314 research outputs found

    I "computer crimes" : definizioni ed elementi principali

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    La rivoluzione e l’”alfabetizzazione” tecnologica hanno permesso la nascita di nuove condotte criminose che sfruttano l’utilizzo degli strumenti e dei sistemi informatici. Nel seguente articolo cercheremo di fare chiarezza sul problema definitorio dei reati informatici nonché sugli elementi principali che li caratterizzano e sulle diverse tipologie di condotte illecite con le quali essi si manifestan

    Pojava kirnje glavulje Polyprion americanusu Tršćanskom zaljevu (sjeverni Jadran)

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    On 3rd June 2018 three juvenile specimens of Polyprion americanus were captured in the Gulf of Trieste. The wreckfish is a long-lived deep-water demersal species characterized by an extended pelagic juvenile phase. The juvenile forms are recurrently recorded in the northern Adriatic and due to data deficiency for this species, original morphometric data are shown. The occurrence of P. americanus in the Gulf of Trieste is not a typical case of thermophilic species moving northward due to Mediterranean tropicalization, rather its recurrent appearance could be investigated for specific hydrological conditions coupled to its peculiar life span.Dana 3. lipnja 2018. u Tršćanskom zaljevu ulovljena su tri jedinke mlađi kirnje glavulje Polyprion americanus. Kirnja glavulja je dugovječna vrsta duboke vode, koju karakterizira produljena pelagična faza mlađi. Jedinke mlađi opetovano se bilježe u sjevernom Jadranu, a zbog nedostatka podataka za ovu vrstu, prikazani su izvorni morfometrijski podaci. Pojava P. americanus u Tršćanskom zaljevu nije tipičan slučaj termofilnih vrsta koje se kreću prema sjeveru zbog mediteranske tropikalizacije, već bi se njihov ponovljeni nalaz mogao istražiti u specifičnim hidrološkim uvjetima zajedno s osebujnim životnim vijekom ove vrste

    The Economic Persecution of Jews in the Press of Nazi-Occupied Europe. Le Matin de Paris and Il Piccolo di Trieste: Two Editorial Policies Compared (1940-1945)

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    This paper examines, with comparative perspective, the strategies that the press of Nazi-occupied Europe used to deal with anti-Jewish persecution. The analysis focuses on the articles devoted to the spoilation of Jewish property edited by Il Piccolo di Trieste and Le Matin de Paris, two newspapers published under the close control of the German occupier respectively in the major cities of the Adriatisches KĂĽstenland (1943-1945) and Occupied France (1940-1944). In particular, the surprising differences of such analysis will be questioned. In fact, on the one hand, the publications of Il Piccolo were completely silent about the economic persecution of the Jews in Trieste, although it was particularly violent; while on the other hand Le Matin used the economic redistribution of Jewish seized property as a propagandistic tool to show the benefits of the anti-Jewish policies. The reasons for this fundamental difference will be researched with the methodology of comparative history, questioning both the different socio-political context of the two cities and the politics of the occupier, which were very different in the two areas of occupation


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    2002/2003Il progetto di ricerca riguarda lo studio di complessi del Cobalto con gruppi alchilici coordinati al metallo. Questa tematica, correntemente oggetto di importanti ricerche, ha avuto origine dall'osservazione che alcuni macrocicli chelanti equatoriali a quattro atomi di azoto, quali gli anelli corrinici e porfirinici sono in grado di stabilizzare nei complessi del Cobalto il legame metallo-carbonio. Su tale base, a partire da sistemi chelanti più semplici di quelli esistenti in natura, sono state ottenute diverse serie di complessi aventi analoga proprietà. L'attitudine dei complessi di sintesi a generare alchil derivati stabili associata ad altre proprietà chimiche e chimico fisiche riscontrabili anche nelle cobalossime, ha suggerito l'idea di assumere tali complessi come modelli per lo studio del coenzima B12. Nell'ambito di questo tema, la ricerca è stata orientata verso i seguenti aspetti: a) Sintesi di nuovi complessi metallorganici a partire da leganti tridentati ammino- ed immino-ossimici. L'utilizzo di questi leganti al posto dei classici leganti tetradentati, ha permesso di ottenere complessi nei quali la base azotata assialmente coordinata in posizione trans rispetto al gruppo alchilico, è covalentemente legata attraverso una catena a uno o due atomi di carbonio al sistema chelante equatoriale. Ciò permette di simulare, attraverso un semplice modello una situazione presente nel coenzima B12, in cui il gruppo benzimidazolico è legato all'anello corrinico mediante la "side chain". Appropriate metodologie di sintesi hanno portato all'ottenimento di specie dinucleari contenenti due unità cobalto-alchile per molecola e specie dimetallorganiche recanti due gruppi alchilici per atomo di cobalto situati in posizione trans l'uno rispetto all'altro. b) Sono stati studiati i processi di trasferimento dei gruppi alchilici a-coordinati su altri complessi del cobalto inclusa l' acquocobalamina. Sui complessi dimetallorganici è stato intrapreso uno studio sui processi di scissione omolitica ed eterolitica del legame cobaltocarbonio in condizioni aerobiche ed anaerobiche. Di particolare interesse il comportamento osservato nei complessi con alchili alogenati, soggetti in particolari condizioni a un processo di ciclizzazione intramolecolare nel quale è coinvolto un azoto del sistema chelante equatoriale. c) La trasmissione degli effetti sterici ed elettronici dei gruppi alchilici sulla posizione in trans è stata valutata sulla base di esperimenti cinetici. Le costanti di velocità per le reazioni di sostituzione ottaedrica sono state determinate in funzione della temperatura e pressione. L'insieme dei dati ha messo in evidenza che in questi nuovi complessi, sono più importanti gli effetti sterici di quelli elettronici, contrariamente a quanto osservato avvenire nei più noti modelli contenenti leganti tetradentati.XVI Ciclo1974Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Efficient Biginelli Synthesis of 2-Aminodihydropyrimidines under Microwave Irradiation

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    A practical and general method for the Biginelli cyclocondensation of guanidine with aldehydes and \u3b2-dicarbonyl compounds is described and illustrated with the synthesis of a set of 26 functionalized 2-amino-3,4-dihydropyrimidines. The simple protocol involves the \uadmicrowave-mediated reaction of a twofold excess of guanidine hydrochloride with the required reaction partners in an alcohol at 120 \ub0C. Yields are generally good, with short reaction times and a simple workup. The scope is considerably wider than that of similar reactions \uadcarried out under conventional heating

    Coordination chemistry to palladium(II) of pyridylbenzamidine ligands and the related reactivity with ethylene

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    The coordination chemistry to palladium of three pyridylbenzamidines (N-N') was investigated in detail. The studied pyridylbenzamidines are featured by the bulky 2,6-diisopropylphenyl substituent at the azomethine nitrogen atom of the amidine unit, and differ in the substitution either at the amino atom, which bears a 2-pyridyl or a 6-methyl-2-pyridyl group, or at the bridging N-atom that, in one case, is substituted by a methyl group, leading to a molecule reported herein for the first time. The accurate NMR characterization of the free ligands points out the presence of dynamic phenomena in solution, due to the interconversion of several possible isomers, including tautomers. The coordination chemistry to Pd(II) is studied using both [Pd(cod)(CH3)Cl] and [Pd(cod)(CH3)(CH3CN)][PF6] as metal precursor. Depending on the palladium precursor and on the pyridylbenzamidine, different coordination compounds are obtained, demonstrating the capability of these molecules to act both as mono- and bidentate ligands. For the pyridylbenzamidine substituted with the methyl group on the bridging N-atom, the C-H activation of one of the isopropyl groups is observed with the formation of a six-membered palladacycle and methane. None of the isolated complexes generates active catalysts either for ethylene homopolymerization or for ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymerization. When reacting with ethylene, the complexes lead to the formation of propylene and the inactive dicationic [Pd(N-N')2][PF6]2 complex

    Biginelli Reaction and \u3b2-Secretase Inhibition: A Multicomponent Reaction as a Friendly Educational Approach to Bioactive Compounds

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    Multicomponent reactions (MCRs) represent very interesting tools to reach eco-friendly and sustainable transformations in organic chemistry. In particular, the Biginelli reaction furnishes a very easy approach to the synthesis of a library of biological active compounds in an academic course. Here we describe the realization of several experiments involving the synthesis of potential inhibitors of \u3b2-secretase by the Biginelli reaction. All of the obtained compounds were tested with a FRET fluorimetric assay. The experiments were proposed to students either at entry level or during advanced laboratory courses of organic and bioorganic chemistry. The learning objectives at the advanced level were to introduce the students to the practice of combinatorial synthesis and to the evaluation of biological activity of combinatorial libraries by enzyme inhibition assays. The meeting of the learning objectives was probed first by analyzing their daily performance in the laboratory and their increasing proactive attitude, and the contents of their final presentations. The resulting marks obtained by the students were compared with the average evaluation of their career. Second, the students were asked to evaluate the course and their own experience, and the outcome of their evaluation was compared with that of the teachers

    A quasi randomized-controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of clowntherapy on children\u2019s anxiety and pain levels in emergency department

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    The aim of the study is to investigate if the presence of medical clowns during painful procedures in the emergency department (ED) affects children's anxiety and pain. Forty children (4-11 years) admitted to the ED with the need of painful procedures were prospectively enrolled. They were randomly assigned to the clown group, where children interacted with clowns or to the control group in which they were entertained by parents and ED nurses. The children's anxiety was assessed by the Children's Anxiety and Pain Scales; pain was evaluated with the Numerical Rating Scale and Wong-Backer Scale, according to the children's age. Staff and clown's opinions were evaluated by means of dedicated questionnaires. Children's anxiety levels in the clown group were significantly lower than those compared with the control group, while children's pain levels did not change between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The presence of clowns in the ED before and during painful procedures was effective in reducing children's anxiety. WHAT IS KNOWN: \u2022 Anxiety and fear caused by medical procedures exacerbate children's pain and may interfere with the procedure. \u2022 To reduce anxiety, fear, and pain and to facilitate patient's evaluation, different non-pharmacological approaches have been proposed and positive effects of laughter and humor have been reported. What is New: \u2022 The presence of clowns in the waiting room and in the ED during medical evaluation and painful procedures helps to reduce children's anxiet
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