1,071 research outputs found

    Temporal and diffraction effects in entanglement creation in an optical cavity

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    A practical scheme for entanglement creation between distant atoms located inside a single-mode optical cavity is discussed. We show that the degree of entanglement and the time it takes for the entanglement to reach its optimum value is a sensitive function the initial conditions and the position of the atoms inside the cavity mode. It is found that the entangled properties of the two atoms can readily be extracted from dynamics of a simple two-level system. Effectively, we engineer two coupled qubits whose the dynamics are analogous to that of a driven single two-level system. It is found that spatial variations of the coupling constants actually help to create transient entanglement which may appear on the time scale much longer than that predicted for the case of equal coupling constants. When the atoms are initially prepared in an entangled state, they may remain entangled for all times. We also find that the entanglement exhibits an interesting phenomenon of diffraction when the the atoms are located between the nodes and antinodes of the cavity mode. The diffraction pattern of the entanglement varies with time and we explain this effect in terms of the quantum property of complementarity, which is manifested as a tradeoff between the knowledge of energy of the exchanged photon versus the evolution time of the system.Comment: Phys. Rev. A75, 042307 (2007

    Dark periods and revivals of entanglement in a two qubit system

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    In a recent paper Yu and Eberly [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 140404 (2004)] have shown that two initially entangled and afterwards not interacting qubits can become completely disentangled in a finite time. We study transient entanglement between two qubits coupled collectively to a multimode vacuum field and find an unusual feature that the irreversible spontaneous decay can lead to a revival of the entanglement that has already been destroyed. The results show that this feature is independent of the coherent dipole-dipole interaction between the atoms but it depends critically on whether or not the collective damping is present. We show that the ability of the system to revival entanglement via spontaneous emission relies on the presence of very different timescales for the evolution of the populations of the collective states and coherence between them.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Delayed (sudden) birth of entanglement

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    The concept of time delayed creation of entanglement by the dissipative process of spontaneous emission is investigated. A threshold effect for the creation of entanglement is found that the initially unentangled qubits can be entangled after a finite time despite the fact that the coherence between the qubits exists for all times. This delayed creation of entanglement, that we call sudden birth of entanglement, is opposite to the currently extensively discussed sudden death of entanglement and is characteristic for transient dynamics of one-photon entangled states of the system. We determine the threshold time for the creation of entanglement and find that it is related to time at which the antisymmetric state remains the only excited state being populated. It is shown that the threshold time can be controlled by the distance between the qubits and the direction of initial excitation relative to the interatomic axis. This effect suggests a new alternative for the study of entanglement and provides an interesting resource for creation on demand of entanglement between two qubits.Comment: References added, version accepted for publication in PR

    Entanglement induced by spontaneous emission in spatially extended two-atom systems

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    We investigate the role of the collective antisymmetric state in entanglement creation by spontaneous emission in a system of two non-overlapping two-level atoms. We calculate and illustrate graphically populations of the collective atomic states and the Wootters entanglement measure (concurrence) for two sets of initial atomic conditions. Our calculations include the dipole-dipole interaction and a spatial separation between the atoms that the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout even for small interatomic separations. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. We find that the ability of spontaneous emission to create the transient entanglement relies on the absence of population in the collective symmetric state of the system. For the initial state of only one atom excited, the entanglement builds up rapidly in time and reaches a maximum for the parameter values corresponding roughly to zero population in the symmetric state. On the other hand, for the initial condition of both atoms excited, the atoms remain unentangled until the symmetric state is depopulated. A simple physical interpretation of these results is given in terms of the diagonal states of the density matrix of the system. We also study entanglement creation in a system of two non-identical atoms of different transition frequencies. It is found that the entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced compared to that for identical atoms, and can decay with two different time scales resulting from the coherent transfer of the population from the symmetric to the antisymmetric state. In addition, we find that a decaying initial entanglement between the atoms can display a revival behaviour.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Planar domain walls in black hole spacetimes

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    We investigate the behaviour of low-mass, planar domain walls in the so-called ϕ4\phi^4 model of the scalar field on the Schwarzschild and Kerr backgrounds. We focus on a transit of a domain wall through a black hole and solve numerically the equations of motion for a range of parameters of the domain wall and the black hole. We observe a behavior resembling an occurrence of ringing modes. Perturbations of domain walls vanish during latter evolution, suggesting their stability against a passage through the black hole. The results obtained for Kerr and Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes are also compared.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Entangling two atoms via spontaneous emission

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    We discuss the creation of entanglement between two two-level atoms in the dissipative process of spontaneous emission. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. The amount of entanglement created in the system is quantified by using two different measures: concurrence and negativity. We find analytical formulas for the evolution of concurrence and negativity in the system. We also find the analytical relation between the two measures of entanglement. The system consists of two two-level atoms which are separated by an arbitrary distance r12r_{12} and interact with each other via the dipole-dipole interaction, and the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout, even for small inter-atomic separations, in contrast to the small sample model. It is shown that for sufficiently large values of the dipole-dipole interaction initially the entanglement exhibits oscillatory behaviour with considerable entanglement in the peaks. For longer times the amount of entanglement is directly related to the population of the slowly decaying antisymmetric state.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure