18 research outputs found

    Observações sobre o isolamento do Streptococcus equi de material contaminado

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    Using "SF Medium (Difco B 315)" and working with 209 samples of material from equines' nostrils the A. wonder at the negative results showed in relation to St. equi and St. zooepidemicus. Then using three liquid media — "SF Medium", "Lacerda & Freitas" medium and glucose broth — made comparative tests with 193 new samples of the same nature.Due to the circumstances of better results were showed when working with “Lacerda and Freitas” medium, the A. suggests that the not favorable behavior of "SF Medium" is tied to the fast change of the pH. It seems to the A. that these findings are induced by the growing up of viridans group streptococci which are normaly present in equines' nostrils and whose luxurious growing up in such medium is very well known.Realizando 209 exames de material proveniente de narinas de eqüinos, em "SF Medium", o autor estranha os resultados negativos obtidos em relação a St. equi e St. zooepidemicus. Faz então experiências comparativas com 193 amostras, utilizando três meios liquidos: "SF Medium", meio de Lacerda & Freitas e caldo glicosado. Evidencia os melhores resultados obtidos com meio de Lacerda & Freitas e sugere, através de provas realizadas, que o comportamento desfavorável do "SF Medium" se prende à rápida alteração do pH provocado por estreptococos do grupo viridans, sempre presentes nas fossas nasais dos eqüinos, e cuja vegetação é exuberante nesse meio

    Resultados preliminares de investigações sobre a ocorrência de M. tuberculosis resistentes à estreptomicina e hidrazida em amostras isoladas de animais

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    Concerning to the existence of naturally resistant strains of M. tuberculosis isolated from animals never treated with streptomycin or hydrazide, the study of 38 strains (27 bovines and 11 dogs) gave negative results in all those of bovine origin and in 9 of canine origin. One strain from dog grew up in presence of 50 mcg of streptomycin and other gave positive cultures in presence of 500 mcg of streptomycin and 100 mcg of hydrazide, being considered both resistant. We think from our results that the occurrence of naturally streptomycin or hydrazide resistant strains of M. tuberculosis in not treated animals, is not a common fact. Concerning to the resistant strains found in dogs, we prefer to admit a contamination of those animals by resistant strains, possibly of human origin. We call attention to the fact that animals harbouring resistant strains may have an important role in transmission of these strains among animals and man.O estudo de 38 amostras de M. tuberculosis isoladas de animais tuberculosos (27 bovinos e 11 cães) não tratados por estreptomicina ou hidrazida, revelou-nos a inexistência de amostras resistentes àquelas substâncias, nas 27 culturas obtidas de bovinos. Nas 11 amostras isoladas de cães encontrámos uma resistente a 50 mcg de estreptomicina e outra resistente a 500 mcg de estreptomicina e 100 mcg de hidrazida, ao lado de 9 amostras sensíveis. À vista dos nossos resultados, julgamos que o aparecimento de formas naturalmente resistentes de M. tuberculosis em animais não tratados, não deve constituir fato comum. O encontro de 2 amostras resistentes em cães, sugerem, a nosso ver, uma contaminação por bacilos já resistentes, possivelmente de origem humana. No entanto, tal achado nos permite prever a possibilidade da transmissão de bacilos resistentes através de animais

    Bacteriostatic and bactericide action of drugs from condensation of sulfanilamide with formaldehyde

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    O artigo não apresenta resumo.The article has no abstract

    Esporotricose em cães

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    Os autores apresentam dois casos de esporotricose em cães, micose ainda não assinalada nessa espécie, em S. Paulo. O processo, em ambos os casos, teve evolução crônica, não afetou aparentemente o estado geral dos animais e caracterizou-se por lesões cutâneas de caráter úlcero-gomoso em diferentes graus de desenvolvimento, configuradas por formações nodulares de consistência diversa, áreas ulceradas e trajetos fistulosos dos quais vazava secreção purulenta. Havia reação linfática bem evidente acusada pelo pronunciado aumento de volume dos gânglios regionais. Em esfregaços irreparados com o pus das fístulas ou cor. raspados das úlceras, corados pelo Gram, o parasita foi facilmente reconhecido pela sua "forma em charuto". Foram obtidas culturas típicas em Sabouraud maltosado e glicosado, em temperatura ambiente e a 37°C. Em um dos casos, o tratamento com griseofulvina "(Grifulvin)" não teve êxito. A administração de iodeto de potássio reverteu em rápida melhora, aparentando cura, porém houve recidiva após alguns meses.For the first time in Brazil Sporothricosis is described in dogs. In the two cases studied the disease was characterized by the appearance of cutaneous nodes of different consistences and sometimes ulcerous, covered with dark scabs. Fistulous openings complete the lesion and purulent discharge could be observed as well as involvement of the drainage limph nodes. In the contents of the nodes, in the purulent exudates of the fistulae and the scrapings of the ulcers, there were many parasites, in characteristics "cigar shape". Cultures were obtained easily at room temperature and at 37 °C. The disease followed a chronic course and no marked constitucional symptoms were noted. In one of the cases the treatment with Griseofulvina was not successfull but the ministration of potassium iodine resulted in a quick but false recovery, because after some months there was a recrudescency

    Demonstração da parede celular de bactérias em preparações coradas

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    The method proposed by Robinow & Murray (Scanga, 1959), to demonstrate the cell wall of bacteria is quite seletive for Gram positives but, when applied to Gram negatives, all the cell becomes evenly stained. The method proposed by Knaysi (1941) althought offering a better contrast is of very delicate performance, to be practical. In this paper, the AA. present a new staining method in order to offer a good contrast between the cell wall and cytoplasmic material. Essentially it consists in turning citoplasmic material unstainable by treatment of the cells with a acid mordent. The subsequent stainning with malachite green or Victoria blue gives a very good contrast. The method can be applied either to Gram positive or Gram negative bacteria.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês


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    A case of spontaneous Sporothricosis in domestic cat (F. catus, L.) is referred. The etiological agent was isolated and classified as Sporothricum schenckii. Throught pure cultures obtained, it was possible to induce the infection in guinea pigs, rats and little cats. This is the first observation in cat referred in Brazilian Veterinary literature.Os autores descrevem, pela primeira vez na literatura nacional, um caso espontâneo de esporotricose em gato doméstico (F. catus, L.). Isolaram o agente causal, classificando-o como Sporothricum schenckii e conseguiram a reprodução experimental da infeção em cobaia, rato e em filhotes de gato, com as culturas obtidas

    Estudos sobre as mastites bovinas I - Contribuição ao estudo dos agentes etiológicos das mastites bovinas

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    Os autores estudaram 88 amostras de leite de vacas com mastite, provenientes de gado estabulado e semi-estabulado, de propriedades próximas à cidade de São Paulo. Isolaram 105 microorganismos, assim distribuidos: estafilocócos, 32,3%; estreptocócos, 21,8%; b. coli e germes do grupo coliforme, 19,9%; C. pyogenes, 6,6% e bacilos difteróides, 5,7%. Outros germes foram isolados em menor número. As técnicas empregadas na identificação dos microorganismos são descritas e os resultados são discutidos.Analysis of milk samples collected neraly São Paulo city, from 88 cows affected with mastitis have been carried out. One hundred five germs could be isolated as follows: Staphylococci, 32.3; Streptococci, 24.8; coli bacillus and other coliforms 19.9%; Corynebacterium progenes, 6.6%; difteroid germs, 5.7%; other types of microorganisms have been observed in fewer number. The method employed for isolation and identification of the microorganisms have been described and the results discussed

    Estudo sobre estafilococos patogênicos isolados de cães

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    According to the results of Rajulu & col. (1960) about bacteriphage relations between strains of staphylococci isolated from dogs and men, the A. A. reviewed their data and found that material from cases of furunculosis which they have tested, were many limes related to students, teachers or workers that were in frequent contact with dogs. The cultures from swabs of skin and nostrils of 113 dogs and 42 students revealed that all dogs were carriers of pathogenic staphylococci, on the skin, nostrils or both. Out of 42 students, 10 were carriers. The strains isolated from dogs were all of the “albus” type and alpha, beta or alpha-beta hemolysin producers. The strains isolated from students were all of the “aureus” type and only alpha hemolysin producers. All of the strains fermented dextrose but there was no uniformity as to manitol and gelatin. During the work one of the A. A. presented an apicitis of tooth, from which it was obtained, in pure culture, an “albus” type betahemolytic an coagulase-positive staphylococus (Phage type 29). None of the strains of canine origin could be phage typed utilizing human or bovine series of phages.O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês

    Aspergilose aviária

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    O artigo apresenta resumo em inglês.Aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus was observed in “juriti” (Leptotilla rufaxilla) and in “cacatua” (Cacatua moluccensis). These birds were found dead on their cages at the Parque Zoológico, São Paulo — Brasil. Necroscopic examination revealed nodular ball shapped formations distributed along the pulmonar parenchyma, air sacks and mesenteric serosa. Pure cultures of Aspergillus fumigatus were obtained on Sabouraud’s dextrose ágar in both cases, and suspensions of these cultures caused death in rabbits, guinea pigs and pigeons when give by the intra-venous route. The fungs was reisolated from these animals. Addition to water and meal of Lugol’s solutions was recommended, after thorough desinfection of the cages to prevent spread of infection to susceptibbles. No further cases were observed. The birds refered in this work were not included yet in the list of susceptibles to Aspergillosis in brazilian scientific literature

    Tricofícia em bovinos por Trichophyton megnini Blanchars, 1895 (= T. rosaceum Sabouraud, 1909)

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    Os A.A. descrevem a observação do Trichophyton megnini BLANCHARD, 1895, em bovinos. É esta a primeira vez que se observa no Brasil e talvez no mundo a presença dêste cogumelo naqueles animais.The A.A. describe Trichophyton megnini BLANCHARD, 1895, from bovines. This is the first observation of this fungus in bovines in Brazil and perhaps in the world