27 research outputs found


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    According to numerous surveys food allergy affects up to 2–6% of population in different countries and varies due to numerous factors including the prevalence of helminths infestation. The food allergy prevalence data in Russia are based on official medical statistics. The study was performed as part of «The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe» (EU funded project № FP6-2006-TTC-TU-5 Proposal 045879 EuroPrevall). The aim is to create the concept of food allergy in children in opisthorchiasis endemic area based on epidemiological study of the prevalence, risk factors and clinical features. The main objective of the study will be the working out of the food safety regulations. This article describes the study design and its methodology. Согласно данным ряда исследователей, распространенность пищевой аллергии в мире составляет 2–6%, варьируя в зависимости от многочисленных факторов, включая пораженность населения гельминтными инвазиями. Сведения о распространенности пищевой аллергии в России основаны на данных официальной статистики. Настоящая работа выполнена в рамках «Исследования распространенности, социально-экономического значения и основ пищевой аллергии в Европе» («The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe»; грант VI рамочной программы Евросоюза № FP6-2006-TTC-TU-5 Proposal 045879 EuroPrevall). Цель исследования состоит в формулировке новой концепции пищевой аллергии у детей в мировом очаге описторхоза на основании эпидемиологического исследования распространенности, факторов риска, клинических особенностей болезни, а также в создании научной базы для разработки регламентов безопасности продуктов питания. Статья посвящена вопросам планирования и методологии исследования.


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    Aim: to determine the mechanism of food sensitization in children with chronic Opisthorchis felineus invasion. Patients and methods: during the epidemiological study the groups of patients (7–10 years) with chronic opisthorchiasis (n =237) and children without chronic opisthorchiasis (n =496) were formed. The investigation included interviewing of parents / guardians, measurement of total IgE, specific IgE to food allergens and component-resolved diagnostic, real-time PCR in stool samples. Results: the chronic opisthorchiasis invasion in children is associated with reduced risk of food sensitization, compared with non-infected group (9,7 vs 16,94%, OR =0,53; 95% CI 0,31–0,88; p =0,01). Opisthorchiasis of high intensity negatively correlated with increased level of specific IgE to food allergens in serum (OR =0,46; 95% CI 0,24–0,91; p =0,023). The association between level of total IgE and intensity of opisthorchiasis combinated with food sensitization was found. The sensitization to allergens class I (cyp c1, cor a11, gal d2, pru p3) is more prevalent in patients with opisthorchiasis, in uninfected children the sensitization to bet v1-homologues (mal d1, pru p1, cor a1, ara h8) is most common. Conclusions: the epidemiological data on the effect of the Opisthorchis felineus invasion on mechanisms of food sensitization in children were obtained.Цель исследования: установить механизмы развития пищевой сенсибилизации на фоне хронической инвазии Opisthorchis felineus у детей. Пациенты и методы: в ходе эпидемиологического исследования сформированы группы больных хроническим описторхозом (n =237) и детей, не имеющих описторхоза (n =496). В исследовании использовали интервьюирование родителей / опекунов, измерение концентрации общего и специфического IgE к пищевым аллергенам в сыворотке крови, компонентную аллергодиагностику, метод полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени в образцах стула. Результаты: наличие хронической описторхозной инвазии у детей ассоциировано со снижением риска развития пищевой сенсибилизации в сравнении с неинвазированными лицами (9,7 против 16,94%, OR =0,53; 95% CI 0,31–0,88; p =0,01). Высокая интенсивность описторхозной инвазии отрицательно коррелирует c повышением содержания специфического IgE к пищевым аллергенам в сыворотке крови (OR =0,46; 95% CI 0,24–0,91; p =0,023). Установлена зависимость между повышением концентрации общего IgE в сыворотке крови и интенсивностью описторхозной инвазии в сочетании с пищевой сенсибилизацией. В группе больных описторхозом преобладает сенсибилизация к термостабильным аллергенам класса I (cyp c1, cor a11, gal d2, pru p3), у детей, не имеющих описторхоза — к термолабильным гомологам bet v1 (mal d1, pru p1, cor a1, ara h8). Выводы: получены эпидемиологические данные о значимом влиянии гельминтной инвазии Opisthorchis felineus на механизмы формирования пищевой сенсибилизации у детей.


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    Current epidemiological studies show some correlation of prevalence and intensity of clinical manifestations of asthma, with the level of the intestinal parasites infestation in the studied population. Apparently, such a relationship of intestinal helminth invasion and allergic inflammation are formed on the basis of the «overlapping» or bipolar immunological mechanisms. In this context, there was planned and carried out the study concerning the relationship of clinical and functional parameters that characterize the intensity of inflammation in asthma and cytokine profile depending on the presence of chronic infestation Opisthorchis felineus. The study involved 212 patients (mean age 9,35 ± 0,12 years). It was established that the chronic infestation O. felineus in patients with asthma is characterized by the high levels of interleukin (IL) Th1 profile (IL 2, 10, IFN y) and low values of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL 4, 5), which is associated with a lower degree of nonspecific airway reactivity.Key words: Opisthorchis felineus, children, cytokines, IL 4, IL 5, IL 2, IL 10, IFN y

    Efficiency of RNA Hydrolysis by Binase from Bacillus pumilus: The Impact of Substrate Structure, Metal Ions, and Low Molecular Weight Nucleotide Compounds

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    Binase is an extracellular guanyl-preferring ribonuclease from Bacillus pumilus. The main biological function of binase is RNA degradation with the formation of guanosine-2',3'-cyclic phosphate and its subsequent hydrolysis to 3'-phosphate. Extracellular RNases are believed to be key agents that affect the functional activity of the body, as they directly interact with epithelial and immune cells. The biological effects of the enzyme may consist of both direct RNA degradation, and the accumulation of 2',3'-cGMP in the human body. In this work, we have performed a comparative analysis of the cleavage efficiency of model RNA substrates, i.e., short hairpin structures that contain guanosine at various positions. It has been shown that the hydrolysis efficiency of the model RNA substrates depends on the position of guanosine. We have also demonstrated the influence of various divalent metal ions and low molecular weight nucleotide compounds on the binase-catalyzed endoribonucleolytic reaction

    Efficiency of RNA Hydrolysis by Binase from Bacillus pumilus: The Impact of Substrate Structure, Metal Ions, and Low Molecular Weight Nucleotide Compounds

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    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Abstract: Binase is an extracellular guanyl-preferring ribonuclease from Bacillus pumilus. The main biological function of binase is RNA degradation with the formation of guanosine-2',3'-cyclic phosphate and its subsequent hydrolysis to 3'-phosphate. Extracellular RNases are believed to be key agents that affect the functional activity of the body, as they directly interact with epithelial and immune cells. The biological effects of the enzyme may consist of both direct RNA degradation, and the accumulation of 2',3'-cGMP in the human body. In this work, we have performed a comparative analysis of the cleavage efficiency of model RNA substrates, i.e., short hairpin structures that contain guanosine at various positions. It has been shown that the hydrolysis efficiency of the model RNA substrates depends on the position of guanosine. We have also demonstrated the influence of various divalent metal ions and low molecular weight nucleotide compounds on the binase-catalyzed endoribonucleolytic reaction


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    The cross-sectional study of schoolchildren from Tomsk (the region with low prevalence of opisthorchiasis) and Tomsk region (rural places with high prevalence of opisthorchiasis) with Russian version of standardized questionnaire ISAAC was performed. The study included questionnaire poll and allergological diagnostics with standardized panel of allergens. Prevalence of atopic dermaitits (AtD) symptoms was not differing, but the peculiarities of clinical course of disease were revealed depending on the place of living and gender. The onset of AtD was earlier in schoolchildren from Tomsk compared to schoolchildren from rural places. Despite the absence of statistically significant differences in symptoms’ prevalence, the level of sensitizing in children from the city was much higher than in village (60% and 30% correspondingly, p&lt;0,001). This fact shows modification of allergic inflammation during opisthorchiasis invasion and it needs further study.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, ISAAC, Opisthorchis felineus, sensitisation.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):50-53)</p