4,658 research outputs found

    Revisiting Relations between Stochastic Ageing and Dependence for Exchangeable Lifetimes with an Extension for the IFRA/DFRA Property

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    We first review an approach that had been developed in the past years to introduce concepts of "bivariate ageing" for exchangeable lifetimes and to analyze mutual relations among stochastic dependence, univariate ageing, and bivariate ageing. A specific feature of such an approach dwells on the concept of semi-copula and in the extension, from copulas to semi-copulas, of properties of stochastic dependence. In this perspective, we aim to discuss some intricate aspects of conceptual character and to provide the readers with pertinent remarks from a Bayesian Statistics standpoint. In particular we will discuss the role of extensions of dependence properties. "Archimedean" models have an important role in the present framework. In the second part of the paper, the definitions of Kendall distribution and of Kendall equivalence classes will be extended to semi-copulas and related properties will be analyzed. On such a basis, we will consider the notion of "Pseudo-Archimedean" models and extend to them the analysis of the relations between the ageing notions of IFRA/DFRA-type and the dependence concepts of PKD/NKD

    A Revision Control System for Image Editing in Collaborative Multimedia Design

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    Revision control is a vital component in the collaborative development of artifacts such as software code and multimedia. While revision control has been widely deployed for text files, very few attempts to control the versioning of binary files can be found in the literature. This can be inconvenient for graphics applications that use a significant amount of binary data, such as images, videos, meshes, and animations. Existing strategies such as storing whole files for individual revisions or simple binary deltas, respectively consume significant storage and obscure semantic information. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we present a revision control system for digital images that stores revisions in form of graphs. Besides, being integrated with Git, our revision control system also facilitates artistic creation processes in common image editing and digital painting workflows. A preliminary user study demonstrates the usability of the proposed system.Comment: pp. 512-517 (6 pages

    Lightweight LCP Construction for Very Large Collections of Strings

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    The longest common prefix array is a very advantageous data structure that, combined with the suffix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform, allows to efficiently compute some combinatorial properties of a string useful in several applications, especially in biological contexts. Nowadays, the input data for many problems are big collections of strings, for instance the data coming from "next-generation" DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies. In this paper we present the first lightweight algorithm (called extLCP) for the simultaneous computation of the longest common prefix array and the Burrows-Wheeler transform of a very large collection of strings having any length. The computation is realized by performing disk data accesses only via sequential scans, and the total disk space usage never needs more than twice the output size, excluding the disk space required for the input. Moreover, extLCP allows to compute also the suffix array of the strings of the collection, without any other further data structure is needed. Finally, we test our algorithm on real data and compare our results with another tool capable to work in external memory on large collections of strings.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The final version of this manuscript is in press in Journal of Discrete Algorithm

    Bayesian Modeling and MCMC Computation in Linear Logistic Regression for Presence-only Data

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    Presence-only data are referred to situations in which, given a censoring mechanism, a binary response can be observed only with respect to on outcome, usually called \textit{presence}. In this work we present a Bayesian approach to the problem of presence-only data based on a two levels scheme. A probability law and a case-control design are combined to handle the double source of uncertainty: one due to the censoring and one due to the sampling. We propose a new formalization for the logistic model with presence-only data that allows further insight into inferential issues related to the model. We concentrate on the case of the linear logistic regression and, in order to make inference on the parameters of interest, we present a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm with data augmentation that does not require the a priori knowledge of the population prevalence. A simulation study concerning 24,000 simulated datasets related to different scenarios is presented comparing our proposal to optimal benchmarks.Comment: Affiliations: Fabio Divino - Division of Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Molise Giovanna jona Lasinio and Natalia Golini - Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Antti Penttinen - Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a} CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected]

    Bayesian logistic regression for presence-only data

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    Presence-only data are referred to situations in which a censoring mechanism acts on a binary response which can be partially observed only with respect to one outcome, usually denoting the \textit{presence} of an attribute of interest. A typical example is the recording of species presence in ecological surveys. In this work a Bayesian approach to the analysis of presence-only data based on a two levels scheme is presented. A probability law and a case-control design are combined to handle the double source of uncertainty: one due to censoring and the other one due to sampling. In the paper, through the use of a stratified sampling design with non-overlapping strata, a new formulation of the logistic model for presence-only data is proposed. In particular, the logistic regression with linear predictor is considered. Estimation is carried out with a new Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm with data augmentation, which does not require the a priori knowledge of the population prevalence. The performance of the new algorithm is validated by means of extensive simulation experiments using three scenarios and comparison with optimal benchmarks. An application to data existing in literature is reported in order to discuss the model behaviour in real world situations together with the results of an original study on termites occurrences data

    Insider Trading, Traded Volume and Returns

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    Several models predict that both market liquidity and trading volume generated by less informed traders do not increase when there is insider trading. Available empirical evidence is mixed and still relatively small, because of the inherent di¢ culty to identify insider trading events. Our econometric work, based on 19 suspect insider trading events drawn from the non-public ?file of the Italian supervisory authority, provides further insight on these key implications of stock market models. The second purpose of this paper is to assess whether insider trading changes the distribution of volume and returns in a way that can be used by supervisory authorities in order to detect its presence through statistical methods.asymmetric information, insider trading, abnormal returns, traded volume

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    Advances of nanotechnology in agro-environmental studies

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    With the increase in the world population and the demand for food, new agricultural practices have been developed to improve food production through the use of more effective pesticides and fertilisers. These technologies can lead to an uncontrolled release of undesired substances into the environment, with the potential to contaminate soil and groundwater. Today, nanotechnology represents a promising approach to improve agricultural production and remediate polluted sites. This paper reviews the recent applications of nanotechnologies in agro-environmental studies with particular attention to the fate of nanomaterials once introduced in water and soil, to the advantages of their use and their possible toxicology. Findings show that the use of nanomaterials can improve the quality of the environment and help detect and remediate polluted sites. Only a small number of nanomaterials demonstrated potential toxic effects. These are discussed in detail
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