18 research outputs found

    Colonization of leaf litter of two aquatic macrophytes, Mayaca fluviatilis Aublet and Salvinia auriculata Aublet by aquatic macroinvertebrates in a tropical reservoir

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    Decomposition and colonization of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis by macroinvertebrates were analyzed during 40 days to determine whether differences existed on colonization by aquatic macroinvertebrates of two macrophytes with distinct habits (submerged versus fluctuant). Leaf litter of S. auriculata and M. fluviatilis were incubated in 24 litter bags (12 of each species), in a small reservoir surrounded by a cerrado fragment with low level of anthropic impact. After 10, 20, 30 and 40 days, the litter bags were removed and aquatic macroinvertebrates community was analyzed. Two hundred twenty macroinvertebrates were associated with S. auriculata and 261 were associated with M. fluviatilis, identified in 24 taxa. Both macrophyte species were colonized mainly by macroinvertebrate predators. Ablabesmyia with predator and collector food mechanisms was present in all sampling. The data showed an expressive increase of abundance during the process of decomposition and a decrease at the end of the experiment, in both macrophytes. Cluster analysis permitted inference that the colonization of the leaf liter by macroinvertebrates was determinated by incubation time of leaf litter not by the habit of macrophytes (submerged or fluctuant)

    Structure of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages on a gradient of environmental integrity in Neotropical streams

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    AIM: This study investigated the taxonomic composition of the benthic macroinvertebrates in streams to evaluate how this fauna reflects the various uses of the soil and to identify which groups of macroinvertebrates might be taken as characterizing each situation under study. METHODS: To achieve these objectives, 29 streams were collected and inserted in regions with different conservation using Surber sampler. Analyzes were performed of environmental variables (Principal Components Analysis - PCA) and taxonomic structure of the community (taxon richness, numerical abundance and Multidimensional scaling - MDS). RESULTS: EPT group (orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) and the Coleoptera exhibited greater numerical abundance and taxon richness in streams located in reference areas. In contrast, dipteran larvae, especially the chironomids, along with immature odonates, were more abundant in streams in areas suffering from a lack of riparian forest. Multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) revealed an environmental gradient, on which the streams within the Atlantic forest formed a tightly clustered group, as did those in semideciduous forests. However, the latter group occupied an intermediate position between the Atlantic forest streams and those in areas disturbed by human activity. Among these areas there were no specific clusters by monoculture. CONCLUSIONS: Among the groups of streams defined by the types of land use in the adjacent areas, the state of integrity was found to decline from Atlantic rainforest, through semi-deciduous forest and then pasture, to the monocultures of eucalypts and sugarcane

    Labrundinia johannseni Beck and Beck 1966

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    Labrundinia johannseni Beck and Beck, 1966 (Figs 27–29) Pentaneura pilosella Loew, 1866: Johannsen 1946 (part): 283 (description of male). Labrundinia johannseni Beck and Beck, 1966: 342 (description adults and immatures); Roback 1971: 279 (description of male); Roback 1987: 196 (description of immatures). Material examined. Type material: Holotype male with pupal and larval exuviae, USA: Florida, Flagler County, Rayonier Ditch, 30.i. 1965, W. Beck (USNM). Additional material: 1 larva, USA: Florida, Flagler County, Rayonier Ditch, 17.x. 1967, W. Beck; 1 larva as previous except for 30.i. 1965; 1 female with pupal exuviae as previous except for 27.ii. 1965; 1 larva as previous except for Orange, Shinae Creek, 14.i. 1958; 1 larva as previous except for Highlands, Arbuckle Creek, 3.ii. 1987, R.P Rutter; 1 larva as previous except for Santa Rosa, Black river at Wright basin, 3.viii. 1976, G. Bass. 1 male, Georgia, Decatur, Little Attapulgus Creek, Georgia Hwy 241, 7.xi. 1984, B.A. Caldwell. Diagnostic characters. Labrundinia johannseni differs from other Labrundinia species by the combination of the following characters. Adult male: abdominal tergites II, IV with continuous brown transverse band, T III over 75 % brown, T V–VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale brown, sternapodeme with reduced anterior process. Pupa: Thoracic horn ovoid, about 2.07–2.20 times as long as wide; preapical indentation absent. Larva: Surface of head capsule smooth with brown transverse band, lateroventral spine group present with several conspicuous spines; subbasal seta of posterior parapod serrated; bifid claw with U-shaped lower indentation. Description. Adult male (n = 2 unless otherwise stated) Size. Total length 2.2–2.4 mm. Wing length 1.4–1.5 mm. Total length/wing length 1.50–1.73. Wing length/ profemur length 2.63 (1). Coloration. Head brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax brown with scutum dorsally light brown; antepronotum pale yellow; supraalar callus pale brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale. Abdominal tergites II, IV with continuous brown transverse band, T III over 0.75 brown, T V, VI–VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale brown (Fig. 27 L). Head (Figs 27 A–E). Temporal setae 10 (1), uniserial (Fig. 27 B). Eye ratio 0.94 (1). Tentorium (Fig. 27 C) 171 (1) Μm long. Clypeus 85 (1) Μm long, 62 (1) Μm wide at largest part, bearing 24 (1) setae. Cibarial pump 213 (1) Μm long (Fig. 27 D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (in Μm): 41 (1); 77 (1); 137 (1); 150 (1); 209 (1). Antennal with flagellum 692–813 Μm long, diameter of pedicel 116–118 Μm, apical setae single (Fig. 27 E), AR 1.27–1.34. Thorax. Antepronotum lateral setae not observed. Acrostichals 44–50, biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly, starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 24–26, irregularly uniserial; prealars 12–15; supraalars 2–3. Anapleural suture ratio 0.45–0.46. Scutellum with transverse row of 10 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae. Wing (Fig. 27 F). Width 0.4 mm. Costa 1.1–1.2 mm long. R 2 + 3 present, but not very discernible. VR 0.74–0.75. WW 0.26–0.28. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous. Legs (Figs 27 G–K). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 39–42 Μm (Fig. 27 G), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 12–18 Μm long (Fig. 27 H), with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 36–39 Μm long (Fig. 27 I), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 22–23 Μm long with three lateral teeth (Fig. 27 J) and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 37–427 Μm long (Fig. 27 K), tibia without spur; comb with 5 bristles; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 17. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 p 1 399–524 429–549 313 234 180 p 2 684–687 453–594 – – – p 3 547–590 664–810 547 273 195 ta 4 ta 5 LR BV SV p 1 125 78 0.72 1.85 2.65 p 2 – – – – – p 3 125 78 0.82 2.61 2.21 Hypopygium (Fig. 27 M). Tergite IX arched, with 13 posterior setae. Membranous anal point rounded. Phallapodeme 53–56 Μm long. Sternapodeme with reduced anterior process. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 108–124 Μm long, 57 Μm wide, with slightly concave inner margin. GcR 1.90–2.19. Gonostylus simple and slender, 74–86 Μm long; megaseta 12–18 Μm long. HR 1.44–1.45. HV 2.77–2.92. Adult female (n = 1 unless otherwise stated) Size. Total length 1.2 mm. Wing length 1.2 mm. Total length/wing length 1.07. Wing length/ profemur length 3.45. Coloration. Head, pedicel, antenna and maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax pale brown with scutum dorsally darker; antepronotum pale yellow; supraalar callus brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale. Abdomen dark brown, not very discernible. Seminal capsules brown. Head. Temporal setae uncounted, uniserial. Clypeus 57 Μm long, 48 Μm wide at largest part, setae uncounted. Cibarial pump 128 Μm long, as in male. Lengths of palpomeres 1–4 (in Μm): 34; 53; 99; 128; palpomeres 5 broken off. Antennal flagellum 278 Μm long, AR 0.33. Thorax. Antepronotum lateral setae not observed. Acrostichals 30, irregularly biserial, starting close to antepronotum; dorsocentrals 34, irregularly uniserial; prealars 12; supraalars 2. Scutellum with transverse row of 10 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae. Wing. Width 0.4 mm. Costa 1.0 mm long. R 2 + 3 not observed. VR 0.87. WW 0.32. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous. Legs. Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 23 Μm, tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 16 Μm long, with two lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 35 Μm, tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 18 Μm long, with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 32 Μm, tibia without spur; comb setae not observed; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 18. Genitalia. Cerci oval-quadrate. Seminal capsules oval, 38 Μm long, 21 Μm wide, with conical shaped necks. Pupa (n = 2 unless otherwise stated) Size. Abdomen 2.1 (1) mm long in male, 2.0 (1) mm long in female. Coloration. Exuviae and thoracic horn brown. Apex of anal lobe brown. Cephalothorax (Figs 28 A–C). Frontal apotome smooth (Fig. 28 A). Wing sheath smooth 0.9 –1.0 mm long. Thoracic horn 221–258 Μm long and 106–117 Μm wide (Fig. 28 B), THR 2.07–2.20, preapical indentation absent. Membranous preapical papilla 27 (1) Μm long (Fig. 28 C), PTH 0.11 (1), aeropyle tube simple, short, not measurable; plastron plate small. Horn sac well developed, completely filling respiratory atrium. Reticulation of respiratory atrium indistinct. Basal lobe wedge-shaped. Thoracic comb with 10 conical tubercles (Fig. 28 B). Abdomen (Figs 28 D–E). Tergite I with scar 129 (1) Μm long. T I–III without shagreen, T IV–V with a few spines medially concentrated, T VII–VIII with shagreen basally concentrated. Abdominal chaetotaxy as in figure 28 D. Abdominal segment VII with 4 LS-setae. A VIII with 5 LS-setae. Anal lobe 255–257 Μm long and 140–162 Μm wide (Fig. 28 E), outer margins sclerotized, with 10–12 spines, longest spine 12–15 Μm long, inner margins of lobes membranous. ALR 1.56–1.83. Male genital sac almost reaching apex of anal lobe. 4 th instar larva (n = 7 unless otherwise stated) Coloration. Head pale yellow, with brown transverse band; postoccipital margin brown. Second antennal segment brown; distal tooth of mandible and apex of ligula brown. Abdomen pale yellow; procercus and anal setae pale brown. Posterior parapod claws all pale yellow. Head (Fig. 29 A). Length 490 (1) Μm, 315 (1) Μm wide. IC 0.62–0.72. Surface smooth; lateroventral spine group present, well developed, with 10–16 spines; posteroventral spine group absent. Ventral cephalic setae S 9, S 10 and SSm forming a straight line diagonal to longitudinal axis of head capsule (Fig. 29 A). Antenna (Figs 29 B–C). Length 246–288 Μm, A 1 167–198 Μm long, with ring organ placed 0.82–0.94 (4) from base, A 2 69–78 Μm long. AR 2.13–2.42. Blade longer than A 2 over-reached by accessory blade. Maxilla (Fig. 29 D). Basal palp segment 20–32 Μm long and 7–11 Μm wide at the middle, with ring organ 0.67– 0.83 from base. PR 1.78–3.21. APR 5.98–9.25. Mandible (Fig. 29 E). Length 60–69 Μm. Sensillum campaniformium 0.64–0.79 from apex, basal tooth bifid, with seta subdentalis projecting from sloping end towards apical tooth, accessory tooth present, AMD 3.28. Mentum and M appendage. Dorsomental teeth reduced; pseudoradula uniformly granulate. Hypopharyngeal complex (Figs 29 F–G). Ligula 55–66 Μm long, 25–28 Μm wide, with row of 5 teeth. IO 0.80–0.98, MO 1.05–1.08. Paraligula bifid, 24–31 Μm long, inner tooth 19–25 Μm long, shorter than outer tooth. Pecten hypopharyngis with 7 teeth almost equal in size. Body (Figs 29 H–I). Without lateral fringe. Anterior parapods with simple claws. Procercus 137–170 Μm long, 31–43 Μm wide, with 7 anal setae 511–598 (6) Μm long. L/ W 3.60 –5.42. Supraanal seta well developed. Anal tubules 137–176 (3) Μm long. Posterior parapod 343–370 (5) Μm long; subbasal seta on posterior parapod serrated, with 7–9 spines basally (Fig. 29 H); parapod apex with numerous simple claws; bifid claw with U-shaped lower indentation (Fig. 29 I). B/C 0.86–0.98 (6). Remarks. Adult males of Labrundinia johannseni appear most similar to those of L. neopilosella and L. setosa in having a distinct continuous transverse band on abdominal tergite II. However, the abdominal tergite III is more than 75 % brown in L. johannseni while it has a continuous transverse band in L. neopilosella and L. setosa. The pupae of L. johannseni are very similar to those of L. neopilosella and L. longipalpis, but can be distinguished from these species by the thoracic horn apical width, which is about 1.5 times as long as basal width. The distinctive ventral maculation on the head capsule distinguish the larvae of L. johannseni from any known Labrundinia species. Labrundinia johannseni is a moderately abundant in the southeast of the United Stated. The larvae of this species has been collected in creeks and unpolluted pools.Published as part of Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1) on pages 59-61, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/25072

    Labrundinia amazonica Silva, sp. n.

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    <i>Labrundinia amazonica</i> Silva sp. n. <p>(Fig. 4)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> <i>Type material:</i> Holotype male, Brazil: <b>Amazonas</b>, Manacapuru, Cabaliana lake, 16.vi.1971, F. Reiss (ZSM).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> Derived from Amazonia, referring to the type locality in the Amazonian region in northern Brazil.</p> <p> <b>Diagnostic characters.</b> <i>Labrundinia amazonica</i> <b>sp. n.</b> differs from other <i>Labrundinia</i> species by the combination of the following characters. <b>Adult male</b>: abdomen completely brown; hypopygium brown, gonostylus with a concave depression apically, sternapodeme with reduced anterior process.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Adult male (n = 1)</p> <p> <i>Size.</i> Total length 2.3 mm. Wing length 1.1 mm. Total length/wing length 2.04. Wing length/ profemur length 1.77.</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Head pale brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax golden brown; antepronotum pale brown; supraalar callus brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs brown. Abdomen including hypopygium brown (Fig. 4J).</p> <p> <i>Head</i> (Figs 4A–E). Temporal setae 10, uniserial (Fig. 4B). Eye ratio 1.12. Tentorium (Fig. 4C) 150 Μm long. Clypeus 68 Μm long, 58 Μm wide at largest part, bearing 13 setae. Cibarial pump 136 Μm long (Fig. 4D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–3 (in Μm): 31; 54; 81. Antennal flagellum 805 Μm long, diameter of pedicel 91 Μm, apical setae single, AR 1.35 (Fig. 4E).</p> <p> <i>Thorax</i>. Antepronotum lateral setae not observed. Acrostichals 40, biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly,</p> <p>starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 22, irregularly biserial; prealars 7; supraalars not observed. Anapleural suture ratio 0.33. Scutellars not observed. Anepisternals, preepisternals and postnotals absent.</p> <p> <i>Wing</i> (Fig. 4F). Width 0.3 mm. Costa 1.0 mm long. R2+3 present. VR 0.78. WW 0.28. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 4G–I). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 43 Μm (Fig. 4G), tibial spur and preapical setae not observed; preapical pseudospurs not observed. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 37 Μm long (Fig. 4H), tibial spur and preapical setae not observed; preapical pseudospurs not observed. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 38 Μm long (Fig. 4I), tibia without spur; comb with apparently 4 bristles; preapical pseudospurs not observed. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 4.</p> <p>fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 p1 642 473 – – – p2 608 493 – – – p3 529 655 – – –</p> <p> ta4 ta5 LR BV SV p1 – – – – – p2 – – – – – p3 – – – – – <i>Hypopygium</i> (Fig. 4K). Tergite IX arched, with 10 posterior setae. Membranous anal point rounded apically. Phallapodeme 52 Μm long. Sternapodeme with reduced anterior process. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 116 Μm long, 52 Μm wide, with slightly concave inner margin. GcR 2.23. Gonostylus with a concave depression apically, 79 Μm long; megaseta 12 Μm long. HR 1.47. HV 2.95.</p> <p> <i>Adult female, pupa and larva</i>. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Adult males of <i>Labrundinia amazonica</i> appear most similar to those of <i>L. becki</i> and <i>L. parabecki</i> in the abdominal coloration. However, a very distinct gonostylus with an internal depression subapically is present in <i>L. amazonica</i> in contrast to the straight gonostylus in the other <i>Labrundinia</i> species. <i>Labrundinia amazonica</i> has been recorded only from its type locality in Amazon rainforest. The immature stages and their habitat remain unknown.</p>Published as part of <i>Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1)</i> on pages 16-18, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/250728">http://zenodo.org/record/250728</a&gt

    Labrundinia setosa Silva, sp. n.

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    <i>Labrundinia setosa</i> Silva sp. n. <p>(Fig. 75)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> <i>Type material:</i> Holotype male, Brazil: <b>Mato Grosso</b>, Upper Xingu river area, Culuene river ~ 100 km down stream of confluence 7 Setembro river with Culuene river, 30.viii.1965, E. J. Fittkau (ZSM). Paratype: 1 male same data as holotype (ZSM).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> Named after numerous long setae on tergite IX of the adult male.</p> <p> <b>Diagnostic characters.</b> <i>Labrundinia setosa</i> <b>sp. n.</b> differs from other <i>Labrundinia</i> species by the combination of the following characters. <b>Adult male</b>: abdominal tergites II–IV with continuous brown transverse band near proximal margin, T V–VIII almost completely brown; T IX with 16–20 posterior setae; hypopygium dark brown, sternapodeme with anterior process absent.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Adult male (n = 2 unless otherwise stated)</p> <p> <i>Size.</i> Total length 2.2–2.4 mm. Wing length 1.2–1.3 mm. Total length/wing length 1.81. Wing length/length of profemur 2.57.</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Head pale brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax golden brown with scutum dorsally light brown; antepronotum pale brown; supraalar callus brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale brown. Abdomen as in figure 75L. Hypopygium dark brown.</p> <p> <i>Head</i> (Figs 75A–E). Temporal setae 10, uniserial (Fig. 75B). Eye ratio 1.12–1.40. Tentorium (Fig. 75C) 153– 1.73 Μm long. Clypeus 77–84 Μm long, 63–70 Μm wide at largest part, bearing 16–18 setae. Cibarial pump 177– 208 Μm long (Fig. 75D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (in Μm): 34–41; 42–51; 103– 132; 131–165; 213–263. Antennal flagellum 714–839 Μm long, diameter of pedicel 127–133 Μm, apical setae single (Fig. 75E), AR 1.42–1.43.</p> <p> <i>Thorax</i>. Antepronotum with 4 (1) lateral setae. Acrostichals 34–44, biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly, starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 24–32, irregularly biserial; prealars 8– 11; supraalars 2. Anapleural suture ratio 0.41 (1). Scutellum with transverse row of 10–11 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae.</p> <p> <i>Wing</i> (Fig. 75F). Width 0.4 mm. Costa 1.0– 1.1 mm long. R2+3 present. VR 0.74 (1). WW 0.28. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 75G–K). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 37–38 Μm (Fig. 75G), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 13–18 Μm long (Fig. 75H), with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; ta1-4 without any preapical pseudospurs. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 34–36 Μm long (Fig. 75I), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 19–22 Μm long with three lateral teeth (Fig. 75J) and two preapical setae; ta1-4 each with two preapical pseudospurs. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 43–44 Μm long (Fig. 75K), tibia without spur; comb with 7 bristles; ta1-4 each with two preapical pseudospurs. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 51.</p> <p>fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 p1 511–473 491–439 – – –</p> <p>p2 582–697 437–498 738 281 164 p3 571–499 610–674 591 731 323</p> <p>ta4 ta5 LR BV SV p1 – – – – –</p> <p> p2 103 101 1.48 2.98 1.62 p3 216 140 0.88 1.30 2.11 <i>Hypopygium</i> (Fig. 75M). Tergite IX arched, with 16–20 posterior setae. Membranous anal point trapezoidal, apical edge very notched. Phallapodeme 42–48 Μm long. Sternapodeme with anterior process absent. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 93–112 Μm long, 52–59 Μm wide, with slightly concave inner margin. GcR 1.77–1.88. Gonostylus simple and slender, 63–74 Μm long; megaseta 9–10 Μm long. HR 1.47–1.50. HV 3.20–3.48.</p> <p> <i>Adult female, pupa and larva</i>. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Adult males of <i>Labrundinia setosa</i> are very similar to those of <i>L. neopilosella</i> and differences are discussed under this species. <i>Labrundinia setosa</i> has been recorded only from its type locality in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The immature stages and their habitat remain unknown.</p>Published as part of <i>Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1)</i> on pages 155-157, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/250728">http://zenodo.org/record/250728</a&gt

    Labrundinia virescens Beck and Beck 1966

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    <i>Labrundinia virescens</i> Beck and Beck, 1966 <p>(Figs 86–88)</p> <p> <i>Labrundinia virescens</i> Beck and Beck, 1966: 341 (description of adults and immatures); Roback 1971: 279 (description of male); Roback 1987: 197 (description of immatures).</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> <i>Type material:</i> 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae, USA: <b>Florida</b>, Leon, Boliek's Pond, near Natural Bridge, 30.vi.1964, W. Beck (USNM 69124). 2 Paratypes: 1 female with pupal and larval exuviae same data as holotype except for 5.v.1964 (USNM 69124); 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae same data as holotype.</p> <p> <i>Additional material:</i> 1 prepupa, USA: <b>Florida</b>, Leon, Boliek's Pond, 22.vii.1965, W. Beck; 1 larva as previous except for Flagler County, Rayonier Ditch, 18.vi.1964; 1 larva as previous except for Chaoborus Pond, 30.vi.1964; 1 larva, <b>Florida</b>, St. John's, Sphagnum Ditch, 17.xi.1965. 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae, <b>Georgia</b>, St. Simons Isl., Pond at Plantation village, Demere Rd. 23.xi.1990, B. A. Caldwell; 1 female as previous except for 28.xi.1990. 1 male, <b>North Carolina</b>, Belews Lake, 5.x.1976, S. S. Roback.</p> <p> <b>Diagnostic characters.</b> <i>Labrundinia virescens</i> differs from other <i>Labrundinia</i> species by the combination of the following characters. <b>Adult male</b>: abdominal tergites I–II pale, T III–V with continuous brown transverse band near proximal margin, TVI–VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale, sternapodeme with moderate anterior process. <b>Pupa</b>: thoracic horn shaped like the number ‘9’, preapical indentation deep; segment II with dense multi-toothed spines; male genital sac extending somewhat beyond apex of anal lobe. <b>Larva</b>: surface of head capsule smooth; lateroventral spine group present, with 4–5 conspicuous spines; posteroventral spine group absent; mandible with short, subequal teeth.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Adult male (n = 4)</p> <p> <i>Size.</i> Total length 2.4–2.8 (3) mm. Wing length 1.3–1.6 mm. Total length/wing length 1.76–1.85 (3). Wing length/ profemur length 2.85–3.22.</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Head brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale. Thorax pale brown with dark scutum; antepronotum pale; supraalar callus brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale. Abdominal tergites I–II pale, T III–V with continuous brown transverse band near proximal margin, TVI–VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale (Fig. 86L).</p> <p> <i>Head</i> (Figs 86A–E). Temporal setae 10 (2), uniserial (Fig. 86B). Eye ratio 0.78 (1). Tentorium (Fig. 86C) 130 (1) Μm long. Clypeus 95–110 (2) Μm long, 62–88 (2) Μm wide at largest part, bearing 14–17 (3) setae. Cibarial pump 127–276 (3) Μm long (Fig. 86D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (in Μm): 46 (1); 62 (1); 162 (1); 167 (1); 262 (1). Antennal flagellum 814–936 (2) Μm long, diameter of pedicel 65–98 (3) Μm, apical setae single (Fig. 86E), AR 1.47–1.50(2).</p> <p> <i>Thorax</i>. Antepronotum with 4 (2) lateral setae. Acrostichals 32–54 (2), biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly, starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 27–32 (2), irregularly biserial; prealars 9–12; supraalars 3. Anapleural suture ratio 0.41–0.42 (2). Scutellum with transverse row of 8 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae.</p> <p> <i>Wing</i> (Fig. 86F). Width 0.4 mm. Costa 1.1–1.3 mm long. R2+3 present. VR 0.74–0.79. WW 0.25–0.29. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> (Figs 86G–K). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 31–39 Μm (Fig. 86G), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 13–21 (10) Μm long (Fig. 86H), with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; ta1-4 without any preapical pseudospurs. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 31–43 Μm long (Fig. 86I), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 19–29 Μm long with 3–4 teeth (Fig. 86J) and two preapical setae; ta1-3 each with two preapical pseudospurs. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 31–54 Μm long (Fig. 86K), tibia without spur; comb 7 setae; ta1 with two preapical pseudospurs. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 59.</p> <p>fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3</p> <p>p1 437–549 475–545 294–383 218–255 158–187 p2 465–712 443–589 466–714 287–332 159–175 p3 610 796 690 325 219</p> <p>ta4 ta5 LR BV SV</p> <p> p1 125–156 70–79 0.62–0.70 2.05–2.27 2.85–3.17 p2 107–126 87–98 1.05–1.21 2.15–2.75 1.82–1.95 p3 152 96 0.87 2.64 2.03 <i>Hypopygium</i> (Fig. 86M). Tergite IX arched, with 10–14 posterior setae. Membranous anal point trapezoidal, apical edge slightly notched. Phallapodeme 49–73 (3) Μm long. Sternapodeme with moderate anterior process. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 138–186 (3) Μm long, 43–82 (3) Μm wide, with slightly concave inner margin. GcR 2.27– 2.51 (3). Gonostylus simple and slender, 88–111 Μm long; megaseta 10–16 Μm long. HR 1.57–1.67 (3). HV 2.55– 3.97 (3).</p> <p>Adult female (n = 2)</p> <p> <i>Size.</i> Total length 1.7–1.9 mm. Wing length 1.2–1.3 mm. Total length/wing length 1.45–1.51. Wing length/ profemur length 2.56 (1).</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Head pale brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax brown dark scutum; antepronotum pale brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs brown. Abdomen seems completely brown, not much distinguishable. Seminal capsules brown.</p> <p> <i>Head</i>. Temporal setae 11 (1), uniserial. Eyes ratio 1.38 (1). Tentorium 160 (1) Μm long. Clypeus 84 (1) Μm long, 82 (1) Μm wide at largest part, bearing 22 setae. Cibarial pump 185 Μm long, as in male. Lengths of palpomeres 1–4 (in Μm): 52 (1); 53 (1); 110 (1); 114 (1); palpomeres 5 broken off. Antennal flagellum 416 (1) Μm long, diameter of pedicel 62 (1) Μm, AR 1.17 (1).</p> <p> <i>Thorax</i>. Antepronotum setae not observed. Acrostichals 42–44, irregularly uniserial, starting close to antepronotum; dorsocentrals 36, irregularly biserial; prealars 10–11; supraalars 3. Scutellum with transverse row of 8 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae.</p> <p> <i>Wing</i>. Width 0.4–0.5 mm. Costa not measurable. R2+3 not observed. VR 0.82 (1). WW 0.30–0.43. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i>. Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 34–39 Μm, tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 19–28 Μm, with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta1-4 not observed. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 46–47 Μm, tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 23–38 Μm, with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta1-4 not observed. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 39–43 Μm long, tibia without spur; comb not observed; preapical pseudospurs on ta1-4 not observed. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 60.</p> <p> <i>Genitalia.</i> Gonapophysis VIII broadly rounded, 68 (1) Μm long. Coxosternapodeme 87 (1) Μm long. Postgenital plate rounded. Cerci oval-quadrate, 68 (1) Μm long and 10 (1) Μm wide; with 4 (1) elongated setae. Labia with inconspicuous microtrichia. Notum length 107 (1) Μm long. Seminal capsules oval, 46 (1) Μm long, 36 (1) Μm wide, with conical shaped necks. Length ratio SCa/No 0.43(1).</p> <p>Pupa (n = 4 unless otherwise stated)</p> <p> <i>Size.</i> Abdomen 2.1–2.7 (3) mm long in male, 2.5(1) mm long in female.</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Exuviae mostly pale brown; thoracic horn brown.</p> <p>fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3</p> <p>p1 438 444 305 198 140 p2 632 578 625 234 156 p3 516 688 625 281 219</p> <p> ta4 ta5 LR BV SV p1 108 80 0.68 2.26 2.88 p2 109 94 1.08 3.09 1.93 p3 140 86 0.91 2.51 1.91 <i>Cephalothorax</i> (Figs 87A–C). Frontal apotome smooth (Fig.87A). Wing sheath smooth 0.7–1.1 mm long. Thoracic horn 258–313 Μm long and 131–144 Μm wide (Fig. 87B), THR 1.94–2.17, preapical indentation deep. Membranous preapical papilla 50–54 Μm long (Fig. 87C), PTH 0.18–0.20, aeropyle tube simple, elongated and slender, 46–55 Μm long; plastron plate small. Horn sac moderately developed. Reticulation of respiratory atrium indistinct, external membrane with pale spinules. Basal lobe wedge-shaped. Thoracic comb with 8–10 conical tubercles (Fig. 87B).</p> <p> <i>Abdomen</i> (Figs 87D–F). Tergite I with scar 138–163 (2) Μm long. T I without shagreen, T II–VI with a few spines medial apical concentrated, T VII–VIII with shagreen medial concentrated. Segment II with dense multibranched spines (Fig. 87D). Abdominal chaetotaxy as in figure 87E. Abdominal segment VII with 4 LS-setae. A VIII with 5 LS-setae. Anal lobe 320–441 Μm long and 156–208 Μm wide (Fig. 87F), outer margins sclerotized, with 12–13 spines, longest spine 39–45 Μm long, inner margins of lobes membranous. ALR 1.99–2.11. Male genital sac extending somewhat beyond apex of anal lobe.</p> <p>4th instar larva (n = 7 unless otherwise stated)</p> <p> <i>Coloration</i>. Head pale yellow, without maculation; postoccipital margin brown. Second antennal segment brown; distal tooth of mandible and apex of ligula brown. Abdomen pale yellow; procercus and anal setae pale brown. Posterior parapod claws all pale yellow.</p> <p> <i>Head</i> (Fig. 88A). Length 668–683 (2) Μm, 382–426 (2) Μm wide. IC 0.55–0.64 (2).Surface smooth; lateroventral spine group present, with 4–5 spines; posteroventral spine group absent. Ventral cephalic setae S9, S10 and ventral pore (VP) forming a more or less right angle (Fig. 88A).</p> <p> <i>Antenna</i> (Figs 88B–C). Length 338–390 Μm, A1 240–274 Μm long, with ring organ located 0.84–0.96 (5) from base, A2 86–100 Μm long. AR 2.35–2.55. Blade longer than A2 over-reached by accessory blade.</p> <p> <i>Maxilla</i> (Fig. 88D). Basal palp segment 35–58 Μm long and 7–14 Μm wide at the middle, with ring organ located 0.73–0.85 (5) from base. PR 3.69–5.60. APR 4.30–7.32.</p> <p> <i>Mandible</i> (Fig. 88E). Length 80–120 Μm. Sensillum campaniformium located 0.65–0.89 from apex, basal tooth bifid, with seta subdentalis projecting from sloping end towards apical tooth, accessory tooth present, AMD 2.02–3.11.</p> <p> <i>Mentum and M appendage</i>. Dorsomental teeth reduced; pseudoradula uniformly granulate, 61–75 (2) Μm long.</p> <p> <i>Hypopharyngeal complex</i> (Figs 88F–G). Ligula 70–89 (6) Μm long, 40–47 (6) Μm wide, with row of 5 teeth. IO 0.88–0.93, MO 0.98–1.06. Paraligula bifid, 31–40 Μm long, inner tooth 22–32 Μm long, shorter than outer tooth. Pecten hypopharyngis with 7 teeth almost equal in size.</p> <p> <i>Body</i> (Figs 88H–I). Without lateral fringe. Anterior parapods with simple claws. Procercus 216–243 Μm long, 31–45 (6) Μm wide, with 7 anal setae, 412–739 (6) Μm long. L/ W 5.35 –8.76 (5). Supraanal seta well developed. Anal tubules 250–434 (5) Μm long. Posterior parapod 401 (1) Μm long; subbasal seta on posterior parapod simple, with 1–2 small spines basally (Fig. 88H); parapod apex with numerous simple claws; bifid claw with V-shaped lower indentation (Fig. 88I). B/C 1.22–1.29.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Adult males of <i>Labrundinia virescens</i> are very similar to those of the related species <i>L. opela</i> and <i>L. paravirescens</i>, but may distinguished by having an abdominal tergite V which is brown in the anterior ¾. The pupae of <i>L. virescens</i> appear most similar to those of <i>L. carolae</i> and were fully discussed on the remarks of this species. The larvae of <i>L. virescens</i> are quite similar to those of <i>L. jasoni</i> and <i>L. paravirescens</i>, but can be separated by the large spines in the lateroventral spine group on the head. <i>Labrundinia virescens</i> is moderately abundant in the southeast of the United States. The larvae of this species were collected in lakes, creeks and unpolluted pools.</p>Published as part of <i>Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1)</i> on pages 177-179, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/250728">http://zenodo.org/record/250728</a&gt

    Labrundinia amandae Silva, sp. n.

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    Labrundinia amandae Silva sp. n. (Figs 1–3) Labrundinia sp. 10 Silva et al. 2013: 601 (DNA barcodes). Material examined. Type material: Holotype male with pupal and larval exuviae, Brazil: São Paulo, São Carlos, Ecological Park, 19.iv. 2010, F. L. Silva (MZUSP). 5 Paratypes: 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae same data as holotype (NTNU); 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae same data as holotype except for Canchin reservoir, 25.vii. 2007 (NTNU); 1 female with pupal and larval exuviae same data as holotype except for Monjolinho stream, 11.iv. 2011 (NTNU); 2 pupa with larval exuviae same data as holotype (NTNU). Etymology. Named in honour of Amanda Carvalho de Andrade from Rio de Janeiro, in recognition for her friendship, kindness and continuous support. Diagnostic characters. Labrundinia amandae sp. n. differs from other Labrundinia species by the combination of the following characters. Adult male: tentorium 149–192 Μm long; abdomen including hypopygium completely brown; sternapodeme with reduced anterior process. Pupa: thoracic horn semi-globose, preapical indentation moderately deep; abdominal segment VII with 4 LS-setae; male genital sac extending much beyond apex of anal lobe. Larva: surface smooth with small, dark brown spots ventrally, lateroventral and posteroventral spine groups absent; paraligula multi-toothed, with 4 teeth; subbasal seta of posterior parapod simple; bifid claw with V-shaped lower indentation. Description. Adult male (n = 3) Size. Total length 2.2–2.5 mm. Wing length 1.2–1.3 mm. Total length/wing length 1.75–2.04. Wing length/ profemur length 2.95–3.01. Coloration. Head pale brown with dark occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax pale brown with dark scutum. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale brown. Abdomen including hypopygium brown (Fig. 1 L). Head (Figs 1 A–E). Temporal setae 12, uniserial (Fig. 1 B). Eye ratio 0.84–0.85 (2). Tentorium (Fig. 1 C) 149– 192 Μm long. Clypeus 76–87 Μm long, 55–72 Μm wide at largest part, bearing 14–16 setae. Cibarial pump 183–191 Μm long (Fig. 1 D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (in Μm): 41–45 (2); 47–52 (2); 98– 105 (2); 147–156 (2); 211 (1). Antennal flagellum 790–797 Μm long, diameter of pedicel 125–129 (2) Μm, apical setae single (Fig. 1 E), AR 1.21–1.29. Thorax. Antepronotum with 2 (2) lateral setae. Acrostichals 38–55, biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly, starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 22–26, irregularly uniserial; prealars 8–9; supraalars 2. Anapleural suture ratio 0.48–0.53. Scutellum with transverse row of 10–11 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae. Wing (Fig. 1 F). Width 0.4 mm. Costa 1.1–1.2 mm long. R 2 + 3 absent. VR 0.69–0.76. WW 0.30–0.32. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous. Legs (Figs 1 G–K). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 31–37 Μm (Fig. 1 G), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 18–19 Μm long (Fig. 1 H), with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; ta 1-4 without any preapical pseudospurs. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 32–38 Μm long (Fig. 1 I), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 23–30 Μm long with lateral three lateral teeth (Fig. 1 J) and two preapical setae; ta 1-4 each with two preapical pseudospurs. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 34–42 Μm long (Fig. 1 K), tibia without spur; comb with 7 bristles; ta 1- 4 without any preapical pseudospurs. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 2. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 p 1 400–436 385–430 304–340 181–188 128–137 p 2 584–616 456–493 480–487 253–275 131–145 p 3 526–545 519–561 546–563 252–257 166–168 ta 4 ta 5 LR BV SV p 1 86–98 56–58 0.75–0.79 2.50–2.51 2.95–3.07 p 2 93–100 75–82 0.98–1.07 2.65–2.75 2.13–2.29 p 3 109–112 88–91 1.00– 1.05 2.57–2.69 1.93–1.97 Hypopygium (Fig. 1 M). Tergite IX arched, with 8 posterior setae. Membranous anal point small, apical edge rounded. Phallapodeme 58–71 (2) Μm long. Sternapodeme with reduced anterior process. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 143–154 Μm long, 72–75 Μm wide, with slightly concave inner margin. GcR 1.93–2.12. Gonostylus simple and slender, 97–106 Μm long; megaseta 15–16 Μm long. HR 1.46–1.48. HV 2.21–2.40. Adult female (n = 1) Size. Total length 1.3 mm. Wing length 0.8 mm. Total length/wing length 1.48. Wing length/ profemur length 2.76. Coloration. Head pale brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale brown. Thorax brown with dark scutum; antepronotum pale brown. Wing membrane transparent without any marking. Legs pale brown. Abdomen completely dark brown. Seminal capsules brown. Head. Temporal setae 12, uniserial. Eyes ratio 0.94. Tentorium 149 Μm long. Clypeus 85 Μm long, 61 Μm wide at largest part, bearing 19 setae. Cibarial pump 174 Μm long, as in male. Lengths of palpomeres 1–3 (in Μm): 31; 44; 85. Antennal flagellum 333, AR 0.34 Μm long, diameter of pedicel 51 Μm. Thorax. Antepronotum with 2 lateral setae. Acrostichals 35, irregularly uniserial, starting close to antepronotum; dorsocentrals 35, irregularly biserial; prealars 15; supraalars 3. Scutellum with transverse row of 10 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae. Wing. Width 0.3 mm. Costa 0.8 mm long. R 2 + 3 absent. VR 0.69. WW 0.38. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama setiferous. Legs. Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 36 Μm, tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 15 Μm, with three lateral teeth and two preapical setae; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 44 Μm long, tibia with two preapical setae, apical spur not observed; preapical pseudospurs on Ta 1-4 not observed. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 41 Μm long, tibia without spur; comb with 7 bristles; preapical pseudospurs on ta 1-4 not observed. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 3. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 p 1 315 305 262 128 101 p 2 495 369 – – – p 3 439 488 – – – ta 4 ta 5 LR BV SV p 1 63 59 0.86 2.51 2.37 p 2 – – – – – p 3 – – – – – Genitalia. Gonapophysis VIII broadly rounded, 63 Μm long. Coxosternapodeme 69 Μm long. Postgenital plate rounded. Cerci oval-quadrate, 35 Μm long and 11 Μm wide; with 4 elongated setae. Labia with inconspicuous microtrichia. Notum length 90 Μm long. Seminal capsules oval, 36 Μm long, 28 Μm wide, with conical shaped necks. Length ratio SCa/No 0.40. Pupa (n = 6 unless otherwise stated) Size. Abdomen 1.8–2.2 (4) mm long in male, 1.7 (1) mm long in female. Coloration. Exuviae mostly pale brown; thoracic horn and apex of anal lobe brown. Cephalothorax (Figs 2 A–C). Frontal apotome smooth (Fig. 2 A). Wing sheath smooth 0.7 –1.0 mm long. Thoracic horn 203–239 Μm long and 73–87 Μm wide (Fig. 2 B), THR 2.57–2.81, preapical indentation moderately deep. Membranous preapical papilla 23–43 Μm long (Fig. 2 C), PTH 0.09–0.17, aeropyle tube simple, short, 18–28 Μm long; plastron plate small. Horn sac well developed, completely filling respiratory atrium. External membrane with pale spinules basally concentrated. Basal lobe wedge-shaped. Thoracic comb with 8–10 conical tubercles (Fig. 2 B). Abdomen (Figs 2 D–E). Tergite I with scar 114–132 Μm long. T I–VI without shagreen, T VII–VIII with shagreen basal concentrated. Abdominal chaetotaxy as in figure 2 D. Abdominal segment VII with 4 LS-setae. A VIII with 5 LS-setae. Anal lobe 263–318 Μm long and 142–185 Μm wide (Fig. 2 E), outer margins sclerotized, with 8–10 spines, longest spine 10–14 Μm long, inner margins of lobes membranous. ALR 1.48–2.20. Male genital sac extending much beyond apex of anal lobe. 4 th instar larva (n = 6 unless otherwise stated) Coloration. Head pale yellow, with small, dark brown spots ventrally; postoccipital margin brown. Second antennal segment brown; distal tooth of mandible and apex of ligula brown. Abdomen pale yellow; procercus and anal setae pale brown. Posterior parapod claws all pale yellow. Head (Fig. 3 A). Length 464–514 Μm, 283–317 Μm wide. Surface smooth; lateroventral and posteroventral spine groups absent; IC 0.56–0.67. Ventral cephalic setae S 9, S 10 and SSm forming a straight line diagonal to longitudinal axis of head capsule (Fig. 3 A). Antenna (Figs 3 B–C). Length 311–348 Μm, A 1 219–244 Μm long, with ring organ located 0.86–0.90 (4) from base, A 2 83–89 Μm long. AR 2.32–2.45. Blade longer than A 2 over-reached by accessory blade. Maxilla (Fig. 3 D). Basal palp segment 23–32 Μm long and 7–11 wide at the middle, with ring organ located 0.76–0.84 (5) from base. PR 2.82–3.28. APR 7.31–10.2. Mandible (Fig. 3 E). Length 63–86 Μm. Sensillum campaniformium located 0.67–0.75 from apex, basal tooth bifid, with seta subdentalis projecting from sloping end towards apical tooth, accessory tooth present, AMD 2.56– 3.89. Mentum and M appendage. Dorsomental teeth reduced; pseudoradula uniformly granulate. Hypopharyngeal complex (Figs 3 F–G). Ligula 41–58 Μm long, 22–26 Μm wide, with row of 5 teeth. IO 0.92– 0.98, MO 1.00– 1.04. Paraligula multi-toothed, with 4 teeth, 19–27 Μm long, inner tooth 13–19 Μm long, shorter than outer tooth. Pecten hypopharyngis with 8 teeth almost equal in size. Body (Figs 3 H–I). Without lateral fringe. Anterior parapods with simple claws. Procercus 146–171 (5) Μm long, 20–33 (5) Μm wide, with 7 anal setae, 518–552 (3) Μm long. L/ W 4.47 –7.48 (5). Supraanal seta well developed. Anal tubules not measurable. Posterior parapod 324 (1) Μm long; subbasal seta serrated, with 3–4 (5) spines basally (Fig. 3 H); parapod apex with numerous simple claws; bifid claw with V-shaped lower indentation (Fig. 3 I). B/C 1.02 (1). Remarks. Labrundinia amandae is very similar to L. unicolor in the adult males, but can be separated from the former by the longer tentorium (149–192 Μm in L. amandae vs 90–126 Μm in L. unicolor). The pupal exuviae are perhaps most similar to those of L. multidentata and L. tenata, but can be distinguished from these species by having 4 LS-setae on the abdominal segment VII. The larvae are apparently most similar to those of L. unicolor, but L. amandae can be separated by having a yellow head with small, dark brown ventral spots. Labrundinia amandae, L. tenata and L. unicolor can also be separated by their partial COI gene sequences (Silva et al. 2013). Labrundinia amandae has so far been recorded from two localities in São Paulo State, Brazil. The larvae were collected in small dams characterized by a predominance of aquatic macrophytes.Published as part of Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1) on pages 10-16, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/25072

    Labrundinia Fittkau 1962

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    <i>Labrundinia</i> Fittkau, 1962 <p> <i>Ablabesmyia</i> Johannsen, 1905 (part): 152.</p> <p> <i>Tanypus</i> Meigen, 1830: Malloch 1915 (part): 372; Walley 1928 (part): 583. <i>Pentaneura</i> Philippi, 1865: Edwards 1929 (Group F, part): 294; Johannsen 1946 (Group E, part): 283. <i>Labrundinia</i> Fittkau, 1962: 372; Beck and Beck 1966: 337; Roback 1971: 275. <b>Type species:</b> <i>Tanypus longipalpis</i> Goetghebuer, 1921</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Adult male</i>. Small to moderate size, 1.6–3.2 mm, wing length 1.1–2.2 mm. Head with eyes bare, antenna with terminal flagellomere not offset, almost fused to the preapical flagellomere. Thorax with 26–56 acrostichals, 8–44 dorsocentrals, 5–17 prealars and 5–14 scutellars; anepisternals, preepisternals and postnotals absent. Wing usually without dense macrotrichia, except for <i>L. fosteri</i> and <i>L. hirsuta</i>. Costa short, not produced beyond R4+5, ending at level or slightly beyond tip of M3+4; R2+3 present or absent. Fore leg usually without tibial comb, but occasionally present (<i>L. nicaraguensis</i>); apices of fore and mid tibiae with pectinate spur, with 3–5 lateral teeth; apex of hind tibia without spur, with comb of 5–8 bristles; claws slender, hook-shaped; pulvilli absent. Hypopygium with tergite IX large, convex posteriorly and with apical row of setae; membranous anal point small, usually covered by tergite IX; inferior volsella absent; phallapodeme straight; sternapodeme usually with anterior process.</p> <p> <i>Adult female</i>. Small to moderate size, 0.9–2.6 mm, wing length 0.8–1.5 mm. Thorax with 30–60 acrostichals, 20–44 dorsocentrals, 7–17 prealars and 8–12 scutellars. Wing usually without dense macrotrichia. Costa short, not produced beyond R4+5. R2+3 present or absent. Fore leg ratio 0.53–0.86. Genitalia with broadly rounded gonapophysis VIII. Gonotergite IX with posteromedial setae. Seminal capsules brown, oval with hyaline conical necks. Coxosternapodeme nearly straight. Labia with inconspicuous microtrichia. Postgenital plate rounded. Cerci quadrate to oval.</p> <p> <i>Pupa</i>. Small to moderate size, 1.5–2.7 mm long. Cephalothorax with thoracic horn slender to globose; plastron plate small to moderately reduced; horn sac occupies most of lumen; reticulation of respiratory atrium indistinct; external membrane with pale spines; basal lobe wedge-shaped; thoracic comb with 8–13 conical tubercles. Abdominal segment (A I) with scar dorsally, but not strongly pigmented; shagreen sparse, more conspicuous on A VII–VIII, basally concentrated; A II may have prominent spines ventrally, sometimes with dense multi-branched spines; A VII with 2–4 LS-setae (LS); tergite VIII with projections over base of anal lobe; anal lobe long and narrow, with inner border membranous, slightly concave; macrosetae with adhesive sheaths; male genital sac almost reaching apex of anal lobe or extending beyond apex of anal lobe.</p> <p> <i>Larva</i>: Small to moderate size, head capsule 398–781 Μm long. Head evenly coloured, sometimes with ventral maculation; surface may be smooth or covered with spinules, lateroventral and posteroventral spine groups present or absent. Antennal ratio (AR) 1.76–3.22. Mandible strongly curved with distinct or short, subequal teeth. Ligula with 5 teeth, middle tooth usually longer than outer teeth. Paraligula bifid or multi-toothed, with 4 teeth. Posterior parapod with numerous simple claws and a bifid claw with outer tooth shorter than inner tooth; subbasal seta simple or serrated with 3–13 teeth at the base; serrated claw present or absent.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The reduction of wing vein R2+3 is a character shared by species in the genera <i>Labrundinia</i>, <i>Monopelopia</i> Fittkau, <i>Nilotanypus</i> Kieffer and <i>Schineriella</i> Murray et Fittkau. However, the presence of one tibial spur on all legs in <i>Monopelopia</i> and <i>Nilotanypus</i>, and two tibial spurs on the mid and hind legs in <i>Schineriella</i> allows separation of these genera from <i>Labrundinia</i> whose the adults completely lack tibial spurs on the hind leg. Additionally, the apical male antennal flagellomere is fused to the preapical flagellomere in <i>Labrundinia</i> while male adults of <i>Schineriella</i> and <i>Monopelopia</i> have truncate terminal flagellomere. The pupae of <i>Labrundinia</i> superficially resemble those of <i>Nilotanypus</i>, in particular with regard to size. However, the pupae of <i>Labrundinia</i> may be readily recognized based on the shape of the thoracic horn with reduced plastron plate and a discrete corona. The larvae of <i>Labrundinia</i> share features with those of <i>Nilotanypus</i>, such as the overall body size, shape of ligula and the large basal and accessory teeth of the mandible. However, the position of the ring organ, which is close to the distal end of antennal segment one and the presence of one bifid claw on the posterior parapod, with outer tooth shorter than inner tooth are diagnostic for <i>Labrundinia.</i></p>Published as part of <i>Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1)</i> on pages 5-6, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/250728">http://zenodo.org/record/250728</a&gt

    Labrundinia hirsuta Roback 1987

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    Labrundinia hirsuta Roback, 1987 (Fig. 23) Labrundinia hirsuta Roback, 1987: 221 (description of male). Material examined. Type material: Holotype male, Colombia: Departamento del Meta, Puerto López, Laguna Mozambique, 16 km s. w. of Puerto López, 25.ii. 1972, N. R. Foster (ANSP). 4 Paratypes: 1 male same data as holotype except for 6.iii. 1971 (ANSP). 3 male same data as holotype except for 9.iii. 1971 (ANSP). Diagnostic characters. Labrundinia hirsuta differs from other Labrundinia species by the combination of the following characters. Adult male: abdominal tergites I–II pale, T II-V with narrow, laterally tapered band T VI with U-shaped band, T VI–VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale, sternapodeme with distinct anterior process. Adult male (n = 5 unless otherwise stated) Size. Total length 2.1–2.5 (2) mm. Wing length 1.2–1.3 (4) mm. Total length/wing length 2.04–2.15 (2). Wing length/ profemur length 2.81–3.11 (3). Coloration. Head brown with dark brown occipital margin; pedicel and antenna brown; maxillary palp pale. Thorax dark brown; antepronotum pale; supraalar callus dark brown. Wing membrane transparent with one median band present, about ⅔, formed mostly by dark hairs. Legs pale brown. Femur I with apex brown, Fe II–III brown. Tibia I with apex and base brown, Ti II pale, Ti III with apex brown. Tarsomere 1 with apex brown, tarsomeres 2–5 pale brown. Abdominal tergites I–II pale, II-V with narrow, laterally tapered band T VI with U-shaped band, T VI– VIII almost completely brown; hypopygium pale (Fig. 23 L). Head (Figs 23 A–E). Temporal setae 10–15, uniserial (Fig. 23 B). Eye ratio 1.18–1.50. Tentorium (Fig. 23 C) 112–147 Îœm long. Clypeus 98–125 (4) Îœm long, 69–88 Îœm wide at largest part, bearing 16–19 setae. Cibarial pump 161–170 (4) Îœm long (Fig. 23 D), with anterior margin concave. Lengths of palpomeres 1–5 (in Îœm): 33–37 (4); 49–65; 118–133; 137–159 (4); 233–239 (4). Antennal flagellum 843–857 (4) Îœm long, diameter of pedicel 107– 119 (3) Îœm, apical setae single (Fig. 23 E), AR 1.52–1.55 (2). Thorax. Antepronotum with 5–6 (4) lateral setae. Acrostichals 40–44 (4), biserial, diverging evenly posteriorly, starting close to antepronotum and almost reaching scutellum; dorsocentrals 20–22, irregularly biserial; prealars 8–9 (4); supraalars 3 (4). Anapleural suture ratio 0.46–0.52. Scutellum with transverse row of 8–10 setae and group of numerous fine anterior setae. Wing (Fig. 23 F). Width 0.3–0.4 (4) mm. Costa 1.0– 1.1 (4) mm long. R 2 + 3 present. VR 0.72–0.77 (4). WW 0.27–0.31 (4). Brachiolum with 2 setae (3). Squama setiferous. Legs (Figs 23 G–K). Fore leg: width at apex of tibia 31–39 Îœm (Fig. 23 G), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 13–16 (3) Îœm long (Fig. 23 H), with four and two preapical setae; ta 1 with two preapical pseudospurs. Mid leg: width at apex of tibia 31–39 (4) Îœm long (Fig. 23 I), tibia with single, apical and pectinate spur 16–25 (3) Îœm long with four teeth (Fig. 23 J) and two preapical setae; ta 1-4 each with two preapical pseudospurs. Hind leg: width at apex of tibia 39 (2) Îœm long (Fig. 23 K), tibia without spur; comb with 8 (4) bristles; ta 1 with two preapical pseudospurs. Claws slender, hooked; pulvilli absent. Lengths and proportion of leg segments as in Table 15. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 p 1 422–481 438–481 273–297 (2) 188–195 (2) 125–141 (2) p 2 602–688 503–523 581 (1) 259 (1) 141 p 3 523–546 (3) 643 (1) 555 (1) 281 (1) 184 (1) ta 4 ta 5 LR BV SV p 1 94–96 (2) 63 (2) 0.55–0.62 (2) 2.42–2.62 (2) 3.02–3.62 (2) p 2 95 (1) 78 (1) 1.16 (1) 2.97 (1) 1.95 (1) p 3 133 (1) 86 (1) 0.86 (1) 2.54 (1) 2.13 (1) Hypopygium (Fig 23 M). Tergite IX arched, with 12–13 posterior setae. Membranous anal point trapezoidal, slightly concave. Phallapodeme 55–67 (2) Îœm long. Sternapodeme with distinct anterior process. Gonocoxite cylindrical, 137–151 Îœm long, 62–75 Îœm wide. GcR 1.89–2.40. Gonostylus simple and slender, 86–92 Îœm long; megaseta, 16–18 (3) Îœm long. HR 1.55–1.75 (4). HV 2.44 (1). Adult female, pupa and larva. Unknown. Remarks. Adults of Labrundinia hirsuta can easily be separated from all other Labrundinia species by the narrow transverse, laterally tapered band on abdominal tergite V and U-shaped band on tergite VI. Labrundinia hirsuta has been recorded only from its type locality in Colombia. The adults were collected in the area of Laguna Mozambique, which is characterized by the presence of Scirpus cubensis and Pastalum repens along the shore and pH around 4.5. The larvae from this area described by Roback (1987 a) could not with certainty be associated with the adults. Thus, the immatures of L. hirsuta remain unknown.Published as part of Silva, Fabio Laurindo Da, Fonseca-Gessner, Alaide Aparecida & Ekrem, Torbjørn, 2014, A taxonomic revision of genus Labrundinia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), pp. 1-185 in Zootaxa 3769 (1) on pages 51-54, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3769.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/25072