8 research outputs found

    Prezivani semenacku smrku ztepileho (Picea abies L. Karst.) a jerabu ptaciho (Sorbus aucuparia L.) v narusenych lesnich ekosystemech Krkonos a Krusnych hor.

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    This dissertation thesis is focussed on the study of occurrence, germination, and survival of Norway spurce (Picea abies L. Karst.) seedlings in several microsites (litter, coarse woody debris, mosses, herb layer) on locations the Krkonose Mts. and the Krusne hory Mts. during period 1995-1997. In addition, the nature regeneration of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and occurrence of seedlings of other broadleaved was observed.Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Methodology for evaluation of resistance of pollen beetle to insecticides

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    The methodology of evaluation of pollen beetle resistance to insecticides includes approaches that enable easy and reliably to detect resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates. The methodology includes also information about mechanisms of resistance of insects to insectidies and methods, how to evaluate the resistance. To prevent or slow-down development of resistance in pollen beetle, antiresistant strategies are proposed

    Monitoring, prevention and control of plum moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)

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    Pheromones used for Grapholita funebrana are not species-specific, and usage of pheromone dispenser lures will attract other Grapholita species including Grapholita molesta (Oriental fruit moth), causing similar damage. Practical recommendations • HOST PLANTS: Larvae can cause significant damage on main host plants as plums (Prunus domestica) and apricots (Prunus armeniaca). In addition, peaches (Prunus persica), almonds (Prunus amygdalus) and other Prunus species are also attacked. • LIFE CYCLE: usually two generations per year • 1st generation: May to June • 2nd generation: July to August • In climatically favourable regions, a third generation may emerge around mid-August before the adult caterpillars of the last generation visit the overwintering sites. • DAMAGE: o 1st generation: Female moths lay eggs singly or in small groups on fruitlets. Entrance holes, however, are barely visible. Larval feeding causes gummosis, exuding fluid from the entrance hole. These are good detections for diagnostic observation. A premature colour change from green to violet and/or fruits drop. o 2nd generation: Females lay eggs in maturing fruits, and larvae feed throughout the fruit, travelling from the outer part to the stone region, forming filled tunnels and feeding inside. Usually, only one caterpillar develops per fruit. Fruits are inedible, unmarketable quality. • CONTROL AND PREVENTION: Use mating disruption with the pheromone dispensers Pheromones to monitor G. funebrana can be placed in the same traps with pheromones of Cydia pomonella o Placing sex pheromone dispensers along the edges of fields, rather than in the centre, is recommended o Pheromone traps are not species-specific, catching many other Grapholita species, including males of G. molesta o Late-maturing varieties are more damaged, early ripening varieties should therefore be grown. o Direct control by the application of products based on Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki onto the fruits at the peak of larvae hatching

    Strategy to control Peach Leaf Curl damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)

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    Growing varieties tolerant to leaf peach curl disease lowers copper usage and improves fruit growing and economic return. Practical recommendations and information • HOST PLANTS: peaches and nectarines • SYMPTOMS: o On leaves: symptoms appear about two weeks after leaves emerge from buds, deformations, blisters, thickened curling leaves, and white, yellow to red leave discolorations (Pictures 1 and 2); affected leaves may dry up and fall off o On fruits: Blistered fruit tissue, later wrinkling • DAMAGE: o Infections on fruits make the surface corky and cracked, and affected fruits fall off o When trees are severely affected, the disease can strongly reduce yield and fruit quality o If significant premature leaf drop occurs, trees will be susceptible to drought stress and winter injury • DISEASE TRANSMISSION: o The fungus overwinters in bark and bud scales o The infection of buds happens in early spring during bud swelling (Picture 3) o When temperatures reach above 10°C, infections are possible as early as January o Humid weather promotes the growth and spread of the disease o Additional spores form on the surface of diseased tissue, and these spores cause new infections if the weather remains mild and wet • PROTECTION: o PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Thin out and remove infested shoots by mid-May, thin fruit if the crop load is heavy, and apply copper in the fall after leaf drop o DIRECT MEASURES: From bud swell to bud break during humid weather and temperatures above 10-12°C treat with copper; in case of persistent humid weather, repeat the treatment 1-2 weeks later • Check records of growing degree hours +7°C (sums of active temperatures about 7°C; SAT+7) from the beginning of the year (from January 1st) at meteo-stations in or near your orchards • The first movements of the bud scales are visible when the SAT+7 reaches the value of 800 • Ordinarily, the first treatment by copper is recommended at the value of 1100-1200 SAT+7, but it is advisable to start mostly already at the value of 1000 SAT+7 (in central Europe) • Grow tolerant varieties to leaf peach curl disease, however fully resistant varieties do not exist • Varieties described as the most tolerant: Bella di Roma, Catherine Sel.1, Golden Jubilee, Redhaven, Hardired, Filip, Frumoasa litoralului, Stark Saturn, Creola.; Peach varieties: Bénédicte, Belle de Montélimar and Reine des Vergers are traditional in France • Nowadays, the offer of peach varieties is large, but the lack of reliable data concerning their suitability to organic systems makes the choice difficul

    The support of occurrence of beneficial organisms in the orchards:certified methodology

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    The publication is intended for the fruit growers and was worked upon the base of the results of the projects NAZV QJ1210209 a RO0416. It contains information about important beneficial organisms and possibilities of their support in orchards

    Minimization of risk of pesticide residues in fruit production:certified methodology

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    The publication is intended for fruit growers who are included in integrated fruit production systems. The information and the recommendations presented in the matarial can help them to minimize risk of residues of of of pesticides on non-target organisms, mainly natural enemies. In addition, the minimizing of pesticide impact on human health is considered. All recommendations are in the accordance with requirements of legislation which will be in force from 2014 for IPM and also for convention regimes of fruit protection. The spray scheduling is based on the knowledge of pesticide pre-harvest period coupled with the information about their side effects on non-target organisms. Environmental behaviour of pesticide residues from the application to the harvest is desribed for each active ingredient allowed in the Czech Republic in apples and pears. These data enable to assess the action pre-harvest periods for the both low-residual and non-residual fruit production. Information about side effect on natural enemies of pests and other non-target organisms have been worked up for each active substance of pesticides allowed in fruits in the Czech Republic. This knowledge allows us to classify pesticides into three groups marked as a so called green, yellow and red list for IPM growing systems. The possibilites of the use of biological and biotechnological methods are outlined at the end of the publication

    Europaean cherry fruit fly - taxonomy, bionomy and control:certified methodology

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    The publication is intended for the fruit growers of organic or low residue farming systems. Overeview of biology of the European cherry fruit fly and the possibilities of non chemical pest control in the whole context of the crop protection including other information linked to the topic are worked up