35 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema de seguimiento de usuarios con iPhone para visualizarlos en un modelo 3D

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un sistema de seguimiento de usuarios con un iPhone y un modelo 3D del campus de la Technical University of Denmark. El usuario podrá activar el seguimiento tras abrir una aplicación en el iPhone siempre y cuando se encuentre en alguna de las áreas donde haya un modelo 3D disponible. Los usuarios que hayan activado el seguimiento serán mostrados en estos modelos 3D en forma de avatares. Los modelos 3D junto con los avatares pueden ser visualizados usando cualquier navegador de escritorio en la página web realsite.dk. Los sensores GPS de los Smartphones no son normalmente muy precisos. Para desarrollar buenos algoritmos en el sistema de seguimiento requerido, la precisión de este sensor tiene que ser analizada. Por esta razón el proyecto empieza con un extenso estudio de la precisión de los sistemas de localización en el iPhone y de los parámetros que pueden configurarse. Se estudian tanto posiciones fijas como en movimiento. Este estudio revela que el error medio en posiciones estáticas es en torno a 8 metros y bastante mayor para las posiciones en movimiento. Sin embargo es muy rápido determinando la primera posición lo cual lo hace en menos de 10 segundos en la mayoría de los casos. Utilizando los resultados de este estudio, se han diseñado varios filtros para eliminar las posiciones menos precisas. Además, también se ha desarrollado una técnica que permite detectar cuando el usuario entra dentro de un edificio sin usar ninguna información adicional más que la que los servicios de localización ofrecen. Las dos partes mas importantes de este sistema han sido desarrolladas en su totalidad en este proyecto fin de carrera. Estas son una aplicación para el sistema operativo móvil iOS y un algoritmo para representar a los avatares de los usuarios en los modelos 3D. La aplicación recoge las posiciones de los usuarios, utilizando el GPS del dispositivo, las filtra, las guarda y las manda a un servidor de internet donde son almacenadas en una base de datos. También permite visualizar las sesiones anteriores en las que el seguimiento ha sido activado y tomar una foto que será utilizada en el avatar del usuario. La representación de los avatares en el modelo no se puede llevar a cabo con las posiciones que el dispositivo iOS obtiene ya que no son suficientemente precisas. Por lo que se diseñó un algoritmo que genera a partir de las posiciones GPS recibidas una ruta realista, factible y libre de obstáculos en el modelo. Un detalle importante por ejemplo, es que hace que los avatares utilicen escaleras y puertas de edificios cuando se detecta que han cambiado de altitud o entrado a un edificio respectivamente

    Detection of Potential Induced Degradation in c-Si PV Panels Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

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    Impedance spectroscopy (IS) is an established characterization and diagnostic method for different electrical and chemical research areas such as batteries and fuel cells, but not yet widely adopted for photovoltaics (PV). This work, for the first time, investigates an IS based method for detecting potential-induced degradation (PID) in c-Si PV panels. The method has been experimentally tested on a set of panels that were confirmed to be affected by PID by using traditional current-voltage (I-V) characterization methods, as well as electroluminescence (EL) imaging. The results confirm the effectiveness of the new approach to identify PID in PV panels.</p

    Project Half Double: Preliminary Results for Phase 1, June 2016

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    Project Half Double has a clear mission to succeed in finding a project methodology that can increase the success rate of our projects while increasing the speed at which we generate new ideas and develop new products and services. Chaos and complexity should be seen as a basic condition and as an opportunity rather than a threat and a risk. We are convinced that by doing so, we can strengthen Denmark’s competitiveness and play an important role in the battle for jobs and future welfare. The overall goal is to deliver “projects in half the time with double the impact”, where projects in half the time should be understood as half the time to impact (benefit realisation, effect is achieved) and not as half the time for project execution.The purpose of Project Half Double is to improve Danish industrial competitiveness by radically increasing the pace and impact of the development and innovation activities carried out within the framework of the projects.The formal part of Project Half Double was initiated in June 2015. We started out by developing, refining and testing the Half Double methodology on seven pilot projects in the first phase of the project, which will end June 2016.The current status of responding to the above overall Project Half Double goal for the seven pilot projects can be summarised as follows:- The Lantmännen Unibake pilot project was able to launch the first stores after 5 months, which is considerably shorter lead time than comparable reference projects, which have had a lead time of 10 months or more. This is in line with the overall goal of Project Half Double of delivering impact faster.- Four pilot projects have the potential to deliver impact faster, but it is too early to evaluate. Some results might be evaluated in the second half of 2016, while other results take longer to evaluate (Coloplast, Novo Nordisk, GN Audio and VELUX).- Two pilot projects will probably not be able to deliver impact faster, although it is too early to evaluate them. The evaluation of these pilot projects takes place over a longer period of time as it will take years before many of the key performance indicators associated with them can be evaluated (Grundfos and Siemens Wind Power).In addition to the current status of delivering impact faster for the seven pilot projects, it is important to highlight that Project Half Double phase 1 has planted many seeds in the pilot organisations concerning project methodology and beyond. The many learning points from each pilot project show that Project Half Double has left its clear footprint in the pilot organisations, and that the Half Double methodology has evolved and developed very much during Project Half Double phase 1

    Development of outdoor luminescence imaging for drone-based PV array inspection

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    This work has the goal to perform outdoor defect detection imaging that will be used in a fast, accurate and automatic drone-based survey system for PV power plants. The imaging development focuses on techniques that do not require electrical contact, permitting automatic drone inspections to be perform quicker and with less manpower. The final inspection method will combine several techniques such as, infrared (IR), electroluminescence (EL), photoluminescence (PL), and visual imaging. Solar plant inspection in the future can be restricted only by imaging speed requirements, allowing an entire new perspective in large-scale PV inspection

    Outdoor Electroluminescence Acquisition Using a Movable Testbed

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    The experimentation with a movable outdoor electroluminescence (EL) testbed is performed in this work. For EL inspections of PV power plants, the fastest scenario will include the use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) performing image acquisition in continuous motion. With this motivation, we investigate the EL image quality of an acquisition in motion and the extent of image processing required to correct scene displacement. The results show processed EL images with a high level of information even when acquired at 1 m/s camera speed and at frame rate of 120 fps.</p