236 research outputs found

    Binary Star Systems in Planetary Nebulae and their Relationship to Stellar Evolution: Modeling Two New Binary Systems

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    The aim of this research was to learn more about close binary star systems and how they influence the formation of planetary nebulae at the end of a star’s life. These systems are produced by a common envelope phase where they share the same atmosphere and spiral closer together, causing stronger interactions between the stars. Properties of these systems can be used to better understand Type 1A supernovae, cataclysmic variable stars, and gravitational waves. There are 70 of these close binary star systems known, of which fewer than 20 have been modeled. This summer, models were generated for two of these systems, the central stars of Lo 16 and PHR 1510-6754. The parameters determined were masses, radii, temperatures, inclination, and separation of the stars. Both systems have an irradiation effect, with Lo 16 displaying a small eclipse. Possible solutions for both systems have been found, and at this time, the models indicate stellar parameters that are consistent with the expected ranges for these systems. Further work will aim for a more complete range of all possible parameters. Knowing the specific combination of parameters will lead to a better understanding of how these systems form, how they impact the shaping of the planetary nebula, and how they will continue to evolve in the future

    Facing the Medusa: Confronting the Ongoing Impossibility of Women’s Studies

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    From the Introduction: When feminism is defined in such a way that it calls attention to the diversity of women’s social and political reality, it centralizes the experiences of all women, especially the women whose social conditions have been least written about, studied, or changed by political movements. When we cease to focus on this simplistic stance “men are the enemy,” we are compelled to examine systems of domination and our role in their maintenance and perpetuation. Lack of adequate definition made it easy for bourgeois women, whether liberal or radical in perspective, to maintain their dominance over the leadership of the movement and its direction. This hegemony continues to exist in most feminist organizations. Exploited and oppressed groups of women are usually encouraged by those in power to feel that their situation is hopeless, that they can do nothing to break the pattern of domination. Given such socialization, these women have often felt that our only response to white, bourgeois, hegemonic dominance of feminist movement is to trash, reject, or dismiss feminism. This reaction is in no way threatening to those women who wish to maintain control over the direction of feminist theory and praxis. They prefer us to be silent, passively accepting their ideas…(T)here has been a shift within the women’s movement whereby critique no longer focuses merely on patriarchal social structures but also on white middle- class women’s perpetuation of them to the detriment of other women and possibly to the demise of the women’s studies movement in its entirety. Such a juncture has created a tragedy like that of the Medusa. In this Greek myth, an originally lovely woman turns monstrous because of her foolish act of aspiring to be a goddess. We see a parallel between this classical myth and the transformations within women’s studies. Facing the Medusa tragedy that has befallen the women’s studies movement due to the hegemonic aspirations of its members is so frightening that to join its ranks or to consider taking on such a movement from within could prove death-dealing. The ultimate fear when facing the Medusa for women’s studies scholars is that they might prove what their male detractors have been saying--that she was a monster all along

    Controlled-Release of Tegretol-XR for Treatment of Epileptic Seizures

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    Fifty million people around the world are currently affected by epilepsy. Fortunately, the disease responds to treatment 70% of the time, but many of the medications prescribed require multiple dosages per day. To ensure patient compliance, prevent adverse consequences due to missed dosing, and to enhance medicative convenience for the patient, Tegretol has engineered as extended-release pill, Tegretol-XR, which delivers carbamazepine at a nearly constant rate for a twelve hour time period. The design of these tablets involves a drug infused matrix surrounded by an insoluble shell, with a small orifice to allow drug release. When water diffuses through the orifice, the interior pill matrix saturates, and carbamazepine begins to elute out of the orifice until depletion, a process that is designed to take twelve hours. Using COMSOL, a Tegretol-XR tablet was modeled as a 2D rectangular, axisymmetrical slab. Researched diffusivity constants were found to precisely model the water and drug flow into and out of the pills. The diffusion of the drug is coupled with the concentration of water, and as the water infuses into the pill, the diffusivity of the drug is altered, ultimately leading to a sustained release of carbamazepine over the allotted twelve hours. Results from our model indicate that drug release closely follows ideal release kinetics and keeps an ample amount of drug in the bloodstream at all times. It was found that altering the orifice size by 5% resulted in changes of up to 16% in final average drug concentration, implicating that this is the most sensitive variable analyzed. Variables like water diffusivity were much less influential to the final solution. Our model of Tegretol-XR gives epileptic patients the option of taking only two pills a day, and thus, significantly lowers the risk of a missed dose

    Larger foraminifera of the Devil's Den and Blue Hole sinkholes, Florida

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    Abstract. Shallow-water carbonate deposits are well-known from the Eocene of the US Gulf Coast and Caribbean. These deposits frequently contain abundant larger benthic foraminifera (LBF). However, whilst integrated stratigraphic studies have helped to refine the timing of LBF overturning events within the Tethys and Indo-Pacific regions with respect to global bio- and chemo-stratigraphic records, little recent work has been carried out in the Americas. The American LBF assemblages are distinctly different from those of Europe and the Indo-Pacific. It is therefore essential that the American bio-province is included in studies of LBF evolution, biodiversity and climate events to understand these processes on a global scale. Here we present the LBF ranges from two previously unpublished sections spanning 35 and 29 m of the upper Eocene Ocala limestone, as the early stages of a larger project addressing the taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the LBF of Florida. The study indicates that the lower member of the Ocala limestone may be Bartonian rather than Priabonian in age, with implications for the biostratigraphy of the region. In addition, the study highlights the need for multiple sites to assess the LBF assemblages and fully constrain ranges across Florida and the US Gulf and suggests potential LBF events for future integrated stratigraphic study.</jats:p

    Calm Your Thoughts With Tater Tots: a tater tot casserole recipe coloring book

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    Calm Your Thoughts with Tater Tots: a tater tot casserole recipe coloring book was crafted by student assistants and staff from Robert E. Kennedy’s Creative Works department during spring quarter 2020. The coloring book was created as a grounding project for creativity, encouragement, and relaxation, following adrienne maree brown’s #pleasureactivism, and offers an example of how to use virtual resources offered by the library

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Nearby Radio Active Elliptical Galaxies

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    In preparation for a study of their circumnuclear gas we have surveyed 60% of a complete sample of elliptical galaxies within 75 Mpc that are radio sources. Some 20% of our nuclear spectra have infrared emission lines, mostly Paschen lines, Brackett Îł, and [Fe II]. We consider the influence of radio power and black hole mass in relation to the spectra. Access to the spectra is provided here as a community resource
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