19 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of national differences in the retail bank interest rates of the euro area

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    The availability of new harmonized data on bank interest rates allows a rigorous assessment to be made of cross-country price homogeneity/heterogeneity in euro area retail credit markets. Econometric analysis shows that the banking market is still highly segmented and that the degree of integration in a single country (Italy, taken as a benchmark for integration) is greater than in the euro area. However, national differences can be partially explained by variables reflecting the characteristics of domestic depositors and borrowers (“demand side” regressors, such as risk exposure, disposable income, alternative financing sources, average firm size) and the characteristics of the banking systems (“supply side” regressors, such as banking market concentration, asset and liability structure). The euro area prices appear different because national banking products appear different or because they are differentiated by national factors. Once these factors have been controlled for, many differences disappear.bank interest rates, convergence, integration

    The impact of the recent financial crisis on bank loan interest rates and guarantees.

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    The paper analyzes the role of guarantees on loan interest rates before and during the recent financial crisis in Italian firm financing. The paper improves on existing literature by distinguishing between real and personal guarantees. Further, the paper investigates the potential different role of guarantees in the bank-borrower relationship during the recent financial crisis. This paper draws from individual Italian bank and firm data taken from the Banks’ Supervisory Reports to the Bank of Italy and the Central Credit Register over the period 2006-2009. Our analysis demonstrates that collateral affects the cost of credit of Italian firms by systematically reducing the interest rate of secured loans, while personal guarantees increase it. These effects are amplified during the crisis. Furthermore, guarantees are a more powerful instrument for ex-ante riskier borrowers than for safer borrowers. Indeed, riskier borrowers obtain significantly lower interest rates on secured loans than interest rate they would be charged on unsecured loans.financial crisis, guarantees, lending relationship

    Loans, Interest Rates and Guarantees: Is There a Link?

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    This paper aims at shedding light on the influence of guarantees on the loan pricing. After reviewing the literature on the role of guarantees in bank lending decisions, we estimate a bank interest rate model that explicitly includes collateral and personal guarantees as explanatory variables. We show that banks follow different lending policies according to the type of customer. In the case of firms banks seem to efficiently screen and monitor customers, and guarantees (real and personal) are used to reduce moral hazard problems. In the case of consumer households and sole proprietorships banks behave “lazily” by replacing screening and monitoring activities with personal guarantees. Collateral, instead, is used to separate good from bad customers (i.e., to mitigate adverse selection problems).Banking Crisis; Determination of Interest Rates, Banks, Asymmetric and Private Information.

    The impact of the recent financial crisis on bank loan interest rates and guarantees.

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    The paper analyzes the role of guarantees on loan interest rates before and during the recent financial crisis in Italian firm financing. The paper improves on existing literature by distinguishing between real and personal guarantees. Further, the paper investigates the potential different role of guarantees in the bank-borrower relationship during the recent financial crisis. This paper draws from individual Italian bank and firm data taken from the Banks’ Supervisory Reports to the Bank of Italy and the Central Credit Register over the period 2006-2009. Our analysis demonstrates that collateral affects the cost of credit of Italian firms by systematically reducing the interest rate of secured loans, while personal guarantees increase it. These effects are amplified during the crisis. Furthermore, guarantees are a more powerful instrument for ex-ante riskier borrowers than for safer borrowers. Indeed, riskier borrowers obtain significantly lower interest rates on secured loans than interest rate they would be charged on unsecured loans

    Insurance Fraud Detection: A Statistically-Validated Network Approach

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    Fraud is a social phenomenon, and fraudsters oftencollaborate with other fraudsters, taking on differentroles. The challenge for insurance companies is toimplement claim assessment and improve frauddetection accuracy. We developed an investigativesystem based on bipartite networks, highlighting therelationships between subjects and accidents or vehi-cles and accidents. We formalize filtering rules throughprobability models and test specific methods to assessthe existence of communities in extensive networksand propose new alert metrics for suspicious struc-tures. We apply the methodology to a real database—the Italian Antifraud Integrated Archive—and compare the results to out‐of‐sample fraud scams underinvestigation by the judicial authoritie

    The impact of the recent financial crisis on bank loan interest rates and guarantees.

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    The paper analyzes the role of guarantees on loan interest rates before and during the recent financial crisis in Italian firm financing. The paper improves on existing literature by distinguishing between real and personal guarantees. Further, the paper investigates the potential different role of guarantees in the bank-borrower relationship during the recent financial crisis. This paper draws from individual Italian bank and firm data taken from the Banks’ Supervisory Reports to the Bank of Italy and the Central Credit Register over the period 2006-2009. Our analysis demonstrates that collateral affects the cost of credit of Italian firms by systematically reducing the interest rate of secured loans, while personal guarantees increase it. These effects are amplified during the crisis. Furthermore, guarantees are a more powerful instrument for ex-ante riskier borrowers than for safer borrowers. Indeed, riskier borrowers obtain significantly lower interest rates on secured loans than interest rate they would be charged on unsecured loans

    Does the Law of One Price Hold in Euro-Area Retail Banking? An Empirical Analysis of Interest Rate Differentials across the Monetary Union

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    To measure integration, economic theory provides a clear background regarding price convergence: the law of one price. This paper is the first test of this law in euro-area retail banking. Since the law can be verified only on similar assets, we use recent harmonized data and a methodology that renders banking products homogeneous across countries, controlling for national factors. Econometric results signal that rates differ, and that markets are still segmented, because banking services are differentiated. Since supply factors play a driving role, there is room for improved integration. Moreover, where bank customers are stronger, rates are more homogeneous.

    The Performance of Some Privatized Italian Banks

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    This paper examines changes in the organization structure and profitability of a group of six privatized large Italian banks. After privatization, there was a high rate of turnover of managers. Relative to other Italian banks, a variety of measures of profitability rose rapidly after privatization; in some cases, the realization of losses from bad loans made a large contribution to subsequent profitability. Regression analysis showed that there was a significant effect of privatization on profits; privatization coincided with a higher rate of growth of fee income. The indications are that privatization is leading to an improved operating performance.