29 research outputs found

    Empowerment of “Street Children” Using CIPP Model to Develop Life Skills in Urban Areas of East Java Indonesia

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    This study aims to find an empowerment model of street children through effective and applicable life skills education. The empowerment was developed according to the will and potentials of the street children. CIPP (Content Input Process and Product) Model was used to develop the life skills of street children. The study was designed with a quasi-experimental using pre-test and post-test (before and after the training action). The goal is to develop life skills of street children in accordance with the will and potential skills they possessed. The research locations were in urban areas in East Java. The subjects were street children of junior high school and senior high school drop outs. The data collection was done by pre-test and post-test. Data analysis used tables of percentage and gain score. The results showed that street children should be given skills training according to their talents and their willingness. The types of skills to be trained were automotive, furniture, fashion, and culinary. The implementation training using CIPP system showed positive and significant results. This was indicated by the evaluation scores of the pre-test and post-test evaluation that continues to increase and the average results of gain score analysis which increased significantly. Research on the training of street children using CIPP approach has never been done by previous researchers. Training was conducted with 30% theory and 70% practice. The training schedule was tailored to the condition and character of the street children. Training was conducted in stages (the modular system) of as many as 16 sessions. Training evaluation pattern uses ongoing process system. Keywords: street children, empowerment, potential skills, and life skills trainin

    Understanding Behaviour Environmental Education Water Resources Model of Outdoor Study on Community of "Osing" at Banyuwangi District East Java Indonesia*

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    Behavior-based preservation of the environment surrounding local knowledge is very good for environmental education for the community. As well as society of "Osing" in District of Banyuwangi maintain the water resources on the basis of local traditions. Purpose of this study was to understand the community actions "Osing" in Banyuwangi in managing environmental water resources based on local wisdom. "Osing" is a native of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. They are a sub-tribe of Java. This study used a qualitative approach with a knife constructionistic approach analysis. Subjects of study include the "Osing" and community leaders. Analysis of data using an interactive model. The results showed as follows: First, the location of the research is the village that has the most water sources in Banyuwangi, a number of 27 pieces. Second, the behavior of the environmental education of  "Osing" shown in various acts of local wisdom, namely: the tradition of ritual "rebo wakesan", "slametan", “sesajen” or "offerings", “tolak balak” or "starting reinforcements", making "jeding" or water reservoir, and the tradition of “gugur gunung” or "autumn mountain" is clean-up measures in the area of ​​water resources. In their understanding, "cutting down trees means disastrous". Every tree and water sources must be something keeping. The keeping or guard is the "ghost" or "spirits". If someone cut trees will be plagued by "ghost" and got a disaster. Keywords: environmental education, society "Osing", and water resource

    Defections “Kiai”, “Santri” and Farmers in the New Order and Reform Order in the Islamic Tradition in Rural East Java

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    The study purpose of understand the context which aspects influenced the rejection and the meaning of actions carried out by individual “Kiai”, “Santri” and farmers. “Kiai” is leader in the Islamic boarding school named “pesantren”, so “santri” is students in the “pesantren”. That action such as monoculture cropping patterns, refused Bank credit in trying to farm, and rejected the use of pesticides. Qualitative research phenomenological approach to uncover the meaning behind the defections of action called "noumena". Phenomenological approach holds that each individual action has a unique meaning that need to be understood. Results of this research showed that the action of rejection or defections by “kiai”, “santri” and farmers have different meanings, which is backed by the context and motives, “because motive” and “in order to motive”, are different on the New Order and the Order of the Reform. That action like “wong manut” or follower; “wong mblebes” or farmers creative, strategy and active in the farming; “wong lecet” or blisters; “wong keset” or doormat that starts from “Kiai” and then imitated by “santri” and farmers in the vicinity. The findings of this research is different from the pattern of dichotomy Clifford Geertz about the “santri”, “abangan” and “priyayi”. Understanding the diversity of the individual actions of the sort suggested the concept of agricultural development in Indonesia at the time will come, especially Java, attention to the diversity of local socio-cultural context, not execution of development as a leveler on the New Order. Keywords: defections, ”pesantren”, ”kiai”, ”santri”, farmers, new and reform orde

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Turnamen dan Games terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of tournaments and games-based learning in improving students' motivation. The method used in this research is quasi experimental study (quasi-experiment). Shape design experiments is the one shot case study. Subjects in this study is graders X.1 MA Ahmad Yani Jabung using tournaments and games-based learning. Data collection techniques in this study using a closed questionnaire. The data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis and T test (t-test) using SPSS 16.0 software for windows. Based on the results of the study the average score of student motivation before using tournaments and games-based learning is 72.55. While the average score of students' motivation after the tournament and games-based learning is 74.35. Hypothesis test results showed that the number P-value for the t-test is 0.001. This means that 0.001 <0.05, it can be concluded that the tournaments and games-based learning significantly influence students' motivation to learn geography. Based on these results the researchers recommend tournaments and games-based learning can be applied in the classroom to the students, especially the subjects of geography.Tujuan dari penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peran pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games dalam peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian quasi experiment (eksperimen semu). Bentuk desain eksperimennya adalah one shot case study. Subjek dalam penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas X.1 MA Ahmad Yani Jabung dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan angket tertutup. Analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif dan uji T (t-test) dengan menggunakan software SPSS 16.0 for windows. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian rata-rata skor motivasi siswa sebelum menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games yaitu 72,55. Sedangkan rata-rata skor motivasi belajar siswa setelah pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games yaitu 74,35. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa angka P-value untuk t-test yaitu 0,001. Hal ini berarti 0,001 < 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar geografi siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut peneliti merekomendasikan pembelajaran berbasis turnamen dan games dapat diterapkan di kelas pada siswa terutama mata pelajaran geografi

    Kajian Sosial-budaya Rambu Solo' dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik

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    This study focused on the analysis of social culture of rambu solo' in growing the learners' character. The problems of generations of one country was affected by globalization growth. It causes the need of implementing the educational character. The ceremony of rambu solo' which brings social and religious value can be identified as social cultural aspect in ceremony rambu solo'. This research was a library research using descriptive approach. The results were: a). The ceremony is held to unite the family. b). to devide the heritage of family. c). to state prestige. d). to work together and become responsible. e). to develop art of custom. f). to donate wealth as a charity. This ceremony rambu solo' enables to be designed as a reference of learning of character education because it is appropriate with the need of learners' character expected by Indonesia.Kajian sosial-budaya rambu solo' dalam pembentukan karakater peserta didik. Permasalahan karakter generasi bangsa merupakan dampak dari globalisasi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perlunya penanaman pendidikan berkarakter. Upacara rambu solo' yang memiliki nilai sosial dan religus dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar pendidikan berkarakter. Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek sosial-budaya dalam upacara rambu solo' di Toraja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Adapun hasilnya, yaitu (a) Sebagai wadah pemersatu keluarga; b). Sebagai tempat membagi warisan (c) sebagai tempat menyatakan martabat; (d) sebagai tempat bergotong royong; (e) sebagai wadah pengembangan seni artinya; (f) sebagai Wadah berdonasi. Upacara rambu solo' dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran pendidikan berkarakter karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan karakter peserta didik yang diinginkan oleh bangsa Indonesia

    Prestasi Akademik dan Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Malang

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    The purpose of writing this article aims to determine academic achievement and student achievement motivation S1 Geography Education, State University of Malang. Writing this article uses literature study literature study conducted by discussing academic achievement and achievement motivation. Based on the results of the discussion, indicating that achievement and student achievement motivation S1 Geography Education, State University of Malang influenced internal and external factors. Internal factors originating from within or students themselves as self-interest and motivation. As for external factors that come from outside such as family support, social environment, and learning facilities.Tujuan penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prsetasi akademik dan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Malang. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan studi pustaka studi pustaka dilakukan dengan membahas prestasi akademik dan motivasi berprestasi. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, menunjukkan bahwa prestasi akademik dan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Negeri Malang dipengaruhi beberapa faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal yang berasal dari dalam atau diri mahasiswa itu sendiri, seperti minat dan motivasi. Adapun faktor eksternal yang berasal dari luar seperti dukungan keluarga, lingkungan pergaulan, dan fasilitas belajar

    Potensi Objek Wisata Toraja Utara Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Sumber Materi Geografi Pariwisata

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    This research focused on the tourism potential of North Toraja based on local wisdom. The method of this study implemented qualitative using ethnography approach. The results showed that (1) the tourism objects in North Toraja are potential in the aspect of culture, nature and history (2) the tourism areas in North Toraja must be under supervised and controlled by Foundations, Farmers, Local Government, and family. (3) Development of tourism objects in the basis of local wisdom supports the continuation of tourism in North Toraja. (4) Tourism in North Toraja based on local wisdom can be used as a source of learning materials for Tourism Geography courses in the Department of Geography, State University of Makassar. The implication of this study will be used a source of support materials Tourism Geography subjects particularly in Tourism Potential Local Content.Penelitian tentang potensi obyek wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal. Hasil dari penelitian digunakan sebagai sumber materi pendukung matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, bertujuan menghasilkan laporan etnografi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) kawasan obyek wisata Toraja Utara memiliki potensi wisata budaya, alam dan sejarah (2) Pengelola kawasan wisata Toraja Utara diantaranya: Yayasan, Petani, Pemda, dan Keluarga. (3) Pengembangan Objek wisata berbasis kearifan lokal setempat mendukung kelangsungan wisata di Toraja Utara. (4) Wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi belajar M.k Geografi Pariwisata Jurusan Geografi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar yakni Materi Potensi Wisata lokal

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Berbasis Outdoor Study terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa SMA

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    The purpose of this study to find out the results for students at SMA 1 Gayam, class 11th IPS, material environment and sustainable development. This research was quasi experiment, using project based learning model based outdoor learning study. Based on the research results, shows geography student learning outcomes in SMA 1 Gayam increased visits from pretest control class is 57,33 while posttest 77,5. The results of the experiment are a class pretest 54,83 while posttest 76. Gain Score control class is 20,17 while the experiment class is 55,83. Based on the results of t-test analysis using SPSS 16.0 for windows shows significant value 0,000 which means H0 rejected and H1 be accepted, so learning to use the model Project Based Leaning based Outdoor Study effected to student lerning outcomes geography high school.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam, kelas XI IPS, materi lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen semu, menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan hasil belajar geografi siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam mengalami peningkatan dilihat dari pretest kelas kontrol adalah 57,33 sedangkan postest 77,5. Hasil pretest kelas eksperimen adalah 54,83 sedangkan postest 76. Gain Score kelas kontrol adalah 20,17 sedangkan kelas eksperimen 55,83. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji-t menggunakan SPSS 16.0 for windows menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga pembelajaran menggunakan model Project based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA