31 research outputs found

    Community of Macrozoobenthos and Physical-Chemical Parameters in the Watas Hutan Lake, Tanjung Balam Village, Siak Hulu Sub-regency Kampar Regency, Riau Province

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    Watas Hutan Lake is one of the oxbow lakes in the Kampar Regency. In the areas around the lake, there are activities such as oil palm, rubber and banana plantations. To understand the water quality in general, a research was conducted from April to May 2015. This research aims to determine the water quality of the lake based on physical and chemical characteristics and makrozoobenthos community structure. There were three stations, 3 sampling points/ station. Water samples were taken 3 times, once/ week. Parameters measured were abundance, uniformity and dominancy index of the macrozoobenthos and several water quality parameters such as temperature, turbidity, depth, total suspended solid, pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, nitrate, phosphate, substrate type, and organic materials. Results shown that there were 12 species (4 classes) of macrozoobenthos, with abundance 353 organisms /m2. There were Oligochaeta (4 species), Insects (3 species), Gastropods (3 species), and Bivalves (2 species). In general, the H' was 2.62-2.82; C was 0.17-0.19 and E was 0.79-0.85. Water quality parameters are as follows : temperature 29-300C, turbidity 4.00-6.30 NTU, depths 1.29-4.03 cm, TSS 4.00-5.30 mg/L, pH 5, dissolved oxygen 2.00-2.73 mg/L, BOD5 5.20-5.50 mg/L, nitrate 0.04-0.06 mg/L and phosphate 0.75-1.14 mg/L. The value of WQI-NSF index of the Watas Hutan Lake was 22.21-24.83, indicates that this river is badly polluted. There was muddy substrate with 39.03-42.20% organic materials content in each area. Based on the values of H', C and E in the macrozoobenthos community, it can be concluded that the aquatic ecosystem in the Watas Hutan Lake is balance

    Community Structure of Bivalve in the Seagrass Area, in the Malang Rapat Coastal Waters, Gunung Kijang District, Bintan Regency , Kepulauan Riau Province

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    Bivalve is commonly associated with seagrass community. To understand the community structure of bivalve in the seagrass area in the Malang Rapat coastal waters, a study has been conducted in May 2015. A purposive sampling method was applied. There were 3 stations with 3 line transects (100 m length)in each station and alongthetransects5 quadrants(1 x 1m) were placed. Results shown that there were 11 bivalvespecies present, they were Anadarasp., Circle sp.,Dosina sp., Gafrarium sp.,Macrrocallistasp., Megaitaria sp., Marcia sp.,Meretrix sp., paphiasp.,Tapes sp.,andTimoclea sp.In all study areas, the bivalvepresent mainly in the sandy gravel substrate. The valuesofdiversity index was 2.161-3.049, the Uniformity Index was 0.455-0.875 (categorized as moderate), the Dominance index was 0.130-0.249 (nodominant species). The waters quality parameters are as follows: temperature was 30.6-31.3 0C; depth was 0.23-0.33 m; current speed was 0.11-0.12 m/s; pH was 8; DO 7.6-7.9 mg/l and salinity was 30-310/00. Data on bivalve communitystructure and water quality parameters indicate that the aquatic environment in the study area is balance

    Komunitas Makrozoobenthos, Bahan Organik dan Fraksi Sedimen di Perairan Sungai Siak Kota Pekanbaru

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    Community structure of benthic organisms can be used as indicator to understand the quality of aquatic ecosystem in general. Siak River received many types of pollutants that mainly produced by anthropgenic activities conducted along the river bank and it may negatively affects the benthic organisms living in the river. To understand the macrozoobenthos community structure, organic matter and sediment fractions of the Siak River. There were 4 stations (St1 was in the area with no anthropogenic activity; St 2 was around the rubber factory; St 3 was around the oil processing factory and St 4 was around palm oil plantation). Samplings were conducted 2 times, April and June 2016. Samples were then identified and analyzed. Results shown that there were eight types of macrozoobenthos captured, Acuticosta sp. Tubifex sp., Bittium sp., Oncomelania sp., Tricula sp., Pila sp., Chironomus sp. and Limnodrilus sp. There was dominant species, namely Tricula sp. In all research sites, the organic matter content was ranged from 2.78 to 13.23%. In the St 1, 2 and 3 the sediment was sandy mud, while that of the St 4 was muddy sand. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the Siak River is heavily polluted

    Meiofauna Community Structure in the Senapelan River Pekanbaru

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    Senapelan River receives many types of pollutants originated from households and industries present around the river. The presence of the pollutant may decrease the water quality and affects the meiofauna community living in that river. A research aims to understand the water quality of the river based on meiofauna structure was conducted on June-July 2015. There were 3 stations and the meiofauna was sampled 3 times, once/ week. The types of meiofauna was then identified and the abundance, uniformity and dominancy index were calculated. Water quality parameters such as temperature, turbidity, depth, pH, dissolved oxygen, substrate type, and organic materials were measured. Result shown that there were 5 spesies (4 classes) of meiofauna. There were Oligochaeta (1 spesies), Polychaeta (1 spesies), Nematod (2 spesies) and Turbellaria (1 spesies). The abundance of the meiofauna was ranged from 39-1,337 organism/m2, the diversity index value (H') was 1.39 – 2.04, the dominance index value (C') was 0.27 – 0.42 and the equitability index value (E) was 0.70 – 9.91. These values indicate that the Senapelan River is slightly polluted, but it is able to support the live of specific meiofauna only