4 research outputs found

    Electron Pumping in Graphene Mechanical Resonators

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    The combination of high-frequency vibrations and metallic transport in graphene makes it a unique material for nanoelectromechanical devices. In this Letter, we show that graphene-based nanoelectromechanical devices are extremely well suited for charge pumping due to the sensitivity of its transport coefficients to perturbations in electrostatic potential and mechanical deformations, with the potential for novel small scale devices with useful applications

    Tunable Phonon-Induced Transparency in Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons

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    In the phenomenon of plasmon-induced transparency, which is a classical analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in atomic gases, the coherent interference between two plasmon modes results in an optical transparency window in a broad absorption spectrum. With the requirement of contrasting lifetimes, typically one of the plasmon modes involved is a dark mode that has limited coupling to the electromagnetic radiation and possesses relatively longer lifetime. Plasmon-induced transparency not only leads to light transmission at otherwise opaque frequency regions but also results in the slowing of light group velocity and enhanced optical nonlinearity. In this article, we report an analogous behavior, denoted as phonon-induced transparency (PIT), in AB-stacked bilayer graphene nanoribbons. Here, light absorption due to the plasmon excitation is suppressed in a narrow window due to the coupling with the infrared active Γ-point optical phonon, whose function here is similar to that of the dark plasmon mode in the plasmon-induced transparency. We further show that PIT in bilayer graphene is actively tunable by electrostatic gating and estimate a maximum slow light factor of around 500 at the phonon frequency of 1580 cm<sup>–1</sup>, based on the measured spectra. Our demonstration opens an avenue for the exploration of few-photon nonlinear optics and slow light in this novel two-dimensional material

    Local Strain Engineering in Atomically Thin MoS<sub>2</sub>

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    Controlling the bandstructure through local-strain engineering is an exciting avenue for tailoring optoelectronic properties of materials at the nanoscale. Atomically thin materials are particularly well-suited for this purpose because they can withstand extreme nonhomogeneous deformations before rupture. Here, we study the effect of large localized strain in the electronic bandstructure of atomically thin MoS<sub>2</sub>. Using photoluminescence imaging, we observe a strain-induced reduction of the direct bandgap and funneling of photogenerated excitons toward regions of higher strain. To understand these results, we develop a nonuniform tight-binding model to calculate the electronic properties of MoS<sub>2</sub> nanolayers with complex and realistic local strain geometries, finding good agreement with our experimental results

    High-Mobility Compensated Semimetals, Orbital Magnetization, and Umklapp Scattering in Bilayer Graphene Moiré Superlattices

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    Twist-controlled moiré superlattices (MSs) have emerged as a versatile platform for realizing artificial systems with complex electronic spectra. The combination of Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) can give rise to an interesting MS, which has recently featured a set of unexpected behaviors, such as unconventional ferroelectricity and the electronic ratchet effect. Yet, the understanding of the electronic properties of BLG/hBN MS has, at present, remained fairly limited. Here, we combine magneto-transport and low-energy sub-THz excitation to gain insights into the properties of this MS. We demonstrate that the alignment between BLG and hBN crystal lattices results in the emergence of compensated semimetals at some integer fillings of the moiré bands, separated by van Hove singularities where the Lifshitz transition occurs. A particularly pronounced semimetal develops when eight holes reside in the moiré unit cell, where coexisting high-mobility electron and hole systems feature strong magnetoresistance reaching 2350% already at B = 0.25 T. Next, by measuring the THz-driven Nernst effect in remote bands, we observe valley splitting, indicating an orbital magnetization characterized by a strongly enhanced effective gv-factor of 340. Finally, using THz photoresistance measurements, we show that the high-temperature conductivity of the BLG/hBN MS is limited by electron–electron umklapp processes. Our multifaceted analysis introduces THz-driven magnetotransport as a convenient tool to probe the band structure and interaction effects in van der Waals materials and provides a comprehensive understanding of the BLG/hBN MS