4,001 research outputs found

    Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis

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    The aim of this study is to map the intellectual structure of the field of Information Retrieval (IR) during the period of 1987-1997. Co-word analysis was employed to reveal patterns and trends in the IR field by measuring the association strengths of terms representative of relevant publications or other texts produced in IR field. Data were collected from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the period of 1987-1997. In addition to the keywords added by the SCI and SSCI databases, other important keywords were extracted from titles and abstracts manually. These keywords were further standardized using vocabulary control tools. In order to trace the dynamic changes of the IR field, the whole 11-year period was further separated into two consecutive periods: 1987-1991 and 1992-1997. The results show that the IR field has some established research themes and it also changes rapidly to embrace new themes

    An architecture of a user-centred digital library for the academic community

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    An architecture of a user-centred digital library, designed to lead users of an academic community to the required information resources based on their tasks, is proposed. Information resources include full-text articles, databases, theses and dissertations, e-journals, e-books, multimedia databases, and so on. Other information resources such as university course calendars, university statutes, course registration, thesis and dissertation guidelines, style guides, and so on, are also needed by users. A prototype has been designed and developed using the School of Computer Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an example of such an environment to provide access to these information resources which are spread across different servers and in different home pages This prototype provides links to various information resources according to users' needs, as well as a personal work space to record/store his/her publications, frequently used or favorite hyperlinks and references or notes. Various stages of the prototype design and development are described and future works on this line are highlighted

    Interface relaxation in electrophoretic deposition of polymer chains: Effects of segmental dynamics, molecular weight, and field

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    Using different segmental dynamics and relaxation, characteristics of the interface growth is examined in an electrophoretic deposition of polymer chains on a three (2+1) dimensional discrete lattice with a Monte Carlo simulation. Incorporation of faster modes such as crankshaft and reptation movements along with the relatively slow kink-jump dynamics seems crucial in relaxing the interface width. As the continuously released polymer chains are driven (via segmental movements) and deposited, the interface width WW grows with the number of time steps tt, Wtβ,W \propto t^{\beta}, (β0.4\beta \sim 0.4--0.8)0.8), which is followed by its saturation to a steady-state value WsW_s. Stopping the release of additional chains after saturation while continuing the segmental movements relaxes the saturated width to an equilibrium value (WsWrW_s \to W_r). Scaling of the relaxed interface width WrW_r with the driving field EE, WrE1/2W_r \propto E^{-1/2} remains similar to that of the steady-state WsW_s width. In contrast to monotonic increase of the steady-state width WsW_s, the relaxed interface width WrW_r is found to decay (possibly as a stretched exponential) with the molecular weight.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    HB 481 - Heartbeat Bill

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    The Act adds an unborn child with a detectable human heartbeat to the definition of a natural person and includes such unborn child in state population counts. The Act defines abortion, prescribes when abortions may be performed, provides exceptions to abortion performance limitations, establishes requirements for performing an abortion, and provides for a right of action, damages, and affirmative defenses. The Act permits alimony and child support payments starting when an unborn child has a detectable human heartbeat. Parents have the right to recover the full value of a child’s life when a detectable human heartbeat exists. The Act requires that women seeking an abortion be advised that a detectable human heartbeat exists, provides for certain notices to the woman, and repeals certain penalties. The Act requires physicians who perform abortions to determine the presence of a detectable human heartbeat before performing an abortion and requires physicians to report certain information concerning such abortions. The Act considers an unborn child with a detectable human heartbeat a dependent minor for income tax purposes. The Act also provides for legislative findings and provides standing to intervene and defend constitutional challenges to the Act. The Act provides a short title, provides for severability of claims, provides an effective date, and repeals conflicting laws

    Atherosclerotic carotid plaque composition: a 3T and 7T MRI-histology correlation study

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    Background and Purpose Carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque composition may influence plaque stability and risk of thromboembolic events, and non-invasive plaque imaging may therefore permit risk stratification for clinical management. Plaque composition was compared using non-invasive in-vivo (3T) and ex-vivo (7T) MRI and histopathological examination. Methods Thirty three endarterectomy cross sections, from 13 patients, were studied. The datasets consisted of in-vivo 3T MRI, ex-vivo 7T MRI and histopathology. Semi-automated segmentation methods were used to measure areas of different plaque components. Bland- Altman plots and mean difference with 95% confidence interval were carried out. Results There was general quantitative agreement between areas derived from semi-automated segmentation of MRI data and histology measurements. The mean differences and 95% confidence bounds in the relative to total plaque area between 3T versus Histology were: fibrous tissue 4.99 % (-4.56 to 14.56), lipid-rich/necrotic core (LR/NC) with haemorrhage - 1.81% (-14.11 to 10.48), LR/NC without haemorrhage -2.43% (-13.04 to 8.17), and calcification -3.18% (-11.55 to 5.18). The mean differences and 95% confidence bounds in the relative to total plaque area between 7T and histology were: fibrous tissue 3.17 % (-3.17 to 9.52), LR/NC with haemorrhage -0.55% (-9.06 to 7.95), LR/NC without haemorrhage - 12.62% (-19.8 to -5.45), and calcification -2.43% (-9.97 to 4.73). Conclusions This study provides evidence that semi-automated segmentation of 3T/7T MRI techniques can help to determine atherosclerotic plaque composition. In particular, the high resolution of ex-vivo 7T data was able to highlight greater detail in the atherosclerotic plaque composition. High field MRI may therefore have advantages for in vivo carotid plaque MR imaging

    Exploiting the dynamic properties of covalent modification cycle for the design of synthetic analog biomolecular circuitry

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    Background: Cycles of covalent modification are ubiquitous motifs in cellular signalling. Although such signalling cycles are implemented via a highly concise set of chemical reactions, they have been shown to be capable of producing multiple distinct input-output mapping behaviours – ultrasensitive, hyperbolic, signal-transducing and threshold-hyperbolic. Results: In this paper, we show how the set of chemical reactions underlying covalent modification cycles can be exploited for the design of synthetic analog biomolecular circuitry. We show that biomolecular circuits based on the dynamics of covalent modification cycles allow (a) the computation of nonlinear operators using far fewer chemical reactions than purely abstract designs based on chemical reaction network theory, and (b) the design of nonlinear feedback controllers with strong performance and robustness properties. Conclusions: Our designs provide a more efficient route for translation of complex circuits and systems from chemical reactions to DNA strand displacement-based chemistry, thus facilitating their experimental implementation in future Synthetic Biology applications

    Pressure effects in the triangular layered cobaltites NaxCoO2

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    We have measured transport properties as a function of temperature and pressure up to 30GPa in the NaxCoO2 system. For the x=0.5 sample the transition temperature at 53K increases with pressure, while paradoxically the sample passes from an insulating to a metallic ground state. A similar transition is observed in the x=0.31 sample under pressure. Compression on the x=0.75 sample transforms the sample from a metallic to an insulating state. We discuss our results in terms of interactions between band structure effects and Na+ order.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure