344 research outputs found

    Solving the "Isomorphism of Polynomials with Two Secrets" Problem for all Pairs of Quadratic Forms

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    We study the Isomorphism of Polynomial (IP2S) problem with m=2 homogeneous quadratic polynomials of n variables over a finite field of odd characteristic: given two quadratic polynomials (a, b) on n variables, we find two bijective linear maps (s,t) such that b=t . a . s. We give an algorithm computing s and t in time complexity O~(n^4) for all instances, and O~(n^3) in a dominant set of instances. The IP2S problem was introduced in cryptography by Patarin back in 1996. The special case of this problem when t is the identity is called the isomorphism with one secret (IP1S) problem. Generic algebraic equation solvers (for example using Gr\"obner bases) solve quite well random instances of the IP1S problem. For the particular cyclic instances of IP1S, a cubic-time algorithm was later given and explained in terms of pencils of quadratic forms over all finite fields; in particular, the cyclic IP1S problem in odd characteristic reduces to the computation of the square root of a matrix. We give here an algorithm solving all cases of the IP1S problem in odd characteristic using two new tools, the Kronecker form for a singular quadratic pencil, and the reduction of bilinear forms over a non-commutative algebra. Finally, we show that the second secret in the IP2S problem may be recovered in cubic time

    Statistical Properties of Short RSA Distribution and Their Cryptographic Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study some computational security assump-tions involve in two cryptographic applications related to the RSA cryp-tosystem. To this end, we use exponential sums to bound the statistical distances between these distributions and the uniform distribution. We are interesting studying the k least (or most) significant bits of x e mod N , where N is a RSA modulus when x is restricted to a small part of [0, N). First of all, we provide the first rigorous evidence that the cryptographic pseudo-random generator proposed by Micali and Schnorr is based on firm foundations. This proof is missing in the original paper and do not cover the parameters chosen by the authors. Consequently, we extend the proof to get a new result closer to the parameters using a recent work of Wooley on exponential sums and we show some limitations of our technique. Finally, we look at the semantic security of the RSA padding scheme called PKCS#1 v1.5 which is still used a lot in practice. We show that parts of the ciphertexts are indistinguisable from uniform bitstrings

    Computing ee-th roots in number fields

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    We describe several algorithms for computing ee-th roots of elements in a number field KK, where ee is an odd prime-power integer. In particular we generalize Couveignes' and Thom\'e's algorithms originally designed to compute square-roots in the Number Field Sieve algorithm for integer factorization. Our algorithms cover most cases of ee and KK and allow to obtain reasonable timings even for large degree number fields and large exponents ee. The complexity of our algorithms is better than general root finding algorithms and our implementation compared well in performance to these algorithms implemented in well-known computer algebra softwares. One important application of our algorithms is to compute the saturation phase in the Twisted-PHS algorithm for computing the Ideal-SVP problem over cyclotomic fields in post-quantum cryptography.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Associated experimental code provided at https://github.com/ob3rnard/eth-root

    Cryptanalysis of the New Multilinear Map over the Integers

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    This article describes a polynomial attack on the new multilinear map over the integers presented by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi at CRYPTO 2015 (CLT15). This version is a fix of the first multilinear map over the integers presented by the same authors at CRYPTO 2013 (CLT13) and broken by Cheon et al. at EUROCRYPT 2015. The attack essentially downgrades CLT15 to its original version CLT13, and leads to a full break of the multilinear map for virtually all applications. In addition to the main attack, we present an alternate probabilistic attack underpinned by a different technique, as well as an instant-time attack on the optimized variant of the scheme

    Getting Rid of Linear Algebra in Number Theory Problems

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    We revisit some well-known cryptographic problems in a black box modular ring model of computation. This model allows us to compute with black box access to the ring Z/mZ\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}. We develop new generic ring algorithms to recover mm even if it is unknown. At the end, Maurer\u27s generic algorithm allows to recover an element from its black box representation. However, we avoid Maurer\u27s idealized model with CDH oracle for the multiplication in the hidden ring by introducing a new representation compatible with ring operations. An element is encoded by its action over the factor basis. Consequently, we can multiply two elements with classical descent computations in sieving algorithms. As the algorithms we propose work without using an expensive linear algebra computation at the end, even though they manipulate large sparse matrices, we can exploit a high-level of parallelism. Then, we consider general groups such as imaginary quadratic class group and the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve, and obtain new methods for group order computation. The repeated squaring problem and the adaptive root problem used in the construction of Verifiable Delay Functions are particularly easy to solve in the black box modular ring, the high degree of parallelism provided by our method allows a reduction in the time to solve them. We improve the smoothing time, and as a result, we break Verifiable Delay Functions and factorize weak keys with lower Area-Time cost. Finally, we show new AT costs for computing a discrete logarithm over an adversarial basis in finite fields

    Comparison between Subfield and Straightforward Attacks on NTRU

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    Recently in two independent papers, Albrecht, Bai and Ducas and Cheon, Jeong and Lee presented two very similar attacks, that allow to break NTRU with larger parameters and GGH Multinear Map without zero encodings. They proposed an algorithm for recovering the NTRU secret key given the public key which apply for large NTRU modulus, in particular to Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes based on NTRU. Hopefully, these attacks do not endanger the security of the NTRUE NCRYPT scheme, but shed new light on the hardness of this problem. The basic idea of both attacks relies on decreasing the dimension of the NTRU lattice using the multiplication matrix by the norm (resp. trace) of the public key in some subfield instead of the public key itself. Since the dimension of the subfield is smaller, the dimension of the lattice decreases, and lattice reduction algorithm will perform better. Here, we revisit the attacks on NTRU and propose another variant that is simpler and outperforms both of these attacks in practice. It allows to break several concrete instances of YASHE, a NTRU-based FHE scheme, but it is not as efficient as the hybrid method of Howgrave-Graham on concrete parameters of NTRU. Instead of using the norm and trace, we propose to use the multiplication by the public key in some subring and show that this choice leads to better attacks. We √ can then show that for power of two cyclotomic fields, the time complexity is polynomialFinally, we show that, under heuristics, straightforward lattice reduction is even more efficient, allowing to extend this result to fields without non-trivial subfields, such as NTRU Prime. We insist that the improvement on the analysis applies even for relatively small modulus ; though if the secret is sparse, it may not be the fastest attack. We also derive a tight estimation of security for (Ring-)LWE and NTRU assumptions. when q=2Ω(nlog⁥log⁥n)q=2^{\Omega(\sqrt{n \log \log n})}

    Security-Efficiency Tradeoffs in Searchable Encryption -- Lower Bounds and Optimal Constructions

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    Besides their security, the efficiency of searchable encryption schemes is a major criteria when it comes to their adoption: in order to replace an unencrypted database by a more secure construction, it must scale to the systems which rely on it. Unfortunately, the relationship between the efficiency and the security of searchable encryption has not been widely studied, and the minimum cost of some crucial security properties is still unclear. In this paper, we present new lower bounds on the tradeoffs between the size of the client state, the efficiency and the security for searchable encryption schemes. These lower bounds target two kinds of schemes: schemes hiding the repetition of search queries, and forward-private dynamic schemes, for which updates are oblivious. We also show that these lower bounds are tight, by either constructing schemes matching them, or by showing that even a small increase in the amount of leaked information allows for constructing schemes breaking the lower bounds

    Improving Key Recovery to 784 and 799 rounds of Trivium using Optimized Cube Attacks

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    Dinur and Shamir have described cube attacks at EUROCRYPT ’09 and they have shown how efficient they are on the stream cipher Trivium up to 767 rounds. These attacks have been extended to distinguishers but since this seminal work, no better results on the complexity of key recovery attacks on Trivium have been presented. It appears that the time complexity to compute cubes is expensive and the discovery of linear superpoly also requires the computation of many cubes. In this paper, we increase the number of attacked initialization rounds by improving the time complexity of computing cube and we show attacks that go beyond this bound. We were able to find linear superpoly up to 784 rounds, which leads to an attack requiring 2392^{39} queries. Using quadratic superpoly, we were also able to provide another attack up to 799 rounds which complexity is 2402^{40} queries and 2622^{62} for the exhaustive search part. To achieve such results, we find a way to reduce the density of the polynomials, we look for quadratic relations and we extensively use the Moebius transform to speed up computations for various purposes
