89 research outputs found

    Celiac Disease, Inflammation and Oxidative Damage: A Nutrigenetic Approach

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    Celiac disease (CD), a common heritable chronic inflammatory condition of the small intestine caused by permanent intolerance to gluten/gliadin (prolamin), is characterized by a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Developments in proteomics have provided an important contribution to the understanding of the biochemical and immunological aspects of the disease and the mechanisms involved in toxicity of prolamins. It has been demonstrated that some gliadin peptides resistant to complete proteolytic digestion may directly affect intestinal cell structure and functions by modulating gene expression and oxidative stress. In recent years, the creation of the two research fields Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics, has enabled the elucidation of some interactions between diet, nutrients and genes. Various dietary components including long chain ω-3 fatty acids, plant flavonoids, and carotenoids have been demonstrated to modulate oxidative stress, gene expression and production of inflammatory mediators. Therefore their adoption could preserve intestinal barrier integrity, play a protective role against toxicity of gliadin peptides and have a role in nutritional therapy of celiac disease

    Apple as a Source of Dietary Phytonutrients: Bioavailability and Evidence of Protective Effects against Human Cardiovascular Disease

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    The dietary consumption of fruit and vegetable is associated with a lower incidence of degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Most recent interest has focused on the bioactive phenolic compounds in vegetable products. All varieties of apple contain several antioxidants and polyphenols that possess many biological activities, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties. The review describes the nutritional properties of apples and their derivatives, with a particular attention to polyphenol compounds. Moreover, the health benefits of apples and the potential molecular mechanisms against cardiovascular disease are reviewed

    Phytochemicals as Modulators of Paraoxonase?1 in Health and Diseases

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    Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), atherosclerosis, chronic liver disease, and neurodegenerative diseases are major causes of mortality. These diseases have gained much attention due to their complications, and therefore novel approaches with fewer side effects are an important research topic. Free radicals and oxidative stress are involved in the molecular mechanisms of several diseases. Antioxidants can scavenge free radicals and mitigate their adverse effects. One of the most important antioxidant enzymes are paraoxonases (PONs). These enzymes perform a wide range of physiological activities ranging from drug metabolism to detoxification of neuroleptics. Paraoxonase?1 (PON1) is produced in the liver and then transferred to the bloodstream. It has been demonstrated that PON1 could have beneficial effects in numerous diseases such as atherosclerosis, CVD, diabetes mellitus, and neurodegenerative diseases by modulating relevant signalling pathways involved in inflammation and oxidative stress. These pathways include peroxisome proliferator?activated receptor gamma (PPAR??) and protein kinase B/nuclear factor kappa?light?chain?enhancer of activated B cells (AKT/NF??B)?dependent signalling pathways. Increasing PON1 could potentially have protective effects and reduce the incidence of various diseases by modulating these signalling pathways. Several studies have reported that dietary factors are able to modulate PON1 expression and activity. This review aimed at summarizing the state of the art on the effects of dietary phytochemicals on PON1 enzyme activity and the relevant signalling pathways in different diseases

    Attenuation of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence by Cannabis sativa L. Essential Oil

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    Anti-virulence strategies are being explored as a novel approach to combat pathogens. Such strategies include inhibition of surface adhesion, tissue invasion, toxin production, and/or interference with the gene regulation of other virulence traits. Listeria monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis, is a facultative intracellular food pathogen characterized by a wide distribution in the environment. Its ability to persist within biofilms and to develop resistance to sanitizers is the cause of significant problems in food processing plants and of steep costs for the food industry. In humans, the treatment of listeriosis is hampered by the intracellular location of listeriae and the poor intracellular penetration of some antibiotics. Eleven L. monocytogenes isolates from patients who were diagnosed with invasive listeriosis in Italy in 2014–2016 were studied. This in vitro and in vivo study explored the antibacterial and anti-virulence properties of a steam-distilled essential oil of Cannabis sativa L., which is being intensively investigated for its high content in powerful bioactive phytochemicals. Susceptibility experiments demonstrated a moderate bactericidal activity of the essential oil (Minimum Bactericidal Concentration > 2048 μg/mL). Assessment of the effects of sublethal concentrations of the essential oil on L. monocytogenes virulence traits demonstrated a significant action on motility. Listeriae were non-motile after exposure to the essential oil. Light and scanning electron microscopy documented aggregates of listeriae with the flagella trapped inside the cluster. Real-time RT-PCR experiments showed downregulation of flagellar motility genes and of the regulatory gene prfA. The ability to form biofilm and to invade Caco-2 cells was also significantly reduced. Galleria mellonella larvae infected with L. monocytogenes grown in presence of sublethal concentrations of the essential oil showed much higher survival rates compared with controls, suggesting that the extract inhibited tissue invasion. Food contamination with L. monocytogenes is a major concern for the food industry, particularly for plants making ready-to-eat and processed food. The present work provides a baseline in the study of the anti-virulence properties of the C. sativa essential oil against L. monocytogenes. Further studies are needed to understand if it could be used as an alternative agent for the control of L. monocytogenes in food processing plants

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici

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    Il presente volume nasce come continuazione del precedente, con l’obiettivo di delineare un insieme di ambiti progettuali e di azioni che la comunità nazionale della ricerca ritiene essenziali a complemento e a supporto di quelli previsti nel DPCM Gentiloni in materia di sicurezza cibernetica, pubblicato nel febbraio del 2017. La lettura non richiede particolari conoscenze tecniche; il testo è fruibile da chiunque utilizzi strumenti informatici o navighi in rete. Nel volume vengono considerati molteplici aspetti della cybersecurity, che vanno dalla definizione di infrastrutture e centri necessari a organizzare la difesa alle azioni e alle tecnologie da sviluppare per essere protetti al meglio, dall’individuazione delle principali tecnologie da difendere alla proposta di un insieme di azioni orizzontali per la formazione, la sensibilizzazione e la gestione dei rischi. Gli ambiti progettuali e le azioni, che noi speriamo possano svilupparsi nei prossimi anni in Italia, sono poi accompagnate da una serie di raccomandazioni agli organi preposti per affrontare al meglio, e da Paese consapevole, la sfida della trasformazione digitale. Le raccomandazioni non intendono essere esaustive, ma vanno a toccare dei punti che riteniamo essenziali per una corretta implementazione di una politica di sicurezza cibernetica a livello nazionale. Politica che, per sua natura, dovrà necessariamente essere dinamica e in continua evoluzione in base ai cambiamenti tecnologici, normativi, sociali e geopolitici. All’interno del volume, sono riportati dei riquadri con sfondo violetto o grigio; i primi sono usati nel capitolo introduttivo e nelle conclusioni per mettere in evidenza alcuni concetti ritenuti importanti, i secondi sono usati negli altri capitoli per spiegare il significato di alcuni termini tecnici comunemente utilizzati dagli addetti ai lavori. In conclusione, ringraziamo tutti i colleghi che hanno contribuito a questo volume: un gruppo di oltre 120 ricercatori, provenienti da circa 40 tra Enti di Ricerca e Università, unico per numerosità ed eccellenza, che rappresenta il meglio della ricerca in Italia nel settore della cybersecurity. Un grazie speciale va a Gabriella Caramagno e ad Angela Miola che hanno contribuito a tutte le fasi di produzione del libro. Tra i ringraziamenti ci fa piacere aggiungere il supporto ottenuto dai partecipanti al progetto FILIERASICURA
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