6 research outputs found

    Reconceptualizar el constructo de oportunidad: una respuesta a un dilema te贸rico a trav茅s de una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura

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    After Shane鈥檚 seminal work in 2000 which highlighted the importance of entrepreneurial opportunities, the number of studies focusing on entrepreneurial opportunity increased rapidly. Different definitions of this concept were provided in the field, ranging from subjective to objective ones, which gave rise to a lack of consensus among researchers and this, in turn, was an obstacle that slowed down theorizing in entrepreneurship. Taking into account the past trends in management sciences, it seems to be the right moment to re-conceptualize the core construct of opportunity. The major critique of existing definitions is their operationalization. To provide a better operationalization, the present study aimed to offer a more accurate conceptual definition. To this end, the study first examined current debates on opportunity, which revealed the major problem causing the debates. Then, through a systematic literature review, from among more than seven thousand documents in the Scopus database containing opportunity keywords, 74 papers were selected following different phases of filtration. The papers were analyzed in detail to extract different constructs. Then, using the framework of Hansen et al, they were classified along six dimensions. The concepts under each dimension were examined to finally provide a bigger picture of the construct of opportunity and offer a re-conceptualization. The results of this study highlight the gaps for future research and pave the ground for other systematic literature reviews in the field.Despu茅s de que el influyente trabajo de Shane en 2000 destac贸 la importancia de las oportunidades empresariales, el n煤mero de estudios centrados en las oportunidades empresariales aument贸 r谩pidamente. En el campo se aportaron distintas definiciones de este concepto, que van desde las subjetivas hasta las objetivas, lo que gener贸 una falta de consenso entre los investigadores y esto, a su vez, fue un obst谩culo que fren贸 la teorizaci贸n en el emprendimiento. Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias pasadas en las ciencias de la administraci贸n, parece ser el momento adecuado para reconceptualizar el constructo central de la oportunidad. La principal cr铆tica de las definiciones existentes es su operacionalizaci贸n. Para brindar una mejor operacionalizaci贸n, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo ofrecer una definici贸n conceptual m谩s precisa. Con este fin, el estudio examin贸 en primer lugar los debates actuales sobre las oportunidades que revelaron el principal problema que suscitan los debates. Luego, mediante una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura, de entre m谩s de siete mil documentos en la base de datos Scopus que contienen palabras clave de oportunidad, se seleccionaron 74 art铆culos siguiendo diferentes fases de filtraci贸n. Los art铆culos se analizaron en detalle para extraer diferentes constructos. Luego, utilizando el marco de Hansen et al, se clasificaron en seis dimensiones. Se examinaron los conceptos de cada dimensi贸n para finalmente proporcionar una imagen m谩s amplia del constructo de oportunidad y ofrecer una reconceptualizaci贸n. Los resultados de este estudio destacan las brechas para futuras investigaciones y preparan el terreno para otras revisiones sistem谩ticas de la literatura en este campo

    Institutional Factors Affecting Academic Entrepreneurship: The Case of University of Tehran

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    The role of universities has been highlighted in the social and economic development of communities with the addition of entrepreneurial mission to the educational and research missions of the universities. Thus, the subjects related to the academic entrepreneurship and commercialization of knowledge has recently been taken into consideration by many researchers and politicians in various countries. In Iran, concept of academic entrepreneurship is newly established and is in its initial stages of formation and institutionalization. Considering this gap in the literature, identifying institutional factors which affect academic entrepreneurship in Iran is the main objective of this study. For this purpose, the Institutional Economy theory of North (1990) was used to investigate the formal and informal institutional factors that foster academic entrepreneurship in Iran. In this study a mixed approach was implemented, taking advantage of interviews and a questionnaire to collection the data from the experts involved in academic entrepreneurship activities in University of Tehran. For sampling purposes, the objective judgmental method was used as a non-probability sampling approach. Data collection and analysis continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Then, 41 semi-structured and open interviews were conducted. The quantitative sample size was calculated based on the Cochran鈥檚 Formula (60 persons). Findings revealed that main formal institutional factors that affect academic entrepreneurship in Iran include as follows: (i) rules, structure and governance of the university, (ii) entrepreneurship and business training programs, (iii) university-industry relationship, (iv) governmental policies and regulations, (v) intellectual property laws, and (vi) educational and research structure of the university while principle informal institutional factors include: (i) method of enforcing rules, (ii) political considerations, (ii) role models and academic reward system, and (iii) academicians' attitudes toward entrepreneurship

    Petro Rents and Higher Education: A Cross-country Examination

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    This study provides an empirical investigation to test one of the transmission channels of resource curse, i.e. higher education. Our panel data analysis of 70 countries from 2006 to 2014 shows petro rents have a positive impact on the indicator of higher education and training in developed countries but petro rents have no statistically significant effect on the indicator of higher education and training in developing countries. We also find petro rents have a positive impact on the quality of education in both groups of countries but we find a negative and statistically significant association between petro rents and the quantity of higher education in developing countries which can explain resource curse. These findings are robust when we control for other major drivers of dependent variables, unobservable country- and time-fixed effects. Keywords: resource curse, oil rents, higher education, human capital JEL Classifications: I25; O15; O1

    Oil Rent and Financial Environment: A Cross-country Examination

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    This study provides an empirical investigation to test one of the transmission channels of resource curse, i.e. financial environment. Our panel data analysis of 70 countries from 2006 to 2014 shows a negative and statistically significant association between oil rent and the quality of financial environment in developing countries, but a positive relationship in developed countries. These findings are robust when we control for other major drivers of financial environment quality, unobservable country- and time-fixed effects. In addition, our main results show that institutional quality, among other independent variables, has a major statistically significant effect on financial environment. Keywords: resource curse, oil rents, crowding out, financial market development JEL Classifications: G10; H1