1,395 research outputs found

    Auf dem Weg zu mehr Gleichheit? Sozialpolitik in Brasilien und Chile nach dem »Linksruck«

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    In dem Beitrag werden die sozialpolitischen Initiativen in der Regierungsperiode von Michelle Bachelet (2006-2011) in Chile und von Luiz InĂĄcio Lula da Silva (2003-2011) in Brasilien dargestellt. Beide sozialdemokratischen Regierungen markieren im jeweiligen nationalen Kontext einen Linksruck. Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, ob die Reformen eine gleichheitsfördernde Wirkung entfaltet haben und einen Bruch mit neoliberalen Paradigmen in der Sozialpolitik bedeuten. Um die aktuellen VerĂ€nderungen einschĂ€tzen zu können, werden diese in einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren historischen und politökonomischen Kontext eingebettet. Die Analyse der Wohlfahrtsregime der beiden LĂ€nder stĂŒtzt sich auf den institutionalistischen Zugang von Esping-Andersen. Mit Bezug auf Kategorien wie Universalisierung, De-Kommodifizierung/Anti-Wert, De-Familialisierung und InformalitĂ€t wagen die AutorInnen am Ende eine EinschĂ€tzung, inwiefern unter Lula und Bachelet sozialdemokratische Politik betrieben wurde

    Biotransformation of caffeoyl quinic acids from green coffee extracts by Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533

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    Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Nicole Page-Zoerkler and Olivier Mauroux for their technical assistant. We thank David Pridmore and Kimo Makkinen for critical reading of this manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The role of actors' issue and sector specialization for policy integration in the parliamentary arena: an analysis of Swiss biodiversity policy using text as data

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    The role of the parliamentary arena and members of parliament (MPs) therein for both mainstreaming and cross-sectoral policy integration is largely unknown. Studying the case of Switzerland, this paper analyzes the integration of the biodiversity issue into policies of 20 different policy sectors over a period of 19 years to assess how two specific actor attributes—issue and sector specialization—increase the chances of MPs of engaging in both biodiversity mainstreaming and its cross-sectoral integration. The results based on a comprehensive collection of political documents from the parliamentary arena, and multilevel regression models show that an increase in MPs' sector specialization is associated with both a decrease in mainstreaming and a decrease in cross-sectoral integration activities. By contrast, an increase in issue specialization typically translates into biodiversity-related activity in a larger number of sectors. In the parliamentary arena, therefore, it is primarily a small group of “issue specialists” who take responsibility for the integration of crosscutting issues, such as biodiversity, into critical sectoral policies

    Coping with Rapid Changes in IT: An Update

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    Dealing with rapid changes in technology within and outside of their company is a constant challenge for IT managers. About two decades ago, a series of studies and in particular Benamati & Lederer (2001) showed that a range of coping strategies to deal with such rapid changes exists. These coping strategies range from the use of external support by consultants or vendors, or IT education and training to keep up with the demands of new technologies, to simply enduring change and trying to weather technological trends in the belief that they may not have a substantial impact on the company\u27s business. We argue that the current trend towards digital transformation further accelerates technological change in many companies. In this study, we therefore present a conceptual replication of the original series of studies on coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with the challenges of rapid technological change. Our findings indicate that the variety of coping strategies and mechanisms employed by IT managers has become more diverse. In particular, we find that today IT managers try to prepare their companies more proactively for technological change by providing the necessary resources and by creating an appropriate organizational environment, rather than by relying on external support by consultants or vendors, or even by simply ignoring technological developments altogether

    Fracking in the UK and Switzerland: why differences in policymaking systems don’t always produce different outputs and outcomes

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    We address a key puzzle in policy studies: why don't major differences in political systems and policy produce major differences in policy processes, outputs, and outcomes? We show why key aspects of fracking policy are similar in the UK and Switzerland despite the UK majoritarian government being ‘all out for shale' and Switzerland's consensus democracy favouring moratoriums. We use the ‘advocacy coalition framework' and new survey data to show why differences in UK and Swiss processes are subtle. In both cases, actors cooperate and compete with each other by sharing information within and across coalition

    The Shaping of Modern Ireland – A Centenary Assessment d’ Eugenio Biagini

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    Eugenio Biagini, Professeur d’Histoire moderne et contemporaine Ă  l’universitĂ© de Cambridge, et Daniel Mulhall, diplomate de carriĂšre, actuel ambassadeur d’Irlande en Grande-Bretagne, ont eu l’idĂ©e de s’inspirer directement de l’ouvrage The Shaping of Modern Ireland qui avait Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© en 1960 sous la direction de Conor Cruise O’Brien, pour en proposer une forme de relecture historiographique collective dans le contexte actuel de la « dĂ©cennie des commĂ©morations ». L’ouvrage dirigĂ© par Cruis..

    Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels im Alltag und seiner Folgen fĂŒr Konsumverhalten und VulnerabilitĂ€t in der Nordwest-Region

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    Im Rahmen einer explorativen Studie wurden in 'nordwest2050' drei Untersuchungsgruppen nach ihrer Wahrnehmung von Klimawandel und Preisentwicklungen befragt und die Folgen insbesondere fĂŒr das Konsumverhalten untersucht. Die empirischen Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss ĂŒber die Sicht von KonsumentInnen auf Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, die Bewertung klimawandelbezogener Chancen und Risiken fĂŒr die Region sowie die EinschĂ€tzung einzelner klimawandelbezogener Innovationen in den Konsumbereichen Energie, ErnĂ€hrung und MobilitĂ€t


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    Unlikely Radicals est un ouvrage de commande Ă  l’occasion du centenaire de l’ASTI (Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland), la principale association irlandaise d’enseignants du second degrĂ©, crĂ©Ă©e en 1909 et devenue officiellement un syndicat (membre de l’ITUC, Irish Trade Union Congress) en 1919. John Cunningham, de l’universitĂ© de Galway, retrace l’histoire de cette organisation en adoptant une approche chronologique, avec une ambition d’exhaustivitĂ© qui fait du livre un ouvrage de rĂ©f..

    Education for Citizenship and Diversity in Irish Contexts

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    L’ouvrage collectif dirigĂ© par Gerry Jeffers et Una O’Connor sort un peu des sentiers battus strictement « universitaires », dans la mesure oĂč il fait ressortir les liens entre thĂ©orie et pratique Ă©ducative, nombre de ses contributeurs Ă©tant directement engagĂ©s dans les initiatives pĂ©dagogiques qu’ils dĂ©crivent. Cette publication a vu le jour grĂące au soutien de la Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS), une plateforme d’organisations qui regroupe la plupart des c..
