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    Deaf subjects face a daily struggle to conquer their place in the social environment, since they are often marginalized and despised by the culture imposed by society. In this direction, the present work, elaborated in the form of a critical literature review, aimed to analyze the challenges and impasses for the insertion of deaf young people in school spaces and in the Brazilian work world. It was carried out through a literature review based on authors such as Dayrell (2007, 2013), Ciavatta (2005, 2012), Mori and Sandes (2015), Silva and Pasqualli (2021), Carvalho and Nobrega (2015) among others. Decrees and laws dealing with inclusion processes in Brazil were also analyzed. As a result, it is observed that the discussions reinforce the need for inclusion policies carried out through educational institutions and other associations. It concludes, highlighting the perceptions of the deaf about the challenges faced to enter the world of work, as well as aspects aimed at expanding their training and professionalization.Los sujetos sordos enfrentan una lucha diaria por conquistar su lugar en el medio social, ya que muchas veces son marginados y despreciados por la cultura impuesta por la sociedad. En esa dirección, el presente trabajo, elaborado en forma de revisión crítica de la literatura, tuvo como objetivo analizar los retos y los impasses para la inserción de jóvenes sordos en los espacios escolares y en el mundo del trabajo brasileño. Se llevó a cabo a través de una revisión bibliográfica basada en autores como Dayrell (2007, 2013), Ciavatta (2005, 2012), Mori y Sandes (2015), Silva y Pasqualli (2021), Carvalho y Nobrega (2015), entre otros. También se analizaron decretos y leyes que tratan de los procesos de inclusión en Brasil. Como resultado se observa que las discusiones refuerzan la necesidad de políticas de inclusión realizadas a través de las instituciones educativas y otras asociaciones. Se concluye destacándose las percepciones de los sordos sobre los retos que enfrentan para ingresar al mundo del trabajo, así como los aspectos relacionados con la ampliación de su formación y su profesionalización.Os sujeitos surdos travam uma luta diária para conquistar o seu lugar no meio social, visto que muitas vezes são marginalizados e menosprezados pela cultura imposta pela sociedade. Nessa direção, o presente trabalho, elaborado em forma de revisão crítica de literatura, teve como objetivo analisar os desafios e impasses para a inserção dos jovens surdos nos espaços escolares e no mundo do trabalho brasileiro. Foi realizado por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica fundamentada em autores como Dayrell (2007, 2013), Ciavatta (2005, 2012), Mori e Sandes (2015), Silva e Pasqualli (2021), Carvalho e Nobrega (2015), entre outros. Também foram analisados decretos e leis que tratam dos processos de inclusão no Brasil. Como resultado observa-se que as discussões reforçam a necessidade das políticas de inclusão realizadas por meio das instituições de ensino e outras associações. Conclui-se destacando-se as percepções dos surdos sobre os desafios enfrentados para se inserir no mundo do trabalho, bem como os aspectos voltados para que sua formação e sua profissionalização sejam ampliadas. &nbsp

    Taxonomic Synopsis of <em>Eriosema</em> (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae) in Brazil

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    Eriosema is a pantropical genus occurring mostly in savanna vegetation and grasslands of tropical environments, with approximately 150 spccics and two centers of diversity, one in Africa with about 110 species, and the other in the Neotropics with about 40 species. Considering the large number of Eriosema taxa in Brazil, including five recently described, and the lack of recent study that encompasses all species that occur in the country, a taxonomic synopsis of the Brazilian species of Eriosema was needed and is presented here. Herbaria collections, including type specimens, were consulted and field work was carried out in Brazil. Our study records 35 Eriosema species in Brazil, which concentrates most of the diversity of the genus in the Americas (85%; 35 out of 41 species). Most of this diversity occurs in the Central Brazilian savannas, particularly in the states of Goias (29 taxa, eight endemic), and Minas Gerais (26 taxa, four endemic). Among all American species in the genus, Eriosema simplicifolium and E. crinitum have the broadest geographical distributions, and occur throughout Brazil and most part of the American continent. They form species complexes and future detailed studies will be necessary in order to understand taxon boundaries and delimitations. An identification key, taxon descriptions, information about type specimens as well as information on the habitat, phenological and geographical records, together with distribution maps, images of representative species in the field and the main morphological characters are provided to assist in the correct identification of this group of savanna plants. We also present 15 lectotypifications, out of which three are second-step416291137CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO CARLOS CHAGAS FILHO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - FAPERJFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP563550/2010-4; 457911/2013-1; 400567/2016-4; 141628/2016-2Sem informação203.007/2017; 312766/2009-2APQ-02323-122015/13386-