8 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Molecular phylogeny and dynamic evolution of disease resistance genes in the legume family

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    The orthologous gene families within the legumes with grape as the out-group. (A) Category of gene orthologs in legumes; (B) A Venn diagram showing the number of genes common among wild soybean (G. soja), cultivated soybean (G. max), barrel clover (M. truncatula) and chickpea (C. arietinum). (PDF 428 kb

    Additional file 4: Dataset S1. of Molecular phylogeny and dynamic evolution of disease resistance genes in the legume family

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    Details and sequences of R-gene identified in each species. Grape (Vv): Vitis vinifera; Cultivated soybean (Gm): Glycine max; Wild soybean (Gs): Glycine soja; Barrel clover (Mt): Medicago truncatula; Bird’s-foot trefoil (Lj): Lotus japonicas; Pigeonpea (Cc): Cajanus cajan; Chickpea (Ca): Cicer arietinum; Common bean (Pv): Phaseolus vulgaris. (XLSX 1716 kb


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    The phylogenetic tree of R-genes with typical domains showing the different divergence rates among legumes. The numbers above the lines indicate the divergence rates of different R-genes with (A) NBS-LRR, (B) TIR-NBS, (C) CC-NBS-LRR, and (D) CC-NBS domains. (PDF 480 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S5. of Molecular phylogeny and dynamic evolution of disease resistance genes in the legume family

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    Chromosomal distributions of R-genes in the legume family. The different colors represent different species, and the Y-axis denotes the number of R-genes on each chromosome. Note that the legumes have different chromosomes and some genome assembly was not anchored to chromosomes. (PDF 591 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Molecular phylogeny and dynamic evolution of disease resistance genes in the legume family

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    Overview information of the seven published genomes in the legume family. Table S2. The genome assembly and number of identified R-genes in the seven legume species and grape. Table S3. The number of R-genes in each R-gene family in seven species of legumes and grape. Each row represents one R-gene family. Table S4. Global statistics of R-genes in families or clusters in seven species of legumes and grape. Table S5. Statistics on the expansions and contractions of R-genes during the evolution of legumes. Table S6. The gene pairs with outlier Ka/Ks values between wild and cultivated soybeans. The threshold for an outlier Ka/Ks value was set at 0.8. (XLSX 29 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Molecular phylogeny and dynamic evolution of disease resistance genes in the legume family

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    The number of annotated and newly predicted R-genes in each legume species. Annotated: the R-genes annotated from original gene models; Predicted: the R-genes predicted based on the R proteins from our self-curated database. (PDF 249 kb