33 research outputs found

    Distribution and Socio-spatial Segregation of cruise ship workers in Cozumel, Mexico

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    The cruise industry is one of the most profitable businesses in the world having a constant growth since the 1980’s. However, it is important to mention that this success has been reached in part due to the workforce in the vessels, better known as cruise ship crew members.As well as any other type of tourism, visitors have several effects on ports of call when vessels berth in ports of call. But even when there is knowledge on the effects of cruise tourism in the destinations (mainly caused by tourists), there is a scarcity of literature in terms of issues related to the cruise ship staff on land.In addition to the above, information about the activities and behaviour of the cruise workers, the knowledge of their specific distribution and socio-spatial segregation according to their hierarchies and nationalities during their free time in ports of call is practically null.Therefore, the aim of this research work is to point out the distribution of cruise ship workers in order to demonstrate their segregation in the Island of Cozumel, Mexico, according to the nation they come from and their position at work.Findings demonstrate that there are 79 different sites visited by crew members in Cozumel Island. It has also been identified that their distribution and socio-spatial segregation on the island is related to their hierarchies at work and nationalities, which could lead to a remarkable socioeconomic influence during their free time in the destination.

    Indicadores de Sustentabilidad de la Política de Mares y Costas -México

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    El uso de indicadores de sustentabilidad se promueve como una herramienta de gestión, siendo una señal o un signo para la toma de decisiones informadas. El monitoreo es una de las fases críticas en el desarrollo de los sistemas de información georreferenciada de indicadores integrales con propósitos específicos; se trata de la operación de conceptos, objetivos y estrategias con el fin de lograr metas, en este caso, la gestión de la política costera de México. Así, en este trabajo se propone la implementación de 19 indicadores que permiten dar el seguimiento a 17 estrategias y tres objetivos de la política nacional de mares y costas. Se concluye con la valoración del sistema de indicadores a través de cinco criterios: pertinencia, calidad de la información, objetivos del sistema, tendencia y significancia.The use of sustainability indicators is promoted as a management tool, being a signal or a sign for informed decision-making. Monitoring is one of the critical phases in the development of georeferenced information systems with comprehensive indicators for specific purposes; it ́s about the operation of concepts, objectives and strategies in order to achieve goals, in this case, the management of the coastal policy of Mexico. Thus, this paper proposes the implementation of 19 indicators that allow monitoring of 17 strategies and three objectives of the national seas and coasts policy. It concludes with the evaluation of the indicator system through five criteria: relevance, quality of information, system objectives, trend and relevance


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    The use of sustainability indicators is promoted as a management tool, being a signal or a sign for informed decision-making. Monitoring is one of the critical phases in the development of georeferenced information systems with comprehensive indicators for specific purposes; it´s about the operation of concepts, objectives and strategies in order to achieve goals, in this case, the management of the coastal policy of Mexico. Thus, this paper proposes the implementation of 19 indicators that allow monitoring of 17 strategies and three objectives of the national seas and coasts policy. It concludes with the evaluation of the indicator system through five criteria: relevance, quality of information, system objectives, trend and relevanceEl uso de indicadores de sustentabilidad se promueve como una herramienta de gestión, siendo una señal o un signo para la toma de decisiones informadas. El monitoreo es una de las fases críticas en el desarrollo de los sistemas de información georreferenciada de indicadores integrales con propósitos específicos; se trata de la operación de conceptos, objetivos y estrategias con el fin de lograr metas, en este caso, la gestión de la política costera de México. Así, en este trabajo se propone la implementación de 19 indicadores que permiten dar el seguimiento a 17 estrategias y tres objetivos de la política nacional de mares y costas. Se concluye con la valoración del sistema de indicadores a través de cinco criterios: pertinencia, calidad de la información, objetivos del sistema, tendencia y significancia

    Identification of Karst Forms Using LiDAR Technology: Cozumel Island, Mexico

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    Morphological relief analysis allows the identification of geomorphological forms and cartographic-environmental studies make extensive use of the medium (1:50,000) and large scale (1:250,000), where the topographical contrast is evident. However, at a detailed scale (<1:20,000) and for territories where the contrast of relief does not exceed 10 m in height, the morphological analyses must be adapted accordingly, because they contribute information to altimetry studies and to the topographic configuration of units. Thus, through visual interpretation and manipulation of high-resolution topographical LiDAR data from Cozumel Island, a relief analysis is presented at a detailed scale for the purpose of recognizing the geomorphological units of karst origin, using altimetry and slope cartography, digital models of elevation, and shading that permits the identification of 109 new exokarstic doline and uvala formations

    Resiliencia del sistema de drenaje pluvial ante inundaciones: caso de estudio Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México

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    Floods are one of the effects of hurricanes that have been more evident on coastal areas causing human deaths and&nbsp;economical loss. This tests the response capacity of drain system infrastructure. The objective of this research was&nbsp;to determine resilience of drain system infrastructure facing floods, produced by hurricanes, in the city of Chetumal,&nbsp;&nbsp;Quintana Roo, México. Five components were considered, each one with a variable number of indicators, which are&nbsp;shown in parenthesis: sturdiness (8), redundancy (7), resources (2), speed (2) and adaptive capacity (13). Each value&nbsp;was standardized, then weighted through experts’ enquiry and finally resilience rate was defined, 0.2982 was found&nbsp;for the city of Chetumal. This demonstrates a low rate for resilience, which was mainly associated to resources and&nbsp;redundancy components. Based on this, both components should be strengthened in order to increase resilience rate&nbsp;stressing normative and territorial planning instruments application, emergency plans in case of floods, maintenance&nbsp;service plans of drain system infrastructure as well as investment in prevention programs.Las inundaciones son uno de los efectos de los huracanes que se han evidenciado más en las zonas costeras, ocasionando pérdidas de vidas humanas y económicas. Esta situación ha puesto a prueba la capacidad de respuesta de los&nbsp;sistemas de infraestructura de drenaje pluvial. El objetivo de la investigación que precedió a este trabajo fue determinar la resiliencia ante inundaciones asociadas a huracanes del sistema de drenaje pluvial de la ciudad de Chetumal,&nbsp;Quintana Roo, México. Se consideraron cinco componentes, cada uno con un número variable de indicadores mostrados entre paréntesis: robustez (8), redundancia (7), recursos (2), rapidez (2) y capacidad adaptativa (13). El valor&nbsp;de cada indicador se normalizó; luego, se ponderó mediante la consulta de expertos; y, por último, se integró el índice&nbsp;de resiliencia, obteniéndose un valor de 0.2982 para la ciudad de Chetumal. Este valor indica una resiliencia baja,&nbsp;asociada principalmente a los componentes recursos y redundancia. Con base en lo anterior, se deben reforzar ambos&nbsp;componentes para elevar la resiliencia con énfasis en la aplicación de normativas e instrumentos de planeación territorial, planes de emergenciaen caso de inundaciones, planes de mantenimiento de la infraestructura pluvial, así como&nbsp; inversión enprogramas de prevención

    Models of Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Comparative Analysis and Adoption Proposal in the Case of Akumal (Mexico)

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    Las zonas costeras se distinguen como áreas donde se compite por condiciones y recursos naturales, evidentemente limitados, y una gran diversidad de actividades socioeconómicas. En este contexto, se han venido desarrollando, y se utilizan de forma paralela actualmente, varios y diferenciados modelos conceptuales-metodológicos y de aplicación del Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras (MIZC). En este trabajo se discute, desde la revisión bibliográfica y el análisis crítico, la aparición y evolución de varios modelos que han sido propuestos en diferentes países y contextos, para la adopción e implementación del MIZC. A partir de esta revisión y análisis y de otros métodos, que incluyeron la consulta a expertos y el desarrollo de talleres técnicos, se identifican los principios y elementos generales para la utilización de estos modelos en el contexto local de Akumal, en la Riviera Maya del Caribe Mexicano. Como conclusión se reconoce la diversidad y rasgos más característicos de los principales modelos de MIZC en diferentes países y regiones, los que han sido promovidos desde distintos ámbitos vinculados a organizaciones internacionales, institucionales nacionales y académicos, o desde aplicaciones y experiencias prácticas concretas. Se argumenta que el MIZC, a través de sus diferentes modelos, se ha conformado en la actualidad como una “filosofía” y una doctrina conceptual-metodológica operativa, con capacidad de evolución y renovación, y de alto valor de aplicación. También se reafirma que el reto a enfrentar, es la transición de la elaboración de caracterizaciones y diagnósticos de los ecosistemas y conflictos costeros hacia la conformación e implementación de programas de MIZC, particularmente a escala local, concertados con los gobiernos y autoridades, y sobre todo con amplia participación de todos los actores involucrados. Finalmente, se insiste en el rol de las experiencias pilotos de MIZC, que permitan avanzar hacia una teoría de los cambios basada en resultados concretos y en este sentido se distingue a la localidad de Akumal, y se proponen los principios y elementos esenciales a considerar, a partir del modelo de Olsen-ECOCOSTAS-LOICZ, para avanzar hacia la adopción del MIZC en la misma

    Modelos del Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras: Análisis Comparativo y Propuesta de Adopción para el Caso de Akumal (México)

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    Coastal zones are distinguished as areas where natural conditions and resources compete, evidently limited, in a great diversity of socioeconomic activities. In this context, several conceptual and methodological models have been developed and are used in parallel at the moment and the application of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). In this document, from the literature review and the critical analysis, the appearance and evolution of several models that have been proposed, in different countries and contexts, for the adoption and implementation of the MIZC are discussed. From this review and analysis, and other methods, which included the consultation of experts and the development of technical workshops, the general principles and elements are identified for the use of these models in the local context of Akumal in the Riviera Maya in the Mexican Caribbean. As conclusions, the diversity and most characteristic features of the main ICZM models are recognized, in different countries and regions, which have been promoted from different areas, linked to international organizations, national and academic institutions, or from practical applications and practical experiences. It is argued that the ICZM, through its different models, has shaped at present as a “philosophy” and a conceptual-methodological operative doctrine, with capacity for evolution and renewal, and high application value. It also reaffirmed that, that the challenge to face is the transition from the elaboration of characterizations and diagnoses of ecosystems and coastal conflicts, towards the conformation and implementation of ICZM programs, particularly at a local level, agreed with governments and authorities, all with broad participation of all the actors involved. Finally, the role of the ICZM pilot experiences is insisted on, which allows us to move towards a theory of changes based on concrete results, and in this sense the Akumal locality is distinguished, and the essential principles and elements to be considered are proposed, from the Olsen-ECOCOSTAS-LOICZ model, to move towards the adoption of an ICZM.Las zonas costeras se distinguen como áreas donde se compite por condiciones y recursos naturales, evidentemente limitados, y una gran diversidad de actividades socioeconómicas. En este contexto, se han venido desarrollando, y se utilizan de forma paralela actualmente, varios y diferenciados modelos conceptuales-metodológicos y de aplicación del ManejoIntegrado de Zonas Costeras (MIZC). En este trabajo se discute, desde la revisión bibliográfica y el análisis crítico, laaparición y evolución de varios modelos que han sido propuestos en diferentes países y contextos, para la adopción eimplementación del MIZC. A partir de esta revisión y análisis y de otros métodos, que incluyeron la consulta a expertosy el desarrollo de talleres técnicos, se identifican los principios y elementos generales para la utilización de estos modelosen el contexto local de Akumal, en la Riviera Maya del Caribe Mexicano. Como conclusión se reconoce la diversidad y rasgos más característicos de los principales modelos de MIZC en diferentes países y regiones, los que han sido promovidos desde distintos ámbitos vinculados a organizaciones internacionales, institucionales nacionales y académicos, o desde aplicaciones y experiencias prácticas concretas. Se argumenta que el MIZC, a través de sus diferentes modelos, se ha conformado en la actualidad como una “filosofía” y una doctrina conceptual-metodológica operativa, con capacidad de evolución y renovación, y de alto valor de aplicación. También se reafirma que el reto a enfrentar, es la transición de la elaboración de caracterizaciones y diagnósticos de los ecosistemas y conflictos costeros hacia la conformación e implementación de programas de MIZC, particularmente a escala local, concertados con los gobiernos y autoridades, y sobre todo con amplia participación de todos los actores involucrados. Finalmente, se insiste en el rol de las experiencias pilotos de MIZC, que permitan avanzar hacia una teoría de los cambios basada en resultados concretos y en este sentido se distingue a la localidad de Akumal, y se proponen los principios y elementos esenciales a considerar, a partir del modelo de Olsen-ECOCOSTAS-LOICZ, para avanzar hacia la adopción del MIZC en la misma

    Freshwater Crustaceans Decadpos: An Important Resource of Guatemala

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    Guatemala is a mega diversity country because it has several ecosystems and the physiography has a high diversity. However, the local population uses this biodiversity as a natural resource of food mainly. The country had three main drainage slopes for their rivers and aquatic reservoirs with several basins (the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Sea). In these slopes, crayfish, freshwater prawns, and crabs compose the aquatic biological resources. Several fieldtrips were performed around these slopes in order to identify the species which were used as natural aquatic resources and verify if the diversity supports the food needs of the local population. Our findings were that the country has at least four crayfish species of genus Procambarus spp., those living in the high and middle altitude areas. Five freshwater prawn species with abbreviated larval development of genus Macrobrachium, that is, Macrobrachium cemai were also found. The bigger species of Macrobrachium was also identified on the three slopes as Macrobrachium americanum, Macrobrachium tenellum, Macrobrachium occidentale, and Macrobrachium digueti on the Pacific slope, while on the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Macrobrachium carcinus, Macrobrachium acanthurus, Macrobrachium heterochirus, Macrobrachium olfersii, and Macrobrachium hobbsi were recorded, and therefore, the nonnative species Macrobrachium rosenbergii; with respect to other shrimps, Palaemon pandaliformis, Palaemonetes octaviae, and atyids as Atya scabra and Potimirim glabra were found. According to the freshwater crabs, the Pseudothelphusidae family is the best to represent in comparison with Trichodactylidae where only one population was recorded. Also, we register the uses of these species around the main markets in the country and we found two main ways: the first one is for the bigger species of freshwater prawns and crabs that are offered very expensive in kilogram and are almost offered in restaurants as exclusive dishes. The second one is more for the local consumption, and many families of fishery species that include crayfishes, freshwater prawns with abbreviated larval development, and smaller crabs, and so on, are sometimes found in the markets, with the prices being cheaper and can be bought only by the local people. Our findings show that Guatemala has an enormous potential in the crustaceans decapods for use as natural aquatic resources as protein sources at low cost, especially for the families with low economical level

    Subterranean waters in Riviera Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula: Vulnerability and the Importance of Monitoring

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    The Mexican Caribbean coast has great scenic beauty both on the surface and underwater, which is why it has been a developing area for tourism since the 1970s, establishing sites such as Cancun and Playa del Carmen and empowering others such as Cozumel and Tulum. Their biological richness is enormous, especially in the Mesoamerican Reef of which they are a part. However, this richness and scenic beauty are not possible without the ecological assemblages that exist within these regions’ adjacent ecosystems, mainly the surrounding seasonally dry tropical forest and the coastal wetlands that, together with the oceanographic characteristics of the Caribbean Sea, potentiate it, turning the region into the most visited in Latin America. To this end, groundwater plays a very important role in the assemblages of biotic and abiotic elements that are shared with the Caribbean Sea; thus, its constant monitoring allows us to identify how the changes that occur in the tropical forest are producing various changes in the composition and abundance of coastal reef elements. Here, we present results of our study of groundwater conditions (temp, pH, oxygen dissolved, and salinity) in nineteen cenotes and underground rivers of the Riviera Maya and six cenotes of Cozumel. We also profiled the predominant vegetation on the surface of this region, which is a seasonally dry tropical forest, to understand the components and functioning of these subterranean ecosystems to assess their vulnerability and identify their threats from human development (population growth, tourism development, mobility capacity). These threats not only affect the cave and coastal organisms but also the tropical karstic landscapes that are characteristic of these systems

    Análisis exploratorio espacial del índice de vulnerabilidad socioeconómica en el municipio de Naucalpan Estado de México

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    The present work proposes an exploratory analysis of spatial data (AEDE) for the socio-economic vulnerability index of the Naucalpan State of Mexico, structured by means of a univariate method and spatial auto-correlation, from&nbsp;which the verification of the index, its interaction, distribution and spatial dependence through thematic cartography&nbsp;was obtained.El presente trabajo propone un análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales (AEDE) para el índice de vulnerabilidad&nbsp;socio-económica del municipio de Naucalpan, Estado de México, estructurado mediante un método univariado y de&nbsp;auto-correlación espacial, a partir del cual se obtuvo la comprobación del índice, su interacción, distribución y dependencia espacial por medio de cartografía temática