295 research outputs found

    A decision support tool for landfill methane generation and gas collection

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    This study presents a decision support tool (DST) to enhance methane generation at individual landfill sites. To date there is no such tool available to provide landfill decision makers with clear and simplified information to evaluate biochemical processes within a landfill site, to assess performance of gas production and to identify potential remedies to any issues. The current lack in understanding stems from the complexity of the landfill waste degradation process. Two scoring sets for landfill gas production performance are calculated with the tool: (1) methane output score which measures the deviation of the actual methane output rate at each site which the prediction generated by the first order decay model LandGEM; and (2) landfill gas indicators’ score, which measures the deviation of the landfill gas indicators from their ideal ranges for optimal methane generation conditions. Landfill gas indicators include moisture content, temperature, alkalinity, pH, BOD, COD, BOD/COD ratio, ammonia, chloride, iron and zinc. A total landfill gas indicator score is provided using multi-criteria analysis to calculate the sum of weighted scores for each indicator. The weights for each indicator are calculated using an analytical hierarchical process. The tool is tested against five real scenarios for landfill sites in UK with a range of good, average and poor landfill methane generation over a one year period (2012). An interpretation of the results is given for each scenario and recommendations are highlighted for methane output rate enhancement. Results demonstrate how the tool can help landfill managers and operators to enhance their understanding of methane generation at a site-specific level, track landfill methane generation over time, compare and rank sites, and identify problems areas within a landfill site

    Sustainable landfill leachate treatment using refuse and pine bark as a carbon source for biodenitrification

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    Raw and 10-week composted commercial garden refuse (CGR) materials and pine bark (PB) mulch were evaluated for their potential use as alternative and sustainable sources of carbon for landfill leachate bio-denitrification. Dynamic batch tests using synthetic nitrate solutions of 100, 500 and 2000 mg NO3 L−1 were used to investigate the substrate performance at increasing nitrate concentrations under optimal conditions. Further to this, sequential batch tests using genuine nitrified landfill leachate with a concentration of 2000 mg NO3 L−1 were carried out to evaluate substrates behaviour in the presence of a complex mixture of chemicals present in leachate. Results showed that complete denitrification occurred in all conditions, indicating that raw and composted CGR and PB can be used as sustainable and efficient media for landfill leachate bio-denitrification. Of the three substrates, raw garden refuse yields the fastest denitrification rate followed by 10-week composted CGR and PB. However, the efficiency of the raw CGR was lower when using genuine leachate, indicating the inhibitory effect of components of the leachate on the denitrification process. Ten-week composted CGR performed optimally at low nitrate concentrations, while poor nitrate removal ability was found at higher nitrate concentrations (2000 mg L−1). In contrast, the PB performance was 3.5 times faster than that of the composted garden refuse at higher nitrate concentrations. Further to this, multi-criteria analysis of the process variables provided an easily implementable framework for the use of waste materials as an alternative and sustainable source of carbon for denitrification

    Organic loading rate: a promising microbial management tool in anaerobic digestion

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    This study investigated the effect of changes in organic loading rate (OLR) and feedstock on the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production and their potential use as a bioengineering management tool to improve stability of anaerobic digesters. Digesters were exposed to one or two changes in OLR using the same or different co-substrates (Fat Oil and Grease waste (FOG) and/or glycerol). Although all the OLR fluctuations produced a decrease in biogas and methane production, the digesters exposed twice to glycerol showed faster recovery towards stable conditions after the second OLR change. This was correlated with the composition of the VFAs produced and their mode of production, from parallel to sequential, resulting in a more efficient recovery from inhibition of methanogenesis. The change in acids processing after the first OLR increase induced a shift in the microbial community responsible of the process optimisation when the digesters were exposed to a subsequent OLR increase with the same feedstock. When the digesters were exposed to an OLR change with a different feedstock (FOG), the recovery took 7d longer than with the same one (glycerol). However, the microbial community showed functional resilience and was able to perform similarly to pre-exposure conditions. Thus, changes in operational conditions can be used to influence microbial community structure for anaerobic digestion (AD) optimisation. Finally, shorter recovery times and increased resilience of digesters were linked to higher numbers of Clostridia incertae sedis XV, suggesting that this group may be a good candidate for AD bioaugmentation to speed up recovery after process instability or OLR increase

    Bioengineering options and strategies for the optimization of anaerobic digestion processes

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a complex biological process, and the microbial diversity and dynamics within the reactor needs to be understood and considered when process optimization is sought after. Microbial interactions such as competition, mutualism, antagonism and syntrophism affect the function and the survival of single species in the community; hence, they need to be understood for process improvement. Although the relationship between process performance and the microbial community structure is well established, changes in the community might occur without detectable changes in gas production and reactor performance. Recent molecular-based studies have highlighted the complexity of AD systems revealing the presence of several uncultivated species and the need for further research in this area. However, this information is still rarely used for process optimization. The integration of next generation sequencing technologies, such as 454-pyrosequencing, with other techniques, such as phospholipid-derived fatty acids analysis, can provide a holistic understanding of the microbial community. In addition, the in-depth phylogenetic resolution provided can aid environmental ecologists and engineers to better understand and optimize the AD process and consolidate the information collected to date

    Assessing unconventional natural gas development: understanding risks in the context of the EU

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    Unconventional natural gas development (UNGD, e.g. shale gas) poses a threat to the environment and human health. While the Member States of the European Union (EU) decide whether to develop this resource, they require evidence to assess the associated risks. Much of the evidence regarding the risks (e.g. contamination, exposure, disturbance) comes from the US, and we argue this evidence cannot be used by the Member States to conduct risk assessments due to demographic differences, geological differences, and differences in regulation. The EU, as a whole, has recognized their need for evidence and has funded research partnerships to explore the environmental effects of UNGD. We argue that such research efforts need to be extended further in order to address the gaps in human health studies and to develop comprehensive environmental baseline studies

    Impact of treated sewage effluent on the microbiology of a small brook using flow cytometry as a diagnostic tool

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    Flow cytometry was applied to assess the microbiological impact of treated sewage effluent discharge into a small brook carrying surface runoff water. Increases in dissolved organic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorous were accompanied by increases in counts of intact bacteria by up to eightfold. Effluent ingress furthermore resulted in a pronounced shift of bacterial clusters. Whereas brook water upstream of the discharge point was characterised by a bacterial cluster with low nucleic acid (LNA) content, downstream water showed a shift to bacteria with high nucleic acid (HNA) content. Changes in the LNA/HNA ratio were largely maintained along the course of the brook. Results suggest that the LNA/HNA ratio can under certain conditions serve as an indicator of anthropogenic nutrient impact. Measuring impact on this low trophic level might be more sensitive and straightforward than measuring macroindicators. More evidence will however be required to assess the usefulness of LNA/HNA measurements to assess the ecological nutrient status of natural waters and the impact of nutrient pollution

    Characterizing outdoor air using microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs)

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    Exposure to bioaerosols containing airborne microorganisms and their by-products from outdoor environments such as industrial, urban or agricultural sites is of great concern as it is linked to adverse health effects in humans including respiratory diseases and infections. The risk exposure from outdoor emissions is difficult to quantify in real-time as the microbial concentration in air is low and varies depending on meteorological factors, anthropogenic activities, and sampling conditions. In addition, the collection of sufficient amount of sample to generate statistically distinguishable and reproducible patterns to characterize and quantify bioaerosols is still a challenge, and this analysis cannot be performed in real time yet. Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) can be used to chemically characterize ambient bioaerosols and identify pathogens early in air overcoming the inherent limitations of culturing. This book chapter aims to critically review the sampling techniques and analytical approaches that are currently available for the study of MVOCs from industrial, agricultural and rural emissions. Current challenges in MVOCs sample collection, analytical and speciation analysis are addressed, and recommendation for the implementation of a rapid, reproducible and sensitive analytical framework for fingerprinting bioaerosols is provided

    Evaluation of engineered nanoparticle toxic effect on wastewater microorganisms: current status and challenges

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    The use of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in a wide range of products is associated with an increased concern for environmental safety due to their potential toxicological and adverse effects. ENPs exert antimicrobial properties through different mechanisms such as the formation of reactive oxygen species, disruption of physiological and metabolic processes. Although there are little empirical evidences on environmental fate and transport of ENPs, biosolids in wastewater most likely would be a sink for ENPs. However, there are still many uncertainties in relation to ENPs impact on the biological processes during wastewater treatment. This review provides an overview of the available data on the plausible effects of ENPs on AS and AD processes, two key biologically relevant environments for understanding ENPs–microbial interactions. It indicates that the impact of ENPs is not fully understood and few evidences suggest that ENPs could augment microbial-mediated processes such as AS and AD. Further to this, wastewater components can enhance or attenuate ENPs effects. Meanwhile it is still difficult to determine effective doses and establish toxicological guidelines, which is in part due to variable wastewater composition and inadequacy of current analytical procedures. Challenges associated with toxicity evaluation and data interpretation highlight areas in need for further research studies

    Influence and interactions of multi-factors on the bioavailability of PAHs in compost amended contaminated soils

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    Compost amendment to contaminated soils is a potential approach for waste recycling and soil remediation. The relative importance and interactions of multiple factors on PAH bioavailability in soils were investigated using conjoint analysis and five-way analysis of variance. Results indicated that soil type and contact time were the two most significant factors influencing the PAH bioavailability in amended soils. The other two factors (compost type and ratio of compost addition) were less important but their interactions with other factors were significant. Specifically the 4-factor interactions showed that compost addition stimulated the degradation of high molecular PAHs at the initial stage (3 month) by enhancing the competitive sorption within PAH groups. Such findings suggest that a realistic decision-making towards hydrocarbon bioavailability assessment should consider interactions among various factors. Further to this, this study demonstrated that compost amendment can enhance the removal of recalcitrant hydrocarbons such as PAHs in contaminated soils

    Recycling of solvent used in a solvent extraction of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil.

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    The application of water washing technology for recycling an organic composite solvent consisting of hexane and pentane (4:1; TU-A solvent) was investigated for extracting total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from contaminated soil. The effects of water volume, water temperature, washing time and initial concentration of solvent were evaluated using orthogonal experiments followed by single factor experiments. Our results showed that the water volume was a statistically significant factor influencing greatly the water washing efficiency. Although less important, the other three factors have all increased the efficacy of water washing treatment. Based on a treatment of 20g of contaminated soil with a TPH concentration of 140mgg(-1), optimal conditions were found to be at 40°C, 100mL water, 5min washing time and 660mgg(-1) solvent. Semi-continuous water extraction method showed that the concentration of the composite solvent TU-A was reduced below 15mgg(-1) d.w. soil with a recovery extraction efficiency >97%. This finding suggests that water washing is a promising technology for recycling solvent used in TPH extraction from contaminated soil
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