13 research outputs found

    Analisis Metode Cycle Crossover (Cx) Dan Metode Partial Mapped Crossover (Pmx) Pada Penyelesaian Kasus Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp)

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    Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a form of a problem in optimizing the search for the shortest route by passing through every city in exactly one time. The problem of searching the shortest route of a location can be solved by using many other optimizing algorithms. In this research, genetics algorithm was used by using two crossover methods namely cycle crossover and partial-mapped crossover. The parameters used were crossover probability and mutation probability, the sum of the city, maximum generation, the sum of the population and also threshold. In this research two testing models were used. In the first one, in order to get the generation and the best fitness it used the 80% consistency stopping criteria, and in the second one, in order to get the best testing time, it  used the 100 and 500 maximum generation stopping criteria. The result of the first test showed that PMX method is better than the CX one. This was shown through the 8 times of testing which the result was the best PMX generation was 104,0469 and the CX was 350,4563. The second test resulted that the best testing time of the PMX time was 1,1035 second and the CX method was 2,2374 second, thus, it can be concluded that the solution brought by the PMX method is considered better than the CX

    Sistem pakar mendiagnosa penyakit pada balita usia 0 – 60 bulan menggunakan metode Dempster-Shafer

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    Toddlers are susceptible to germs and viruses so that they are susceptible to various types of diseases because the immune system that has not been built properly. Most parents don't know about the symptoms and diseases suffered by toddlers, which is why sometimes the disease gets worse. The solution to the disease experienced by toddlers can be overcome is to take them to a hospital or health center. Binaus Health Center located in Mollo Tengah District, TTS Regency is one of the community health centers where most of the patients are toddlers. The obstacle of Binaus Community Health Center in operating is the specialist doctor of children or toddlers is not available, so an expert system was created as a media for consultation and monitoring of toddlers with the Dempster-Shafer Method whose end result was the diagnosis of diseases suffered by toddlers. Comparison of expert diagnosis results with expert systems obtained an average range of trust of 92.86% for appropriate testing experts above the threshold value and testing below the threshold value obtained miss-classification 7.14%. The expert system does not provide 100% results according to expert diagnosis not because of inference errors but the inappropriate value of expert density. Data testing based on case studies taken from medical record data at the Binaus Health Center, Kec. Mollo Tengah, Kab. TTS has a 100% accuracy rate.    Balita rentan terhadap kuman dan virus sehingga mudah terkena berbagai jenis penyakit karena sistem imun yang belum terbangun dengan sempurna. Kebanyakan orangtua kurang tahu tentang gejala dan penyakit yang diderita oleh balita, karena itulah terkadang penyakitnya semakin parah. Solusi supaya penyakit yang dialami oleh balita bisa teratasi adalah dengan membawanya ke rumah sakit atau pusat kesehatan. Puskesmas Binaus yang terletak di Kecamatan Mollo Tengah, Kabupaten TTS merupakan salah satu pusat kesehatan masyarakat yang kebanyakan pasiennya adalah balita. Kendala Puskesmas Binaus dalam beroperasi adalah dokter spesialias anak atau balita tidak tersedia, sehingga dibuatlah sebuah sistem pakar sebagai media konsultasi dan monitoring terhadap balita dengan Metode Dempster-Shafer yang hasil akhirnya berupa diagnosa penyakit yang di derita oleh balita. Perbandingan hasil diagnosis pakar dengan sistem pakar diperoleh rata-rata rentangan kepercayaan sebesar 92,86% untuk pengujian yang sesuai pakar berada diatas nilai treshold dan pengujian yang dibawah nilai treshold diperoleh miss-klasifikasi 7,14%. Sistem pakar tidak memberikan hasil 100% sesuai dengan diagnosis pakar bukan karena kesalahan pada inferensi tetapi pemberian nilai densitas pakar yang kurang tepat. Pengujian data berdasarkan studi kasus yang diambil dari data rekam medis pada Puskesmas Binaus Kec. Mollo Tengah, Kab. TTS memiliki tingkat akurasi 100%. &nbsp

    Implementasi Metode Analisis Gap dan Profile Matching untuk Kelayakan Calon Debitur di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (Ksp) Kopdit Solidaritas Santa Maria Assumpta

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    In granting credit to debtors, it must go through an assessment of whether the debtor is appropriate or not feasible. KSP Koprit Solidaritas has set policy standards in granting credit to accept or reject the risk of bad credit, namely assessing prospective borrowers who meet the conditions of character rating, ability to pay off credit, capital owned, collateral owned and socioeconomic conditions. In this study, the design and manufacture of decision support system applications were carried out using profile matching methods to assess the eligibility of prospective debtors. Profile Matching is used to determine the priority with the highest ranking, which is used as a suggestion from the right system in determining the best alternative. The test results using 60 data obtained an accuracy of 81.667% with an error rate of 18.333% which indicates that the decision support system is functioning optimally following the Profile Matching method


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    The use of non-standard language is increasingly prevalent in communication on social media. The use of indefinite language is not limited to sentences, clauses, or phrases but also word usage. In this study, the nonstandard word (NSW) will be normalized to the Indonesian standard word (SW). The Nazief-Adriani stemmer (NAS) method was developed into a nonstandard stemmer (NSS) by increasing its ability to detect non-standard additives. The Needleman-Wunsch similarity algorithm is used to weight the matches. The test results with the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of 3,438 NSW found that the use of NSS with the number of queries = 9 (Q = 9) had the highest of 79.26% with an average of 50.48%. Meanwhile, MRR testing using NAS with Q = 9 got the highest result of 72.87% and an average of 47.23%. Of the two MRR tests carried out, there were 3 letters that had the highest stemming results, both in tests using NAS and using NSS, namely the initial letters r, f and j. The most significant increase in MRR value occurs in the initial letters 'd', 'n' and 't' which are the initial letters of some non-standard affixes.Penggunaan bahasa tak baku semakin marak dalam komunikasi di media sosial. Penggunaan bahasa tak baku tidak terbatas pada kalimat, klausa, atau frasa saja namun juga pada penggunaan kata. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan normalisasi kata yang tak baku/ nonstandard word (NSW) tersebut ke kata baku/ standard word (SW) Bahasa Indonesia. Metode stemmer Nazief-Adriani (Nazief-Adriani stemmer (NAS)) dikembangkan menjadi nonstandard stemmer (NSS) dengan meningkatkan kemampuannya untuk mendeteksi imbuhan tak baku. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan penggunaan NAS dan NSS dalam normalisasi NSW.  Algoritma kemiripan Needleman-Wunsch digunakan untuk membobot hasil pencocokan. Hasil pengujian dengan Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) pada sebanyak 3.438 NSW didapatkan penggunaan NSS dengan jumlah kueri = 9 (Q=9) memiliki tertinggi sebesar 79.26% dengan rata-rata sebesar 50.48%. Sedangkan pengujian MRR menggunakan NAS dengan Q=9 mendapatkan hasil tertinggi sebesar 72.87% dan rata-rata sebesar 47.23%. Dari dua pengujian MRR yang dilakukan, ada 3 huruf yang memiliki hasil stemming tertinggi, baik dalam pengujian menggunakan NAS maupun menggunakan NSS yaitu huruf  awal r, f dan j. Peningkatan nilai MRR paling signifikan terjadi pada huruf awal ‘d’, ‘n’  dan  ‘t’ yang merupakan huruf awal dari sebagian imbuhan tak standar

    Elitism of Genetic Algorithm in the Nonlinear Function of Two Variables

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    The evolutionary operator in the genetic algorithm (GA) does not guarantee that the quality of individuals from generation to generation is always good. Elitism maintains the preservation of the best individual traits from generation to generation by multiplying the best set of individuals. In this paper, it is determined the number of copies that need to be done on the best individual. Tests were carried out on five nonlinear functions with two variables and the result was that the best individual multiplication was able to provide the best solution

    Case Based Reasoning to Diagnose Types of Mental Disorders Using the Dempster Shafer Method

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    Mental disorders are disorders of behavior, moods and thoughts that can change a person's behavior differently than usual. Cases of mental disorders obtained from medical record data at the Naimata Mental Hospital (RSJ) in 2019 were 6,157 patients with 2 mental specialists. The lack of a number of mental specialists has caused some mental health programs not to run properly, resulting in a longer recovery rate for mental disorders. In this study, a case-based reasoning system was created to overcome the problem of the lack of mental health workers at Naimata Hospital. The system uses the dempster shafer method for the indexing process and cosine similarity to calculate the similarity value. This system diagnoses 9 types of mental disorders based on 125 symptoms. The output of the system is a diagnosis of the type of mental disorder suffered by the patient. Based on the test results on 90 data on a case basis by dividing the data into 10 folds, the system accuracy for similarity is 49.83% and indexing is 81.01%. The test was carried out another way, by dividing the data randomly into 3 groups, namely 9:1, 8:2 and 7:3 20 times. The first group got an average indexing of 85.21% and similarity 49.22%, the second group got an average indexing of 82.01% and similarity 48.84%, the third group got an average indexing of 78.82% and similarity 48.09%. The average accuracy is low due to the unbalanced case data for each type of disturbance

    Nazief-adriani Stemmer dengan Imbuhan Tak Baku pada Normalisasi Bahasa Percakapan di Media Sosial

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    The use of non-standard language is increasingly prevalent in communication on social media. The use of indefinite language is not limited to sentences, clauses, or phrases but also word usage. In this study, the nonstandard word (NSW) will be normalized to the Indonesian standard word (SW). The Nazief-Adriani stemmer (NAS) method was developed into a nonstandard stemmer (NSS) by increasing its ability to detect non-standard additives. The Needleman-Wunsch similarity algorithm is used to weight the matches. The test results with the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of 3,438 NSW found that the use of NSS with the number of queries = 9 (Q = 9) had the highest of 79.26% with an average of 50.48%. Meanwhile, MRR testing using NAS with Q = 9 got the highest result of 72.87% and an average of 47.23%. Of the two MRR tests carried out, there were 3 letters that had the highest stemming results, both in tests using NAS and using NSS, namely the initial letters r, f and j. The most significant increase in MRR value occurs in the initial letters 'd', 'n' and 't' which are the initial letters of some non-standard affixes

    Security of Portable Document Format (PDF) Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm

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    The use of digital documents has been widely used in various groups, organizations or agencies. One of the digital documents that often used is the Portable Document Format (PDF). An algorithm needed to implemented in the software, so that it can secure these documents from parties who can harm. One of the algorithms that can be used is Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). ECC has an advantage on the level of data security with a key not too long. Encryption carried out on a 16 Bytes PDF header using 7 ECC parameters, prime number, coefficient A, coefficient B, base point, secret key, public key and K. The prime numbers used are 67, 71, 151, 199, 229, and 239. Other parameters chosen randomly. Each prime number involved for encryption of 4 types of file size, 1KB-2MB, 2MB-4MB, 4MB-6MB, and more than 5MB, where each type of file size has 5 different files. There were 3 trials for each file, so there were 360 trials. The 360 trials, there were ±55.33% in the very low correlation class, ±34.72% in the low class, ±10% in the medium class and ±1.94% in the strong class. Overall the average correlation generated is 0.212282779. Therefore, the use of the ECC algorithm for encryption the header of PDF is quite good. In the encryption process there is also an increase in file size by 64 Bytes, but when decrypting the file size returns to its original size