9 research outputs found

    Treino cognitivo em adultos maduros e idosos: impacto de estratégias segundo faixas de escolaridade Entrenamiento cognitivo en adultos maduros y ancianos: impacto de estrategias según niveles de escolaridad Cognitive training in older adults and the elderly: impact of educational strategies according to age

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo testar a eficácia de treino cognitivo de seis sessões, baseado na apresentação e prática de estratégias de memória (categorização) e na realização de atividades que recrutam as funções executivas, oferecido a idosos. Objetivou-se, também, identificar e comparar as estratégias mnemônicas utilizadas pelos participantes antes e após treino, segundo faixas de escolaridade. Participaram do estudo 31 idosos, divididos em Grupo 1 (com até 8 anos de escolaridade) e Grupo 2 (com 9 anos ou mais). Foram aplicadas questões sociodemográficas, escalas cognitivas e uma lista de estratégias possíveis para identificação das estratégias usadas. Os resultados indicaram a influência da escolaridade no uso de estratégias de memória no pré-teste. No pós-teste, apontaram para aumento na velocidade de processamento e na utilização de estratégias. Concluiu-se que o uso de estratégias, a autoeficácia para a memória e o ganho após o treino cognitivo podem ser influenciados pela escolaridade.<br>El objetivo de este estudio fue testar la eficacia de entrenamiento cognitivo de seis sesiones basado en la presentación y práctica de estrategias de memoria (categorización) y en la realización de actividades que reclutan las funciones ejecutivas, ofrecido a ancianos. Se objetivó también identificar y comparar las estrategias mnemónicas utilizadas por los participantes antes y después del entrenamiento, según niveles de escolaridad. Participaron del estudio 31 ancianos, divididos en Grupo 1 (con hasta 8 años de escolaridad) y Grupo 2 (con 9 años o más). Fueron realizadas cuestiones sociodemográficas y utilizadas escalas cognitivas y una lista de estrategias posibles para identificación de las estrategias usadas. Los resultados indicaron la influencia de la escolaridad en el uso de estrategias de memoria en el pre test. En el post teste, señalaron aumento en la velocidad de procesamiento y en la utilización de estrategias. Se concluyó que el uso de estrategias, la autoeficacia para la memoria y el gaño después del entrenamiento cognitivo pueden ser influenciados por la escolaridad.<br>The objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of a cognitive training program of six sessions based on the presentation and practice of memory strategies (categorization) and activities that recruit executive functions offered for older adults. We also aimed at identifying and comparing the mnemonic strategies used by participants stratified by levels of schooling before and after training. The study included 31 older adults divided into group 1 (up to 8 years of schooling) and group 2 (9 or more years of schooling). The instruments used were: sociodemographic questionnaire, cognitive scales and a list of possible strategies to identify the strategies used. The results were indicated the influence of education on the use of memory strategies in the pre-test and post-test. At the post-test, there was a significant increase in processing speed and strategies use. It is concluded that he use of strategies, memory self-efficacy and the gain after cognitive training may be influenced by education

    The association between apolipoprotein E gene polymorphisms and essential hypertension: a meta-analysis of 45 studies including 13 940 cases and 16 364 controls

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    The apolipoprotein E single-nucleotide polymorphisms are among the potential candidate genes that may serve as modulators in susceptibility to essential hypertension. In an effort to clarify earlier inconclusive results, we performed a meta-analysis of population-based case-control genetic association studies. Random-effects methods were applied on summary data in order to combine the results of the individual studies. We identified in total 45 studies, including 13 940 hypertensive cases and 16 364 controls. The contrast of E4 carriers versus non-carriers yielded an overall odds ratio (OR) of 1.16 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02, 1.31), whereas the contrast of E4 allele versus the others in a subtotal of 6617 cases and 7330 controls, yielded an OR of 1.39 (95% CI: 1.12, 1.72). There was moderate evidence of publication bias in both contrasts, which was eliminated after excluding studies not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Subgroup analyses revealed that significant estimates arose from studies on Asian populations, as opposed to the Caucasian ones. Furthermore, no evidence of publication bias was demonstrated in the comparisons within this subgroup. Our results are consistent with recent meta-analyses but show that the association is weaker than that has been previously demonstrated. Further studies are needed in order to fully address questions about the etiological mechanism of the particular association, as well as to study the effect in populations of African descent

    APOE genotype and stress response - a mini review

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