22 research outputs found

    Hambatan Program Human Resources Development Indonesia- Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle dalam Mengurangi Kemiskinan di Aceh

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    This research aims to explain the obstacles of HRD program by IMT-GT in reducing thepoverty in Aceh. Various effort had been made to reduce poverty in Aceh. One of them wasthe IMT-GT (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle) as a sub-regionalcooperation. However, through the HRD (Human Resources Development) program aimsto reduce poverty and improve the quality of life, is not effective either. This research usedqualitative methods, with neo-functionalism theory to prove the hypothesis. The result ofthis research found out that the ineffectiveness of IMT-GT HRD program was caused bythe failure of IMT-GT to create good regional integration and the failure of HRD to workon spillover scheme

    Kerja Sama Bilateral Indonesia Dan Australia Dalam Penanganan Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2002 – 2013

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    The development of terrorism on global scale triggers Indonesia and Australiato increase their capacity by working together to tackle terrorism in Indonesia.In order to determine the actions undertaken by the Government of Indonesiaand Australia to respond and prevent terrorism crime growing in Indonesia,the research use the approach of liberalism, that the relationship betweenIndonesia and Australia based on the same view to protect themselves from thethreat of terrorism through cooperation to increase the capacity of the countryagainst non-state actor, terrorist organizaton. Details about the importance ofcooperation between Indonesia and Australia done within the scope ofcooperation to deal with terrorism in Indonesia focused on government acttoward police institution, Indonesian National Police (Polri) for Governmentof Republic of Indonesia, and Australian Federal Police (AFP) for Governmentof Australia in the area of counter terrorism. Polri and AFP relationship inorder to overcome terrorism crime using curative and preventive action basedon the following bilateral cooperation between states. Counter terrorism actbased on Momerandum of Understanding Between Government of Republic ofIndonesia and Government of Australia signed on 7th February 2002

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Kota Singapura terhadap Angka Pengungkapan Penyelundupan Barang Palsu di Pelabuhan PSA Singapura

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    This research is aiming to know the impact of the implementation of ACFTA, such as the raising of trade activity in PSA Singapore and the raising of illicit counterfeit goods in PSA Singapore, as well as to know the cause of its problems. In this research, Statistic Criminal Theory used to determine the relation between Illicit Counterfeit Goods with City Development of Singapore. The method of this research is explanative by appointing one problem and focusing on the cause of the problem. The outcome of the research is that there is a relation between the illicit counterfeit goods with trade agreement and the city development of Singapore with the use of City Development Index from UN-HABITAT 1998 as a measurement. This research also found that the more developed and advanced a city, the more vulnerable a city would be towards criminality

    Operasi Atalanta Oleh Uni Eropa Di Teluk Aden Dalam Menangani Perompak Somalia Periode Tahun 2009-2013

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    European Union departed Operation Atalanta in the Gulf of Aden, acollective navy operation by European Union\u27s member countries. Theobjective of Operation Atalanta is to combat Somali piracy in the Gulf ofAden. The background of this research is based on piracy cases thathappened in the Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates. Research questions of thisresearch are why did European Union decide to launch Operation Atalantain the Gulf of Aden, and how do they manage combating Somali piracy. Inorder to answer the research questions, the paradigm of liberal institualismis applied as the theoretical framework. This framework is linked to theconcept of regional security and collective action. Through the framework,the answers are concluded that Operation Atalanta appears to be EuropeanUnion\u27s effort regarding the United Nations Security Council\u27s resolutionin combating Somali piracy. Moreover, the main mandate of OperationAtalanta is to protect the shipping of food aid from World FoodProgramme to Somalia. The main focus of this research is regarding theEuropean Union\u27s strategy through Operation Atalanta to combat Somalipiracy in the Gulf of Aden, and the impact given by Operation Atalanta inthe Gulf of Aden. Operation Atalanta has given a positive impact in theGulf of Aden. The number of piracy cases has declined and the situation inthe area of the Gulf of Aden has gotten more secured, and the mandates ofOperation Atalanta have been fulfilled

    15. Persepsi Bersama Indonesia-Australia Dalam Hibah Dana Dan Peralatan Investigasi Cyber Crime Dari Australia Kepada Indonesia

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    The history of the relations between Indonesia and Australia highlighted by several eventsthat create relations of two countries became heaving and worries some people in Australiawho considers Indonesia as one of the threats to the security of Australia. But these twothings does not impede Indonesia and Australia to conduct a number of cooperation andother collective efforts to overcome the various threats to the security of both countries,one of which is the threat of cyber crime. This research aimed to analyze factors that affectpolicies taken by Australia in providing financing and equipment of cyber crimeinvestigation to Indonesia. This research uses the concept of collective identity from theconstructivist theory that driven by perceptions of a threat in explaining the behavior of astate. The results of this research indicate that the perception of the two countries in viewof the threat of cyber crime made the two countries have a collective identity as the twocountries that tried to combat cyber crime

    4. Peran Pemerintah Thailand Dalah Mengatasi Pencari Suaka Rohingya Di Thailand

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    This research aims to determine the cause of Thai Government's role on handling theissues of Rohingya's asylum seekers, victims of ethnic conflict in Thailand. These problemsarise as a result of the conflict between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Moslemsin Myanmar 2012, until eventually the Rohingya moslems fled from Myanmar seekingasylum to neighboring countries. English school of thought, concept of compliance andResponsibility to Protect or R2P, is used to explain the basis and forms of Thailandcompliance on the International organizations of the United Nations (UN), as well asThailand's responsibility to protect the Rohingya refugees and asylum seekers. Theresearch method is explanative which used to analyze and explain the various problems ofRohingya asylum seekers such as the existence of smuggling and trafficking of Rohingyaasylum seekers. Results from this research is the Thai government act in accordance withthe provisions of the United Nations and International law on handling Rohingya's asylumseekers, as a form of allegiance to United Nations and also has the responsibility toprovide human right protection for Rohingya refugees. From these findings, thesuggestions that emerged was the Government of Thailand should ratify the 1951Convention and 1967 Protocol about the International refugee protection, in order forasylum seekers to gain firm and fair access to the procedure for sanctuary

    4. Superiotas Negara Atas Organisasi Internasional: Kegagalan Kerja Sama UNODC – Myanmar Dalam Menangani Produksi Opium Periode 2006-2013

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    Myanmar is the second biggest producer of opium in the world after Afghanistan. Opiumproduction in Myanmar is taking place in Golden Triangle region where is vulnerable topoverty and armed conflict. Although poppy cultivation and opium production has beendeclared illegal by the Government through Act of 1974, most society still commit thecrime. On the other hand, UNODC has established cooperation with Myanmar since 2002but failed to reduce the number of opium production. The cooperation has resulted inseveral policies such as International Crop Monitoring Program and AlternativeDevelopment. Implementation of these policies lose ground due to the increase in opiumproduction. This study tries to analyze the causes of the failure of cooperation using realistapproach combined with evaluative framework borrowed from public administration. Thisstudy argues that UNODC has no bargaining power towards Myanmar so it failed to forceMyanmar comply the agreement. In addition, the failure also caused by conflict of interestbetween both parties while in implementing the agreement