34 research outputs found

    Studii privind viabilitatea şi capacitatea de germinare a polenului unor soiuri Vitis vinifera L.

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    Pollen quality is an important indicator in the estimation of grape production, being analysed based on its germination capacity. Thus, viability and germination potential of pollen from six Vitisvinifera L. varieties, grownin the climatic area of the Iasi vineyard,were analysed. To perform the determinations, were used comparatively three methods for observingthe viable cells, by treating them with tetrazolium chloride (TTC), Lugol solution (IKI) and methylene blue (AM) solution. The germinating potential was analysed in vitro, the culture being performed on agar medium with added sucrose (0 to 20%). The viable cells weremore clearly highlighted using the AM method, but the TTC method was more accurate in indicating the percentage of pollen viability. The highest pollen germination rate was observed in the 15% added sucrose variant

    Caracterizarea agrobiologică şi tehnologică a unor elite clonale pentru struguri de vin obţinute în cadrul S.C.D.V.V. Iaşi

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    Autochthonous and cosmopolitan grapevines varieties representa valuable source of germoplasm, which is particularly important for the breedingof the currently cultivated genotypes.Thestructural improvement of the national viticulturalassortment is supported by scientific research in the field of vine breeding, whose mission was and is to renew, diversify and increase the biological value of the vine assortment bycreating new qualitative and productive genotypes with superiorresistance todisease and stress factors, through both genetic engineering and clonal selection. The present paper contains the results obtained at the Research Development Stationfor Viticulture and Winemaking Iasi, referring to the agrobiological and technological characteristics of clonal elites selected from the populations of the varieties: Sauvignon blanc, Pinot gris and Cabernet Sauvignon. The clonal elites obtained, through the cultural and qualitative features for which they were selected, complementarily contribute to achievement of high quality grape productions

    Assessment of consumer preferences on table grapes of new Vitis vinifera L. cultivars

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    Studying consumer behaviour became a concern of grape producers and grapevine breeders since they can learn how consumers choose their products and which are the factors influencing their choice. In this study, 98 respondents from Iaşi County, NE of Romania, aged between 18 and 61 years and grouped in four age categories, were surveyed in order to determine through sensorial analysis their perception on table grapes of seven new Vitis vinifera L. cultivars created in Romania. Respondents’ perception differed with age category. Subjects between 18 and 27 years were the most demanding, grape colour uniformity and aromas being considered very poor. Contrariwise, seeds perception and skin thickness were not assessed as negative features. Respondents from 28 and 35 years appreciated positively the grapes of Napoca and Gelu cultivars, aromatic sensation being noted as very intense for most cultivars. The 36-45 years group considered that grapes of studied cultivars have neutral aroma and seeds perception is unpleasant, grapes of Cetăţuia cultivar being preferred. Respondents between the 46-61 years age group rated positively the grapes of Transilvania and Napoca cultivars, especially for the intensity of aromatic sensation, colour and bloom uniformity. Mean data analysis, revealed that the respondents preferred black grapes with lighter and uniform shades of colour, with large and crunchy berries covered by a uniform wax layer, a balanced sugar/acidity ratio and fewer seeds, grapes of Transilvania cultivar being the closest to their demands. The study revealed that table grapes of the studied V. vinifera L. cultivars created in Romania possess valuable features highly appreciated by consumers and superior characteristics, that can be further use in vine breeding programmes

    Studii privind extracţia compuşilor fenolici din coardele de viţă de vie

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    Étant donné que la taille de la vigne produit chaque année une grande quantité de déchets inutilisables, le but de cette étude était d'évaluer le potentiel des baguettes de vigne à être utilisées comme source naturelle de composés bioactifs pour les industries alimentaire, pharmaceutique et cosmétique. Afin d'optimiser les procédures d'extraction phénoliques, les baguettes de vigne de raisin de Cabernet Sauvignon ont été extraites avec diverses concentrations d'éthanol (0, 50, 70, 90 et 96%) et d'hydroxyde de sodium 1N, dans un rapport matière végétale/solvant de 1:10. Pour purification ultérieure sur des cartouches C18SPE préconditionnées, les surnageants ont été concentrés à sec dans un évaporateur rotatif sous vide. Après avoir déterminé la concentration optimale en solvant, le temps (<300 min) et la température (20, 40, 60 °C) nécessaires pour maximiser l'extraction des composés phénoliques ont été testés. La concentration la plus élevée en polyphénols a été obtenue lorsque l'extraction a été réalisée sur des baguettes de vigne broyées (particules <0,5 mm), avec une solution d'éthanol 70%, 4 heures à 60 °C. Après application de températures élevées, l'activité antioxydante et le pouvoir réducteur ferrique des extraits sont restés élevés(94,01% de DPPH nettoyé). Les résultats de la recherche indiquent que les baguettes de vigne sont sources durables de composés polyphénoliques avec fonction sanogène, actuellement inexploitées au potentiel technologique et économique réel

    Studii privind corelaţia dintre activitatea polifenoloxidazei şi conţinutul fenolic total al unor soiuri autohtone de struguri de masă

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    La modification indésirable de la couleur, de la saveur et de la texture du raisin est associée aux enzyme polyphénoloxydase (PPO). Il est donc important de contrôler leur effet et d'établir leurs caractéristiques associées aux fruits. Raisins (peau, pulpe et pepines) de dix cépages roumains pour raisins de table (Splendid, Cetăţuia, Milcov, Transilvania, Someşan, Napoca, Gelu, Coarnă neagră selecţionată, Purpuriu et Radames), ont été analysés pour déterminer l’activité de la PPO, la teneur encomposés phénoliques totaux (flavonoïdes et non-flavonoïdes) et en anthocyanes. La teneur totale en composés phénoliques était plus élevée dans les pepins, allant de 4,36 à 5,35 g équivalent acide gallique/100 g poids frais, dont les flavonoïdes se situaient entre 65 et 88%. L'activité PPO plus élevée a été déterminée dans l’extrait de raisin de la cépage Radames (7,91 U/g/min), tandis que la teneur en anthocyanes totales était plus importante dans les raisins de la cépage Napoca (343,86 mg équivalent cyanidine-3-glucoside/100 g poids frais).Des corrélations négatives plus fortes ont été trouvées entre l’activité PPO et le contenu en anthocyanes (r = -0,9180), ainsi qu’entre l’activité PPO et le contenu phénolique total des peaux de raisin (r = -0,9266)et de la pulpe de raisin (r = -0,9397), suggérant l’effet négative de l'enzyme sur cette classe de composés

    Determination of chromatic characteristics of the hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from the fruits of some cherry and sour cherry varieties

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    Data on chromatic parameters allow objective assessment of fruit color at maturity of consumption, by analyzing hydroalcoholic extracts obtained and monitoring color development during their storage. This paper aims to determine the chromatic parameters (L, a, b, C, H°) and anthocyanin content of ethanolic extracts obtained from fruits of four varieties of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) and six varieties of cherry (Prunus avium L .) grown in the experimental field of Research Development Station for Fruit growing, Iasi, using CIE Lab-76 method and data digitization program Vincolor modified. Bitter cherry variety Amar de Maxut, presented the most important content in anthocyanins (443.72±1.54 mg/100g) and total phenolic compounds (794.62±0.08 mg GAE/100g), this variety having the most intensely colored fruits of the analyzed varieties. The color of each extract was simulated electronically using the program Digital Colour Atlas® 3.0 Demoversion, based on values obtained from spectral analysis (λ 380-780 nm

    Compositional characteristics of low-alcohol wines obtained by staggered grape harvesting technology

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    Excessive alcohol consumption has many negative effects on human health and society itself. Climate change and the improvement of viticultural technologies have gradually led to an increase in the alcoholic concentration of wines, a trend that has become contrary to the current requirements of consumers inclined to a healthy diet. The aim of the study was to obtain wines with low alcohol concentration through a simple and accessible technology, by staggered grape harvesting, at 100 and 150 g/L sugars (“in green”) and at full grape maturity (Muscat Ottonel and Pinot gris varieties), in the ecopedoclimatic conditions of Copou-Iasi wine center, NE of Romania. By blending the experimental wines were obtained improved beverages in terms of physico-chemical characteristics, phenolic composition and chromatic parameters, with alcohol concentrations between 6.5 and 8.5% vol. Sensory properties changed significantly, being produced more acid wines, with less full bodied perception and reduced persistence as detracting characteristics