5 research outputs found
O sistema Koban e a institucionalização do policiamento comunitário paulista
Esse artigo trata das implicações e dimensões institucionais por detrás da adoção do sistema koban japonês pela Polícia Militardo Estado de São Paulo (PMESP). O autor observa a evolução dessa organização, de uma situação de vago entendimento paraa aplicação de práticas mais precisas de policiamento comunitário. Nesse contexto é que surge a decisão de procurar, adotare implementar um modelo estrangeiro de policiamento – o sistema koban japonês . Os líderes da PMESP estão preocupadoscom a evolução da polícia como um todo, incluindo suas aspirações e competências, como meio de legitimar a existência dainstituição. Por meio do koban, a liderança institucional da PMESP teve um papel fundamental no processo de implementação dopoliciamento comunitário. Por fim, a adoção da modalidade de koban certamente tem origens numa reconhecida necessidadede melhorar o desempenho institucional e a moral da PMESP; mas sua contribuição principal, mais que técnica, é a de auxiliarna construção deste novo organismo social integrado: o policiamento comunitário no Brasil
Disorganizing and Reorganizing the front lines of community policing: institutional aspects of the Japanese Koban System in São Paulo.
This article explores some the disorganizations and reorganizations occurring within the organizational culture of the PMESP (São Paulo State Military Police), after the adoption of community policing practices based on the Japanese Koban System. The emergence of a new (democratic) order, confronting the old (repressive) one, posed incongruent challenges to officers’ self-perceptions and daily routines. Many started responding by means of personal effort, performing social service activities. However, the idea of being a “social firefighter”, searching for the solution of deep social inequalities, seems to contain in itself a promise that many officers, especially sergeants, cannot accomplish. Some cultural traits from the Japanese model propose different angles for observing this dynamic. They suggest that a sense of purpose at the front lines of police work – and group cohesion that emanates from it – represents a strategic concern for the PMESP in its endeavor to become a more responsive institution
This article explores some the disorganizations and reorganizations happening inside the PMESP´s organizational culture, after the adoption of community policing practices based on the Japanese Koban System. The emergence of a new (democratic) order, confronting the old (repressive) one, posed incongruent challenges on officer´s self-perceptions and daily routines. Many started responding by means of personal effort, performing social service activities. However, the idea of being a “social firefighter”, searching for the solution of deep social inequalities, seems to contain in itself a promise that many officers, especially sergeants, cannot accomplish. Some cultural traits from the Japanese model propose different angles to observe such dynamics. They suggest that a sense of purpose at the front lines of police work – and group cohesion that emanates from it – represents a strategic concern for the PMESP’s, on its endeavor towards becoming a more responsive institution