25 research outputs found

    Is PdBi the little brother of AuIn?

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    A VLBI receiving system for the South Pole Telescope

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    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment that aims to observe supermassive black holes with an angular resolution that is comparable to the event horizon scale. The South Pole occupies an important position in the array, greatly increasing its north-south extent and therefore its resolution. The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10-meter diameter, millimeter-wavelength telescope equipped for bolometric observations of the cosmic microwave background. To enable VLBI observations with the SPT we have constructed a coherent signal chain suitable for the South Pole environment. The dual-frequency receiver incorporates state-of-the-art SIS mixers and is installed in the SPT receiver cabin. The VLBI signal chain also includes a recording system and reference frequency generator tied to a hydrogen maser. Here we describe the SPT VLBI system design in detail and present both the lab measurements and on-sky results.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE (SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX

    “Deep drilling“ requires “surfing“

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    ISSN:2504 - 185

    On computable numbers

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    ISSN:2504 - 185

    Solving Mysteries and Outwitting Transitions : Investigating the Incommensurate Crystal Structures of AuIn and Sn3Sb2

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    This thesis introduces two new incommensurate alloys. AuIn shows variable amounts of modulation, depending on the measurement temperature. At 400°C the diffraction pattern shows diffuse scattering and a thallium iodide type Cmcm space group. The diffuse scattering condenses into first order satellites on cooling to 300°C and the space group transforms to the incommensurate C-1(α, β, γ)0. I.e. the structure is becoming more ordered. If the measurement temperature is lowered even further to room temperature, satellites up to third order can be found. However the space group and the network structure do not change. The second alloy Sn3Sb2 is a high temperature modification of stistaite, SnSb. It can only be accessed when a pre-grown crystal is mounted in a capillary, with an additional piece of tin and heated to a temperature of 250°C. This way a structure made of 7x7x7 NaCl-type clusters interleaved with single layers of Sn with the space group Xm-3m can be found. If only the pre-grown crystal is measured, be it room or elevated temperatures, the diffraction pattern shows a twinned SnSb structure, with parasitic β\beta-Sn reflections. In the future, further structures that crystallize in the TlI structure will be investigated, to see if they behave similar to AuIn

    Temperature Dependent in situ Studies of two Simple Structure Types Revealing Modulation : or the Art of Making Glitter

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    In the first part of this thesis, three intermetallic compounds are discussed, that were originally thought of as thallium iodide type compounds. Starting from small evidence that there is more than meets the eye, investigations began to find the true structure of AuIn. AuIn emerged to be modulated with various domain sizes over temperatures between room temperature and 400◦C, where at room temperature it shows satellite reflections up to third order that are fully replaced by diffuse scattering at 400◦C. While the atomic network is optically thesame at all temperatures, the space group changes from the incommensurate C-1(αβγ)0 at room temperature to Cmcm at 400◦C and the gold network appears as a Peierls type distorted version of the thallium network in TlI.In addition the alloys PdBi and PdPb were examined with PdBi showing a very similar behaviour to AuIn, i.e. showcasing various degrees of modulation between room temperature and 300◦C and Pd adopting a Peierls type distorted version of the thallium network in TlI. For PdPb only room temperature data was measured so far, which also shows promising features of a Peierls type distorted thallium network for Pd.The second part of the thesis addresses the alloy Sn3Sb2, which is a high temperature modification of stistaite, SnSb. Its structure can only be accessed in situ when a pre-grown crystal is mounted in a capillary with an additionalpiece of tin. This sample has to be heated to a temperature of 250◦C to enable the structural transition. If the sample is monitored by X-ray diffraction during the heating process, the decay of the -tin reflections and the upsurge of the ordered Sn3Sb2 can be witnessed. Resulting is a structure consisting of 7x7x7 NaCl-type clusters interleaved by single Sn layers, presenting the space group Xm-3m.These two parts are unified by both of them dealing with a simple structure type, which reveals modulation that can be studied in situ

    Y<sub>3</sub>Ru<sub>2−x</sub>—A Representative of a Composite Modulated Family of Intermetallics

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    The compound Y3Ru2&#8722;x was synthesized from the elements and the structure was solved from single crystal synchrotron data. The high quality of the data allowed the determination of the incommensurate ordering of the compound, previously reported as disordered, with respect to the second subsystem. The compound crystallizes in the super space group X-3(00&#947;)0 with the q-vector axial along c*, q = 00&#947;, &#955; = 0.4276(7) and the centering vectors (1/3 2/3 0 1/3), (2/3 1/3 0 2/3)