1,405 research outputs found

    Periferie plurali: il caso di Scampia (Napoli) oltre gli stigmi

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    In the analysis of the relationship between social and spatial dynamics, the peripheries assume, from the perspective of social geography, the role of an ideal laboratory for observing and interpreting the conditions of discomfort and marginalization. The contribution focuses on Scampia, the northern district of the city of Naples, which represents, together with other Italian suburbs, a context where the gaze that is exercised is too often conditioned by a stigma of decay, also fueled by some media simplifications. Through the reconstruction of the genesis and history of this district, with the contribution of the various land surveys carried out, we try to return a more articulated vision

    "Transformation territoriales des métropoles maritimes face à la crise: Marseille et Naples"

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    Marseille et Naples ont souvent été rapprochées: deux villes maritimes “sœurs” sur la Méditerranée. Face à la crise et aux mutations engendrées par les processus de métropolisation, les itinéraires de ces deux villes ports et leurs dynamiques socio-économiques semblent diverger. Même les difficultés de gouvernance qu’elles rencontrent toutes les deux ne sont pas de même nature. A Marseille, la gouvernance publique réactive la rhétorique méditerranéenne pour tenter de masquer sa situation “en apesanteur” entre deux mondes métropolitains qui se tournent le dos et son incapacité à traiter les contradictions entre une société mondialisée et une économie qui se démondialise. Naples, la seule ville dans le Sud de l'Italie qui présente véritablement des caractéristiques métropolitaines, se caractérise pour une gestion continue et croissante du territoire à régulation faible. La ville se présente comme une zone urbaine, dans des conditions structurelles très difficile : les classes sociales, les décideurs, les chefs de gouvernement et les entrepreneurs, ne développent pas une vision qui puisse donner confiance pour le futur. Resteraient alors en facteur commun, la spécificité de chacune de leurs modèles de métropolisation, la crise de leurs gouvernances respectives et le rapport singulier qu’elles entretiennent avec leur Etat

    Measuring the economic sustainability of Italian farms using FADN data

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    In recent literature, the issue of sustainability and its measure has been addressed with different approaches that depend on the multidimensional nature of the concept and the specific sector and context to which it applies. The present work focuses on the economic sustainability component and suggests an operative measure at the farm level. The measure of economic sustainability has been applied to Italian family farms using Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Based on this data, an efficiency indicator (EI) and two income indicators [a factor profitability indicator (FPI) and a comparable income indicator (CII)] expressing the ability to remunerate the entrepreneur's production factors at their opportunity cost and the farm's income capacity have been used in a principal component analysis (PCA) to build an economic sustainability index (SI). The index was used to describe Italian farms' economic sustainability levels but was also the cue to discuss problems related to identifying economic sustainability thresholds and the trade-off between efficiency and income components

    Domestic food waste and covid-19 concern: An application of the theory of planned behaviour

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    The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic rapidly and dramatically disrupted household behaviours in almost all areas and, among these, eating behaviours and daily food patterns have also been radically altered. All reported changes have potential effects in terms of food waste, which is a global problem that mainly occurs at household level. Many scholars attempted to understand the antecedents of food waste in the framework of Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). In this paper we follow this strain of research by focussing on two different behaviours, suggested by the Waste Framework Directive of the EU, namely (a) reducing servings and (b) using leftovers, which may be predicted by the intention to reduce food waste. An online questionnaire containing the key constructs of the TPB and the concern towards the pandemic was administered to a sample of 201 Italian consumers. Results show that the TPB model was confirmed for both behaviours while the Covid-19 concern had no direct effect. However, in the case of portion reduction, there is a significant interaction between concern and intention not to waste food. That is, the effect of intention on reducing servings is increasing as the level of concern increases. Therefore, some indications on how to address food waste policies are drawn

    « Insegnare le migrazioni internazionali in Italia : uno sguardo all’antropologia e alla geografia »

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    Dans le contexte universitaire italien, les cours consacrés aux thèmes des migrations n’ont eu une certaine visibilité qu’à partir du nouveau millénaire. Après la réforme universitaire de 1999, nous assistons à une prolifération d’intitulés de cours qui font référence d’une manière plus ou moins explicite aux migrations et il est désormais difficile de synthétiser toutes les informations. Notre enquête permet de souligner que l’étude des processus migratoires n’est plus un domaine exclusif d’un secteur disciplinaire et que leur enseignement est transversal aux différents champs disciplinaires. Elle fournit une ample matière à réflexion : l’objectif de cette note de recherche est d’ouvrir une fenêtre sur l’enseignement en anthropologie et géographie.Nel contesto accademico italiano, i corsi dedicati in modo specifico al tema delle migrazioni hanno assunto avuto una particolare evidenza con il nuovo millennio. Dopo la riforma universitaria del 1999, è possibile individuare une proliferazione delle titolazioni che fanno riferimento esplicito alle migrazioni, al punto che oggi appare abbastanza difficile sintetizzare tutte queste informazioni. Dalla nostra rilevazione si evince che lo studio dei processi migratori non è dominio esclusivo di un solo settore disciplinare e che il loro insegnamento è trasversale ai diversi campi disciplinari. Gli spunti di riflessione sono dunque molteplici e toccano diversi saperi: obiettivo di questa breve nota è di cercare di aprire una finestra su quanto viene insegnato in antropologia e in geografia


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    The article analyzes the impact of the new attractors of shopping and leisure in the suburbs of the Metropolitan Area of Naples. After an introduction on the different features of today’s suburbs, the focus shifts on the transformations in the area to the north of Naples along an important axial highway (the Circumvallazione, officially the SP1). This axial road, as well as the so-called “median axis” (Asse Mediano), are analyzed as retail and consumption spaces. This case study demonstrates the complex reality of a suburb too hastily considered as uniform and anonymous: although in this area there is chaos, decay and forms of illegality, it is also characterized by a relative centrality thanks to new retail and consumption spaces which represent key-places for their users, places where the rhythm of life is slowed down and socialisation is somewhat recovered
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