835 research outputs found

    The Role of Equality and Efficiency in Social Preferences

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    Engelmann and Strobel (AER 2004) claim that a combination of efficiency seeking and minmax preferences dominates inequity aversion in simple dictator games. This result relies on a strong subject pool effect. The participants of their experiments were undergraduate students of economics and business administration who self-selected into their field of study and learned early on that efficiency is desirable. We show that for non-economists the preference for efficiency is much less pronounced. We also find a gender effect indicating that women are more egalitarian than men. However, perhaps surprisingly, the dominance of equality over efficiency is unrelated to political attitudes

    The Role of Equality and Equity in Social Preferences

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    Engelmann and Strobel (AER 2004) question the relevance of inequity aversion in simple dictator game experiments claiming that a combination of a preference for efficiency and a Rawlsian motive for helping the least well-off is more important than inequity aversion. We show that these results are partly based on a strong subject pool effect. The participants of the E&S experiments were undergraduate students of economics and business administration who self-selected into their field of study (economics) and learned in the first semester that efficiency is desirable. We show that for non-economists the preference for efficiency is much less pronounced. We also find a non-negligible gender effect indicating that women are more egalitarian than men. However, perhaps surprisingly, the dominance of equality over efficiency is unrelated to political attitudes

    The Role of Equality and Efficiency in Social Preferences

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    Engelmann and Strobel (AER 2004) claim that a combination of efficiency seeking and minmax preferences dominates inequity aversion in simple dictator games. This result relies on a strong subject pool effect. The participants of their experiments were undergraduate students of economics and business administration who self-selected into their field of study and learned early on that efficiency is desirable. We show that for non-economists the preference for efficiency is much less pronounced. We also find a gender effect indicating that women are more egalitarian than men. However, perhaps surprisingly, the dominance of equality over efficiency is unrelated to political attitudes.Social Preferences; Inequity Aversion; Efficiency Preferences

    The Role of Equality and Equity in Social Preferences

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    Engelmann and Strobel (AER 2004) question the relevance of inequity aversion in simple dictator game experiments claiming that a combination of a preference for efficiency and a Rawlsian motive for helping the least well-off is more important than inequity aversion. We show that these results are partly based on a strong subject pool effect. The participants of the E&S experiments were undergraduate students of economics and business administration who self-selected into their field of study (economics) and learned in the first semester that efficiency is desirable. We show that for non-economists the preference for efficiency is much less pronounced. We also find a non-negligible gender effect indicating that women are more egalitarian than men. However, perhaps surprisingly, the dominance of equality over efficiency is unrelated to political attitudes.Social Preferences; Inequity Aversion; Efficiency Preferences

    Bone substitute effect on vascularization and bone remodeling after application of phVEGF165 transfected BMSC

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    VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) promotes vascularization and remodeling of bone substitutes. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of distinct resorbable ceramic carriers on bone forming capacities of VEGF transfected bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC). A critical size defect of the radius in rabbits was filled either by a low surface scaffold called beta-TCP (tricalciumphsphate) or the high surface scaffold CDHA (calcium deficient hydroxy-apatite) loaded with autologous BMSC, which were either transfected with a control plasmid or a plasmid coding for phVEGF165. They were compared to unloaded scaffolds. Thus, six treatment groups (n = 6 in each group) were followed by X-ray over 16 weeks. After probe retrieval, the volume of new bone was measured by micro-CT scans and vascularization was assessed in histology. While only minor bone formation was found in both carriers when implanted alone, BMSC led to increased osteogenesis in both carriers. VEGF promoted vascularization of the scaffolds significantly in contrast to BMSC alone. Bone formation was increased in the beta-TCP group, whereas it was inhibited in the CDHA group that showed faster scaffold degradation. The results indicate that the interaction of VEGF transfected BMSC with resorbable ceramic carrier influences the ability to promote bone healing

    Die verdeckten Verteilungswirkungen des bundesdeutschen Finanzausgleichs

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    Was sind die Ursachen der aktuellen kommunalen Finanzkrise? Welche Aufkommensverluste stellen sich bei den Gemeinden bei einer Abschaffung der Gewerbesteuer ein? Üblicherweise werden solche Fragen im Rahmen des primĂ€ren Finanzausgleichs diskutiert, der die aufkommensstĂ€rksten Steuern auf Bund, LĂ€nder und Gemeinden verteilt. Die indirekten Verteilungswirkungen werden dabei ausgeklammert. Der vorliegende Beitrag erlĂ€utert zunĂ€chst die zentralen ökonomischen Mechanismen und quantifiziert dann die verdeckten Effekte anhand einiger ausgewĂ€hlter Maßnahmen der Steuerreform. --

    Fiat–Shamir Transformation of Multi-Round Interactive Proofs (Extended Version)

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    The celebrated Fiat–Shamir transformation turns any public-coin interactive proof into a non-interactive one, which inherits the main security properties (in the random oracle model) of the interactive version. While originally considered in the context of 3-move public-coin interactive proofs, i.e., so-called ÎŁ-protocols, it is now applied to multi-round protocols as well. Unfortunately, the security loss for a (2ÎŒ+1)-move protocol is, in general, approximately QÎŒ^ÎŒ, where Q is the number of oracle queries performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the ÎŒ-fold sequential repetition of ÎŁ-protocols, but it raises the question whether certain (natural) classes of interactive proofs feature a milder security loss. In this work, we give positive and negative results on this question. On the positive side, we show that for (k1_1,
,kÎŒ_ÎŒ)-special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), the knowledge error degrades linearly in Q, instead of QÎŒ^ÎŒ. On the negative side, we show that for t-fold parallel repetitions of typical (k1_1,
,kÎŒ_ÎŒ)-special-sound protocols with t≄Ό (and assuming for simplicity that t and Q are integer multiples of ÎŒ), there is an attack that results in a security loss of approximately 12\frac{1}{2}QÎŒ^ÎŒ/ΌΌ+t^{ÎŒ+t}

    Behavioral constraints on the design of subgame-perfect implementation mechanisms

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    We study subgame-perfect implementation (SPI) mechanisms that have been proposed as a solution to incomplete contracting problems. We show that these mechanisms, which are based on off-equilibrium arbitration clauses that impose large fines for lying and the inappropriate use of arbitration, have severe behavioral constraints because the fines induce retaliation against legitimate uses of arbitration. Incorporating reciprocity preferences into the theory explains the observed behavioral patterns and helps us develop a new mechanism that is more robust and achieves high rates of truth-telling and efficiency. Our results highlight the importance of tailoring implementation mechanisms to the underlying behavioral environment. (JEL C92, D44, D82, D86, D91

    Die Riester-Rente - ein Flop?

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    Zum 1. Januar 2002 wurde mit der EinfĂŒhrung der so genannten Riester-Rente der Versuch unternommnen, zusĂ€tzlich zur staatlichen eine private Altersvorsorge zu etablieren. FĂŒr Prof. Dr. Hans Fehr, UniversitĂ€t WĂŒrzburg, ist der Einstieg in die private Altersversorgung misslungen, und zwar vor allem aufgrund des mangelnden Informationstandes der BĂŒrger. Dr. Dirk Kiesewetter, UniversitĂ€t TĂŒbingen, hĂ€lt die Riester-Rente sogar fĂŒr ein »Paradebeispiel missglĂŒckter Sparförderung«. Dr. Michael Myßen, Bundesministerium der Finanzen, dagegen meint, dass sich die Riester-Rente nicht nur fĂŒr »Familien mit Kindern und Geringverdiener«, sondern auch fĂŒr »Ledige oder Spitzenverdiener rechnen kann«.Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung, Private Rentenversicherung, Vermögensbildung, Deutschland

    Ultrafast excited-state processes in the antiviral agent hypericin

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    Hypericin (Figure 1) has been shown by Lavieet al. toinactivate mature and properly assembled retroviruses, notably human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).\u27 Recently Kraus, Carpenter, and co-workers demonstrated the antiretroviral activity of hypericin against equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), a lentivirus closely related to HIV, and have determined that light is required for activity.2 The requirement of light leads to the fundamental questions, what is the mechanism of action of hypericin and what is the role of light
