20 research outputs found

    Second law of thermodynamics and urban green infrastructure – A knowledge synthesis to address spatial planning strategies

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    Planning strategies driven by the second law of thermodynamics (SLT) are innovative approaches to sustainability but they are still in seminal phase. In this article, a coupled review of SLT within spatial planning is accomplished looking at the main applications in urban green infrastructure (UGI) planning. In particular, a systemic review of UGI planning and thermodynamics has been carried out to identify all the occurrences to date in the scientific literature. Secondly, a scoping review of SLT-related concepts of exergy, entropy and urban metabolism is presented in order to investigate the main applications of, and gaps in, urban spatial planning. Results indicate that UGI and ecosystem service planning based on SLT is a relatively new field of research. Moreover, some general indications are derived for the development of spatial UGI planning strategies based on SLT. The work then aims to contribute to the improvement and/or development of even more solid planning strategies supporting a SLTconscious green transition of cities

    The sustainability of the urban system from a hydrological point of view: a practice planning proposal

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    Environmental protection issues are often considered as a toll to be paid and not as a proactive development engine in urban planning. The issue of green areas needs to be re-interpreted as a real infrastructure, which is able to provide tangible benefits to the health and safety of citizens. These aspects represent fundamental issues of the applied research, which should explore methods and techniques able to provide the ecological concerns with the ability to operate efficiently. This paper aims to provide an answer to these questions focusing the attention on the greenery in the city and on one of its most important ecosystem services, which is mitigation of flooding events. The experimentation was carried out in an urban area, verifying, in quantitative terms, the role of the green, engineered with some SUDS, to mitigate the hydrological alteration that the urban development involves. Finally, two proposals have been presented to move from traditional planning based on normative standards to a more flexible, site-specific performance-based planning

    The sustainability of the urban system from a hydrological point of view: a practice planning proposal

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    Environmental protection issues are often considered as a toll to be paid and not as a proactive development engine in urban planning. The issue of green areas needs to be re-interpreted as a real infrastructure, which is able to provide tangible benefits to the health and safety of citizens. These aspects represent fundamental issues of the applied research, which should explore methods and techniques able to provide the ecological concerns with the ability to operate efficiently. This paper aims to provide an answer to these questions focusing the attention on the greenery in the city and on one of its most important ecosystem services, which is mitigation of flooding events. The experimentation was carried out in an urban area, verifying, in quantitative terms, the role of the green, engineered with some SUDS, to mitigate the hydrological alteration that the urban development involves. Finally, two proposals have been presented to move from traditional planning based on normative standards to a more flexible, site-specific performance-based planning

    Verde urbano e processi ambientali: per una progettazione di paesaggio multifunzionale

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    Urbanization phenomena, associated with soil sealing, can lead to an increase in surface runoff, environmental pollution and ecosystems degradation with risks to human health and economic losses by floods. Then, new urban development strategies and land management models are essential. The European Union Water Framework Directive (2000) requires Member States to draw up efficient measures to ensure sustainable use of water resources. Several Best Management Practices (BMPs) were developed at this aim. BMPs are usually multifunctional structures (e.g. wetland and green roofs) that can provide suitable Habitat for species and bring to the maintenance of biodiversity, allow climate regulation by evaporation and adsorption of solar radiation together with aesthetic/amenity, recreational and educational benefits, enhancing the urban quality of life and social interaction. However, especially in Italy, the full integration of BMPs in territorial planning and urban (re-) design is not fully realized yet. The control of water quality and quantity has often been realized by isolated and localized interventions (e.g. detention/infiltration basins) without a “smart” and systemic project based on a holistic environmental sustainability concept. Through an application of a synthetic index for urban permeability assessment (RIE Index), this paper presents a systemic approach to urban green planning to reduce surface runoff in a pilot area of Bari city, increasing soil permeability and reducing hydraulic risk. This green and sustainable storm water management approach would be able to furnish environmental benefits and services to the citizens, enhancing quality of life in urban contexts

    Sustainability And Planning. Thinking and Acting According to Thermodinamics Laws

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    The paper deals with environmental sustainability, in terms of intrinsic vulnerability and thermodynamics laws concepts, applied to urban green infrastructures. This approach gives also the track to build more resilient and complex landscapes. Integrating intrinsic vulnerability and thermodynamics laws concepts, an effective strategy could be conceived to face best management practices in planning more sustainable and healthy cities

    New developments and results for mathematical models in environment evaluations

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    The paper proposes a new model called PANDORA 3.0 which evaluate the ecological quality of a region at the level of biotopes inside each landscape unit of the environmental syste