306 research outputs found

    Bias of the Immune Response to \u3ci\u3ePneumocystis murina\u3c/i\u3e Does Not Alter the Ability of Neonatal Mice to Clear the Infection

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    Newborn mice are unable to clear Pneumocystis (PC) infection with the same efficiency as adults due, in part, to their inability to develop a robust immune response to infection until three weeks of age. It is known that infants tend develop a Th2 skewed response to antigen so we sought to determine whether a biased cytokine response altered the clearance of PC infection in neonatal mice. P. murina infection in neonatal mice resulted in increased IL-4 expression by CD4 T cells and myeloid cells, augmented IL-13 secretion within the airways and increased arginase activity in the airways, indicative of Th2-type responses. P. murina-infected IL-4Rα−/− neonates had a shift towards Th1 cytokine production and increased numbers of CD4 and CD8 T cells within the lung as well as elevated levels of P. murina-specific IgG. IFNγ−/− and IL-23 p19−/− mice had altered CD4-T cell-dependent cytokine and cell responses. Though we could alter the T helper cell environment in neonatal knockout mice, there was no loss in the ability of these pups to clear infection. It is possible that the Th2 phenotype normally seen in neonatal mice protects the developing lung from pro-inflammatory immune responses without compromising host defense against P. murina

    Lumped Parameter Models of the Central Nervous System for VIIP Research

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    INTRODUCTION: Current long-duration missions to the International Space Station and future exploration-class missions beyond low-Earth orbit, such as to Mars and asteroids, expose astronauts to increased risk of Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome [1]. It has been hypothesized that the headward shift of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and blood in microgravity may cause significant elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP), which in turn induces VIIP syndrome through biomechanical pathways [1, 2]. However, there is insufficient evidence to confirm this hypothesis. In this light, we are developing lumped-parameter models of fluid transport in the central nervous system (CNS) as a means to simulate the influence of microgravity on ICP. The CNS models will also be used in concert with the lumped parameter and finite element models of the eye described in the realted IWS abstracts submitted by Nelson et al., Feola et al. and Ethier et al. METHODS: We have developed a nine compartment CNS model (Figure 1) capable of both time-dependent and steady state fluid transport simulations, based on the works of Stevens et al. [3]. The breakdown of compartments within the model includes: vascular (3), CSF (2), brain (1) and extracranial (3). The boundary pressure in the Central Arteries [A] node is prescribed using an oscillating pressure function PA(t) simulating the carotid pulsatile pressure wave as developed by Linninger et al. [4]. For each time step, pressures are integrated through time using an adaptive-timestep 4th and 5th order Runga-Kutta solver. Once pressures are found, constitutive equations are used to solve for flowrates (Q) between each compartment. In addition to fluid flow between the different compartments, compliance (C) interactions between neighboring compartments are represented. We are also developing a second CNS model based on the works of Linninger et al. [4] which takes a more granular approach to represent the interactions of the intracranial and spinal compartments with the inclusion of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, venous sinus, and ventricles. The flow through the arteries, veins and CSF compartments are governed by continuity, momentum and distensibility balance equations. Furthermore, unlike the Stevens et al. approach, the Monro-Kellie doctrine of constant cranial volume and the bi-phasic nature of the brain parenchyma are implemented. These features appear to be more consistent with the physiologic and anatomical behavior of the CNS, and follow a modeling philosophy similar to the lumped parameter eye model that is intended to be integrated with the CNS model. However, Linningers approach has never been implemented to include hydrostatic gradient and microgravity simulation capabilities. Therefore, we aim at implement this modeling approach for spaceflight simulations and assess its overall applicability to VIIP research. OBJECTIVES: We will present verification and validation test results for both models, as well as head-to-head comparison to explore their strengths and limitations with respect to mathematical implementation and physiological significance for VIIP research. In doing so, we hope to provide some guidance to the HRP research community on how to appropriately leverage lumped parameter models for space biomedical research

    Numerical Modeling of Ophthalmic Response to Space

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    To investigate ophthalmic changes in spaceflight, we would like to predict the impact of blood dysregulation and elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) on Intraocular Pressure (IOP). Unlike other physiological systems, there are very few lumped parameter models of the eye. The eye model described here is novel in its inclusion of the human choroid and retrobulbar subarachnoid space (rSAS), which are key elements in investigating the impact of increased ICP and ocular blood volume. Some ingenuity was required in modeling the blood and rSAS compartments due to the lack of quantitative data on essential hydrodynamic quantities, such as net choroidal volume and blood flowrate, inlet and exit pressures, and material properties, such as compliances between compartments

    Cerium dioxide, a Jekyll and Hyde nanomaterial, can increase basal and decrease elevated inflammation and oxidative stress

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    It was hypothesized that the catalyst nanoceria can increase oxidative stress/inflammation from the basal state and reduce it from the elevated state . Nanoceria are cleared by macrophages. To test the hypothesis, M0 (non-polarized), M1- (classically activated, pro-inflammatory), and M2-like (alternatively activated, regulatory phenotype) RAW 264.7 macrophages were nanoceria exposed. Responses were quantified by arginase activity, IL-1ß level, cell oxygen consumption rate (OCR), the glycolysis stress test (GST), morphology determined by light microscopy, macrophage phenotype marker expression and morphology using a novel three dimensional immunohistochemical method, and RT-qPCR. Nanoceria blocked arginase and IL-1ß effects, increased M0 cell OCR and GST toward the M2 phenotype and altered multiple M1- and M2-like cell endpoints toward the M0 level. M1-like cells had greater volume and less circularity/roundness, and the M2-like cells had greater volume than M0 macrophages. Nanoceria converted M1- and M2-like cells toward M0 morphology. The results are overall consistent with the hypothesis

    B Lymphocytes Are Required during the Early Priming of CD4\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e T Cells for Clearance of \u3cem\u3ePneumocystis\u3c/em\u3e Infection in Mice

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    B cells play a critical role in the clearance of Pneumocystis. In addition to production of Pneumocystis-specific Abs, B cells are required during the priming phase for CD4+ T cells to expand normally and generate memory. Clearance of Pneumocystis was found to be dependent on Ag specific B cells and on the ability of B cells to secrete Pneumocystis-specific Ab, as mice with B cells defective in these functions or with a restricted BCR were unable to control Pneumocystis infection. Because Pneumocystis-specific antiserum was only able to partially protect B cell–deficient mice from infection, we hypothesized that optimal T cell priming requires fully functional B cells. Using adoptive transfer and B cell depletion strategies, we determined that optimal priming of CD4+ T cells requires B cells during the first 2–3 d of infection and that this was independent of the production of Ab. T cells that were removed from Pneumocystis-infected mice during the priming phase were fully functional and able to clear Pneumocystis infection upon adoptive transfer into Rag1−/− hosts, but this effect was ablated in mice that lacked fully functional B cells. Our results indicate that T cell priming requires a complete environment of Ag presentation and activation signals to become fully functional in this model of Pneumocystis infection

    \u3cem\u3ePneumocystis\u3c/em\u3e Infection Alters the Activation State of Pulmonary Macrophages

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    Recent studies show a substantial incidence of Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization and infection in patients with chronic inflammatory lung conditions. However, little is known about the impact of Pneumocystis upon the regulation of pulmonary immunity. We demonstrate here that Pneumocystis polarizes macrophages towards an alternatively activated macrophage-like phenotype. Genetically engineered mice that lack the ability to signal through IL-4 and IL-13 were used to show that Pneumocystis alternative macrophage activation is dependent upon signaling through these cytokines. To determine whether Pneumocystis-induced macrophage polarization would impact subsequent immune responses, we infected mice with Pneumocystis and then challenged them with Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14 days later. In co-infected animals, a higher proportion of macrophages in the alveolar and interstitial spaces expressed both classical and alternatively activated markers and produced the regulatory cytokines TGFβ and IL-10, as well as higher arginase levels than in mice infected with P. aeruginosa alone. Our results suggest that Pneumocystis reprograms the overall macrophage repertoire in the lung to that of a more alternatively-activated setpoint, thereby altering subsequent immune responses. These data may help to explain the association between Pneumocystis infection and decline in pulmonary function

    An Integrated Model of the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems for Analysis of Microgravity Induced Fluid Redistribution

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    A recognized side effect of prolonged microgravity exposure is visual impairment and intracranial pressure (VIIP) syndrome. The medical understanding of this phenomenon is at present preliminary, although it is hypothesized that the headward shift of bodily fluids in microgravity may be a contributor. Computational models can be used to provide insight into the origins of VIIP. In order to further investigate this phenomenon, NASAs Digital Astronaut Project (DAP) is developing an integrated computational model of the human body which is divided into the eye, the cerebrovascular system, and the cardiovascular system. This presentation will focus on the development and testing of the computational model of an integrated model of the cardiovascular system (CVS) and central nervous system (CNS) that simulates the behavior of pressures, volumes, and flows within these two physiological systems
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