50 research outputs found

    Prof.dr.sc. Anđelko Wolf (1922-2007), ugledni epidemiolog i dermatovenerolog

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    Prof. dr. sc. Anđelko Wolf (Slavonski Å amac 1922. ā€“ Zagreb 2007.) diplomirao je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu 1947. Najprije je specijalizirao epidemiologiju položivÅ”i specijalistički ispit 1950. u Beogradu. Radio je kao voditelj Centra za suzbijanje brucelozu u Rijeci za Istru i Slovensko primorje. Godine 1954. specijalizira dermatovenerologiju na riječkom Odjelu za kožne i spolne bolesti riječke bolnice. Specijalistički ispit položio je 1958. i postao asistent Medicinskog fakulteta. Za docenta je izabran 1973., izvanrednim profesorom postaje 1976., a redovnim 1981. Osnovao je i vodio mikoloÅ”ki i alergoloÅ”ki laboratorij Klinike, a poslije se posvetio profesionalnim bolestima i fotodermatologiji. Doktorirao je disertacijom o ulozi svjetla u nastanku bolesti kože. Obavljao je brojne odgovorne dužnosti na Klinici i Medicinskom fakultetu. Bio je vrstan i vrijedan kliničar. Predavao je i na postdiplomskom studiju u Rijeci i Zagrebu. Objavio je viÅ”e od osamdeset stručnih i znanstvenih radova iz područja dermatovenerologije, a pisao i o potrebi reforme studija na medicinskim fakultetima

    Antonio Grossich - on the centenary of his introduction of iodine tincture painting in the preoperative infection control

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    The article presents the life and achievements of Doctor Antonio Grossich, the head of the Department of surgery and gynecology of the Civic hospital in Rijeka. He wrote several literĀ¬ary works, but deserves to be remembered for his clinical and experimental work on antiseptic and aseptic procedure. He introduced the method of painting the operative field with 10 % iodine tincture at first in traumas, then in general surgery. The method, for its rapidity, efficacy and not expensive had soon a worldwide success. He also participated actively in the political life of Rijeka before and after the World War I

    History of Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is probably as old as mankind. Today, it is a well defined skin disease, in which genetic, environmental and immunologic factors participate in etiopathogenesis. However, despite its frequency, chronicity and visibility, it is quite hard to find a description of psoriasis in the works of the ancient physicians. Dermatology developed slowly, first with appearance of the protodermatologists at the end of the 18th century, and continued with the arrival of the first dermatologists. From those times psoriasis became a distinct entity. However, until the last century, the descriptions of disease considered Ā«morbi in pulchredineĀ», were rather vague, the denomination not standardized and the translation from one language to others discrepant. Different authors called the disease with various names, while diverse diseases had the same names. The confusion in terminology and description of psoriasis lasted for centuries


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    G. B. Cambieri je u prvoj polovici XIX. stoljeća bio najznačajniji liječnik riječke regije. Rođen je u blizini grada Pavije gdje je zavrÅ”io Medicinski fakultet. U Rijeku je doÅ”ao 1797. i ubrzo postao glavni gradski liječnik. Njegov je rad bio prije svega usmjeren prema zaraznoj bolesti koja se pojavila i Å”irila krajem XVIII. stoljeća u Å krljevu, mjestu u blizini Rijeke. Opisao je bolest i smatrao je morbus sui generis, a nazvao je morbus Scherlievo. Napisao je nekoliko članaka o bolesti koja je predstavljala oblik sifilisa, a liječio ju je ponajprije živinim pripravcima. Istraživao je nove mogućnosti liječenja pa čak i autoinokulacijom. Na njegovu inicijativu otvorena je nova gradska bolnica s odjelom za sifilis. Sav je svoj imetak nakon smrti (1838.) ostavio toj bolnici. Njegov rad smatramo važnim za početak venerologije (sifilidologije) u riječkoj regiji.G. B. Cambieri was the most important physician in the Rijeka region in the first half of the 19th century. He was born near Pavia, and came to Rijeka in 1797. Soon he became the chief town physician. Most of his activity was directed against an infectious disease that appeared near Rijeka in the village of Å krljevo at the end of the 18th century. He described it as a disease in its own right, and termed it morbus Scherlievo, that is, the disease of Å krljevo. He wrote a few articles about the disease, which was a form of syphilis, and treated it with mercury preparations. He experimented with new therapies and even self-inoculation. He also took the initiative to open a new Civic Hospital with a Department of Syphilidology. After his death in 1838, he left all his money to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit of Rijeka. His work was of primary importance for the beginning of venerology in the Rijeka region


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    G. B. Cambieri je u prvoj polovici XIX. stoljeća bio najznačajniji liječnik riječke regije. Rođen je u blizini grada Pavije gdje je zavrÅ”io Medicinski fakultet. U Rijeku je doÅ”ao 1797. i ubrzo postao glavni gradski liječnik. Njegov je rad bio prije svega usmjeren prema zaraznoj bolesti koja se pojavila i Å”irila krajem XVIII. stoljeća u Å krljevu, mjestu u blizini Rijeke. Opisao je bolest i smatrao je morbus sui generis, a nazvao je morbus Scherlievo. Napisao je nekoliko članaka o bolesti koja je predstavljala oblik sifilisa, a liječio ju je ponajprije živinim pripravcima. Istraživao je nove mogućnosti liječenja pa čak i autoinokulacijom. Na njegovu inicijativu otvorena je nova gradska bolnica s odjelom za sifilis. Sav je svoj imetak nakon smrti (1838.) ostavio toj bolnici. Njegov rad smatramo važnim za početak venerologije (sifilidologije) u riječkoj regiji.G. B. Cambieri was the most important physician in the Rijeka region in the first half of the 19th century. He was born near Pavia, and came to Rijeka in 1797. Soon he became the chief town physician. Most of his activity was directed against an infectious disease that appeared near Rijeka in the village of Å krljevo at the end of the 18th century. He described it as a disease in its own right, and termed it morbus Scherlievo, that is, the disease of Å krljevo. He wrote a few articles about the disease, which was a form of syphilis, and treated it with mercury preparations. He experimented with new therapies and even self-inoculation. He also took the initiative to open a new Civic Hospital with a Department of Syphilidology. After his death in 1838, he left all his money to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit of Rijeka. His work was of primary importance for the beginning of venerology in the Rijeka region


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    G. B. Cambieri je u prvoj polovici XIX. stoljeća bio najznačajniji liječnik riječke regije. Rođen je u blizini grada Pavije gdje je zavrÅ”io Medicinski fakultet. U Rijeku je doÅ”ao 1797. i ubrzo postao glavni gradski liječnik. Njegov je rad bio prije svega usmjeren prema zaraznoj bolesti koja se pojavila i Å”irila krajem XVIII. stoljeća u Å krljevu, mjestu u blizini Rijeke. Opisao je bolest i smatrao je morbus sui generis, a nazvao je morbus Scherlievo. Napisao je nekoliko članaka o bolesti koja je predstavljala oblik sifilisa, a liječio ju je ponajprije živinim pripravcima. Istraživao je nove mogućnosti liječenja pa čak i autoinokulacijom. Na njegovu inicijativu otvorena je nova gradska bolnica s odjelom za sifilis. Sav je svoj imetak nakon smrti (1838.) ostavio toj bolnici. Njegov rad smatramo važnim za početak venerologije (sifilidologije) u riječkoj regiji.G. B. Cambieri was the most important physician in the Rijeka region in the first half of the 19th century. He was born near Pavia, and came to Rijeka in 1797. Soon he became the chief town physician. Most of his activity was directed against an infectious disease that appeared near Rijeka in the village of Å krljevo at the end of the 18th century. He described it as a disease in its own right, and termed it morbus Scherlievo, that is, the disease of Å krljevo. He wrote a few articles about the disease, which was a form of syphilis, and treated it with mercury preparations. He experimented with new therapies and even self-inoculation. He also took the initiative to open a new Civic Hospital with a Department of Syphilidology. After his death in 1838, he left all his money to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit of Rijeka. His work was of primary importance for the beginning of venerology in the Rijeka region

    Epidermal Malignant Tumors: Pathogenesis, Influence of UV Light and Apoptosis

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    Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, collectively termed non-melanoma skin cancers are the most commonmalignant tumors in humans. Basal cell carcinoma grows slowly and metastatic spread is very rare. Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by infiltrative, destructive growth and metastasis. Long-term exposure of skin to UV light has a great impact on development of these epidermal malignancies. UV light induces cascade of events like well known DNA damage of keratinocytes as well as still completely undetermined influence on apoptotic process through expression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules. The major role in development of skin cancer is given to proapoptotic p53 molecule or tumor suppressor gene which mutation due to UV exposure leads to resistance of DNA-damaged cell to apoptosis. Other proapoptotic molecules such as Fas ligand (FasL) and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) are strongly expressed in basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma that could be explained by the ability of tumor to escape the attack of immune system