33 research outputs found

    Anklagemyndighedens rolle - nogle komparative tanker om legalitet og opportunitet i det danske og det tyske retssystem

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    Anklagemyndighedens rolle - nogle komparative tanker om legalitet og opportunitet i det danske og det tyske retssystem

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    Safe Navigation of Cruise Ships in Greenlandic Waters – Legal Frame and Practical Challenges

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    Climate change provides for improved conditions for maritime navigation and results in increased activity in the Arctic. Those increased activities influence the safety at sea and risk of accidents. A disaster as the Costa Concordia incident would have far more serious consequences in Greenlandic waters than it had in Italy, therefore the question of prevention and disaster-preparedness is crucial. One approach to avoid risks is to create specific legislation. The legal system guiding safe navigation of cruise ships in/around Greenlandic waters is complex: the legal regime for navigation is set in different general and specific international, regional and national legal acts, partly non-binding, therefore issues of effectiveness arise. Safety is also influenced by practical issues, e.g. the lack of sufficient nautical charts for Greenlandic waters and “preparedness” at land to handle potential disasters, such as the SAR-system and preparedness of different actors, for example hospitals

    On-board Protection of Merchant Vessels from the Perspective of International Law

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    The power to regulate on-board protection of merchant vessels lies with the flag state. However, the national models of regulation are not developed in a unilateral vacuum. In fact, the whole concept of flag state jurisdiction and legislative power has to be understood and exercised on the national level in close relation with the general regime of the international law of the sea

    Børns møde med det danske straffesystem: – på vej mod mere ‘voksen-straf’?

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    AbstractOne of the shared features of the Nordic countries’ approach towards children in conflict with the law is that there is no distinct criminal justice system for children. Children in conflict with the law are treated within the same system as adults, albeit with specific regulations and sanctions designed specifically for them. The fact that children are handled within the same system as adults raises the question of whether and how the ‘punitive turn, Nordic style’, which, according to criminological scholars, emerged during the 1990s, has influenced the treatment and punishment of children within the criminal justice system. This question is particularly relevant as children are protected by specific human rights provisions, most notably the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Based on a descriptive statistical data analysis, this article explores whether a change in the use of sanctions towards children in the Danish criminal justice system can be observed in the period from 1980 to 2020. The findings are related to a discussion about children’s entitlement to special protection under the CRC

    Criminal procedure without obligations? The ending of cases in Denmark by the Danish prosecution service under the opportunity principle from a German point of view?

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    Opposite to Germany, Denmark is often categorized as an country following the opportunity principle in criminal procedure. How is the Danish prosecution service using the power to end cases in which it would be possible to bring the case to court? How is this power regulated and controlled? And, when looking at the actual use of the power, is there really a clear difference to the German system following the legality principle? Those are the main questions raised in the dissertation

    Jura som et led i dansk aktivistisk udenrigspolitik til søs

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