2 research outputs found

    Indonesia dalam Liberalisasi Perdagangan (Perspektif Politik dan Budaya Hukum)

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    In this discussion, the author tries to illustrate the complexity of the problems or weakrtesses Indonesian involvement in trade liberalization, both in terms of aspects of political, legal and cultural aspects related to the position of Indonesia as a developing country. Based on all the above explanation, then that should be a basic question in this paper, namely: What factors the complexity of the weakrtess of Indonesia in trade liberalization. There are some problems or weakrtesses is the basis why it failed to achieve the interests and economic benefits expected Indonesian government, namely (1) The weakrtess of economic diplomacy. Negotiators consisting of diplomats and officials of the technical departments have weaknesses. Diplomats may dominate in terms of language but not in terms of substance, while officials from the technical department to master the substance but did not master the language. This weakness is compounded because of the very few institutions both have members who master the skills to design a legal sentence. (2) Lack of awareness and attitude of the national industry to utilize the legal instruments of trade remedies. (3) The weakness of the latter which will be discussed in this paper is related to the bargaining position of developing countries when dealing with the industrialized countries

    Perbandingan Norma Hukum Tindakan Pengemanan Perdagangan (Safeguards) antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat

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    This study examines the comparison of legal norms on trade safeguards measures between Indonesia and the United States. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparison of legal norms on trade safeguards measures between Indonesia and the United States. This study uses a type of normative legal research (legal reseach) with the approach to the legislation and comparative approach. The results of this study explain that there are two components that provide a clear picture of the differences in Safeguards provisions in Indonesia and those in America, namely: (1) Form and Content of Safeguards legislation. (2). Head of State's involvement in implementing Safeguards. IntisariPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang perbandingan norma hukum Tindakan Pengamanan Perdagangan (Safeguards) antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa perbandingan norma hukum safeguards antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif (legal research) dengan pendekatan pendekatan Perundang-undangan serta pendekatan komparatif. Hasil penelitian ini menejelaskan bahwa bahwa terdapat dua komponen yang memberikan gambaran jelas tentang perbedaan ketentuan safeguards yang terdapat di Indonesia dengan ketentuan yang terdapat di Amerika, yaitu: (1) Bentuk dan Isi Perundang-undangan safeguards. (2). Keterlibatan Kepala Negera dalam safeguards