25 research outputs found

    Radiographic and HRCT imaging findings of chronic pulmonary schistosomiasis: review of 10 consecutive cases

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    Objective: To describe the chest radiography (CR) and the high resolution CT (HRCT) imaging findings of chronic pulmonary schistosomiasis (CPS)Methods and materials: This retrospective study included 10 patients suffering from CPS, studied between September 2013 and October 2016 by using CR and HRCT. Images were reviewed by two experienced radiologists in consensus, blinded to clinical data. A p value < 0.05 was considered significantResults: All the patients enrolled showed some abnormalities at HRCT, including lung consolidations, solid nodules, nodules with pen-nodular halo, ground-glass opacities, enlarged hilar lymph-nodes. Only seven patients showed findings at CR (p = 0.001). At CT, none of the patients had significant pleural, vascular (pulmonary arteries) or cardiac findings. Post-therapy studies (mean interval 35 days) demonstrated the absence of residual disease in all patients.Conclusion: The imaging findings of CPS varied widely in our study population. HRCT may show signs which are occult on plain radiograph. All lesions disappeared after appropriate therapy at imaging follow-up studie

    Life-Threatening Protein-Losing Enteropathy Due To Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Upon Immunochemotherapy

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    Immunochemotherapy adverse events affecting the gastrointestinal tract usually consist of self-limiting nausea/ vomiting or diarrhoea, while bleeding and perforation are rare. A 42-year-old woman treated with bendamustine/ rituximab for splenic marginal zone lymphoma developed alife-threatening protein-losing enteropathy that was a diagnosis conundrum, ranging from drug-induced, immunemediated, neoplastic and infectious forms. Suspecting opportunistic viral infection but with unremarkable immunohistochemistry and peripheral blood tests, the diagnosis of Human Cytomegalovirus enteritis was made only by means of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction carried out on mucosal specimens. Steroid discontinuation and a prolonged course of antiviral therapy allowed the patient to overcome the critical phase and to achieve gradual normalisation of stool frequency, body mass index, laboratory tests lasting one year, while disappearance of mucosal viral load resulted soon evident. Human Cytom-egalovirus end-organ disease localised at the gastrointestinal tract is a serious condition whose prompt diagnosis and treatment prevents poor patients prognosis