3,610 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and homogeneity of M-theory backgrounds

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    We describe the construction of a Lie superalgebra associated to an arbitrary supersymmetric M-theory background, and discuss some examples. We prove that for backgrounds with more than 24 supercharges, the bosonic subalgebra acts locally transitively. In particular, we prove that backgrounds with more than 24 supersymmetries are necessarily (locally) homogeneous.Comment: 19 pages (Erroneous Section 6.3 removed from the paper.

    Power Utility Maximization in Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time Exponential Levy Models

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    Consider power utility maximization of terminal wealth in a 1-dimensional continuous-time exponential Levy model with finite time horizon. We discretize the model by restricting portfolio adjustments to an equidistant discrete time grid. Under minimal assumptions we prove convergence of the optimal discrete-time strategies to the continuous-time counterpart. In addition, we provide and compare qualitative properties of the discrete-time and continuous-time optimizers.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. The final publication is available at springerlink.co

    Strain in epitaxial MnSi films on Si(111) in the thick film limit studied by polarization-dependent extended x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We report a study of the strain state of epitaxial MnSi films on Si(111) substrates in the thick film limit (100-500~\AA) as a function of film thickness using polarization-dependent extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). All films investigated are phase-pure and of high quality with a sharp interface between MnSi and Si. The investigated MnSi films are in a thickness regime where the magnetic transition temperature TcT_\mathrm{c} assumes a thickness-independent enhanced value of ≄\geq43~K as compared with that of bulk MnSi, where Tc≈29 KT_\mathrm{c} \approx 29~{\rm K}. A detailed refinement of the EXAFS data reveals that the Mn positions are unchanged, whereas the Si positions vary along the out-of-plane [111]-direction, alternating in orientation from unit cell to unit cell. Thus, for thick MnSi films, the unit cell volume is essentially that of bulk MnSi --- except in the vicinity of the interface with the Si substrate (thin film limit). In view of the enhanced magnetic transition temperature we conclude that the mere presence of the interface, and its specific characteristics, strongly affects the magnetic properties of the entire MnSi film, even far from the interface. Our analysis provides invaluable information about the local strain at the MnSi/Si(111) interface. The presented methodology of polarization dependent EXAFS can also be employed to investigate the local structure of other interesting interfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Combinatorial Hopf algebras in quantum field theory I

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    This manuscript stands at the interface between combinatorial Hopf algebra theory and renormalization theory. Its plan is as follows: Section 1 is the introduction, and contains as well an elementary invitation to the subject. The rest of part I, comprising Sections 2-6, is devoted to the basics of Hopf algebra theory and examples, in ascending level of complexity. Part II turns around the all-important Faa di Bruno Hopf algebra. Section 7 contains a first, direct approach to it. Section 8 gives applications of the Faa di Bruno algebra to quantum field theory and Lagrange reversion. Section 9 rederives the related Connes-Moscovici algebras. In Part III we turn to the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebras of Feynman graphs and, more generally, to incidence bialgebras. In Section10 we describe the first. Then in Section11 we give a simple derivation of (the properly combinatorial part of) Zimmermann's cancellation-free method, in its original diagrammatic form. In Section 12 general incidence algebras are introduced, and the Faa di Bruno bialgebras are described as incidence bialgebras. In Section 13, deeper lore on Rota's incidence algebras allows us to reinterpret Connes-Kreimer algebras in terms of distributive lattices. Next, the general algebraic-combinatorial proof of the cancellation-free formula for antipodes is ascertained; this is the heart of the paper. The structure results for commutative Hopf algebras are found in Sections 14 and 15. An outlook section very briefly reviews the coalgebraic aspects of quantization and the Rota-Baxter map in renormalization.Comment: 94 pages, LaTeX figures, precisions made, typos corrected, more references adde

    The Penrose limit of AdS*S space and holography

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    In the Penrose limit, AdS*S space turns into a Cahen-Wallach (CW) space whose Killing vectors satisfy a Heisenberg algebra. This algebra is mapped onto the holographic screen on the boundary of AdS. I show that the Heisenberg algebra on the boundary of AdS may be obtained directly from the CW space by appropriately constraining the states defined on it. The transformations generated by the constraint are similar to gauge transformations. The ``holographic screen'' on the CW space is thus obtained as a ``gauge-fixing'' condition.Comment: 12 pages, improved discussion, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    The Geometry of D=11 Killing Spinors

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    We propose a way to classify all supersymmetric configurations of D=11 supergravity using the G-structures defined by the Killing spinors. We show that the most general bosonic geometries admitting a Killing spinor have at least a local SU(5) or an (Spin(7)\ltimes R^8)x R structure, depending on whether the Killing vector constructed from the Killing spinor is timelike or null, respectively. In the former case we determine what kind of local SU(5) structure is present and show that almost all of the form of the geometry is determined by the structure. We also deduce what further conditions must be imposed in order that the equations of motion are satisfied. We illustrate the formalism with some known solutions and also present some new solutions including a rotating generalisation of the resolved membrane solutions and generalisations of the recently constructed D=11 Godel solution.Comment: 36 pages. Typos corrected and discussion on G-structures improved. Final version to appear in JHE

    How to find the holonomy algebra of a Lorentzian manifold

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    Manifolds with exceptional holonomy play an important role in string theory, supergravity and M-theory. It is explained how one can find the holonomy algebra of an arbitrary Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold. Using the de~Rham and Wu decompositions, this problem is reduced to the case of locally indecomposable manifolds. In the case of locally indecomposable Riemannian manifolds, it is known that the holonomy algebra can be found from the analysis of special geometric structures on the manifold. If the holonomy algebra g⊂so(1,n−1)\mathfrak{g}\subset\mathfrak{so}(1,n-1) of a locally indecomposable Lorentzian manifold (M,g)(M,g) of dimension nn is different from so(1,n−1)\mathfrak{so}(1,n-1), then it is contained in the similitude algebra sim(n−2)\mathfrak{sim}(n-2). There are 4 types of such holonomy algebras. Criterion how to find the type of g\mathfrak{g} are given, and special geometric structures corresponding to each type are described. To each g\mathfrak{g} there is a canonically associated subalgebra h⊂so(n−2)\mathfrak{h}\subset\mathfrak{so}(n-2). An algorithm how to find h\mathfrak{h} is provided.Comment: 15 pages; the final versio

    The Geometry of D=11 Null Killing Spinors

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    We determine the necessary and sufficient conditions on the metric and the four-form for the most general bosonic supersymmetric configurations of D=11 supergravity which admit a null Killing spinor i.e. a Killing spinor which can be used to construct a null Killing vector. This class covers all supersymmetric time-dependent configurations and completes the classification of the most general supersymmetric configurations initiated in hep-th/0212008.Comment: 30 pages, typos corrected, reference added, new solution included in section 5.1; uses JHEP3.cl
