2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Microglia-derived IL-1β contributes to axon development disorders and synaptic deficit through p38-MAPK signal pathway in septic neonatal rats

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    The CCK-8 assay (cell counting kit 8) was performed to determine the IL-1β concentration. The viability of neuronal cells was significantly reduced when neurons were treated with IL-1β at a dose exceeding 40 ng/mL. (TIF 820 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Microglia-derived IL-1β contributes to axon development disorders and synaptic deficit through p38-MAPK signal pathway in septic neonatal rats

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    Apoptosis of neurons in the cortex. The incidence of apoptotic neurons co-labeled by caspase-3 (red) and NeuN (green) did not change markedly at 7 days (A–F), 14 days (G–L), and 28 days (M–R) in the cerebral cortex after LPS injection (D–F, J–L, P–R) when compared with controls (A–C, G–I, M–O). Scale bars: A–R 20μm. (TIF 6590 kb