131 research outputs found

    Generation of spin-polarized currents in Zeeman-split Tomonaga-Luttinger models

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    In a magnetic field an interacting electron gas in one dimension may be described as a Tomonaga-Luttinger model comprising two components with different Fermi velocities due to the Zeeman splitting. This destroys the spin-charge separation, and even the quantities such as the density-density correlation involve spin and charge critical exponents (K). Specifically, the ratio of the up-spin and down-spin conductivities in a dirty system diverges at low temperatures like an inverse power of the temperature, T−(K↑−K↓)T^{-(K_{\uparrow}-K_{\downarrow})}, resulting in a spin-polarized current. In finite, clean systems the conductance becomes different for up- and down-spins as another manifestation of the electron-electron interaction.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX file, 3 figures available on request from [email protected]

    Many-body correlations probed by plasmon-enhanced drag measurements in double quantum well structures

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    Electron drag measurements of electron-electron scattering rates performed close to the Fermi temperature are reported. While evidence of an enhancement due to plasmons, as was recently predicted [K. Flensberg and B. Y.-K. Hu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3572 (1994)], is found, important differences with the random-phase approximation based calculations are observed. Although static correlation effects likely account for part of this difference, it is argued that correlation-induced multiparticle excitations must be included to account for the magnitude of the rates and observed density dependences.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Coulomb scattering lifetime of a two-dimensional electron gas

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    Motivated by a recent tunneling experiment in a double quantum-well system, which reports an anomalously enhanced electronic scattering rate in a clean two-dimensional electron gas, we calculate the inelastic quasiparticle lifetime due to electron-electron interaction in a single loop dynamically screened Coulomb interaction within the random-phase-approximation. We obtain excellent quantitative agreement with the inelastic scattering rates in the tunneling experiment without any adjustable parameter, finding that the reported large (≄\geq a factor of six) disagreement between theory and experiment arises from quantitative errors in the existing theoretical work and from the off-shell energy dependence of the electron self-energy.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, figures included. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng

    Carrier relaxation due to electron-electron interaction in coupled double quantum well structures

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    We calculate the electron-electron interaction induced energy-dependent inelastic carrier relaxation rate in doped semiconductor coupled double quantum well nanostructures within the two subband approximation at zero temperature. In particular, we calculate, using many-body theory, the imaginary part of the full self-energy matrix by expanding in the dynamically RPA screened Coulomb interaction, obtaining the intrasubband and intersubband electron relaxation rates in the ground and excited subbands as a function of electron energy. We separate out the single particle and the collective excitation contributions, and comment on the effects of structural asymmetry in the quantum well on the relaxation rate. Effects of dynamical screening and Fermi statistics are automatically included in our many body formalism rather than being incorporated in an ad-hoc manner as one must do in the Boltzman theory.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Uncoupled excitons in semiconductor microcavities detected in resonant Raman scattering

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    We present an outgoing resonant Raman-scattering study of a GaAs/AlGaAs based microcavity embedded in a p-i-n junction. The p-i-n junction allows the vertical electric field to be varied, permitting control of exciton-photon detuning and quenching of photoluminescence which otherwise obscures the inelastic light scattering signals. Peaks corresponding to the upper and lower polariton branches are observed in the resonant Raman cross sections, along with a third peak at the energy of uncoupled excitons. This third peak, attributed to disorder activated Raman scattering, provides clear evidence for the existence of uncoupled exciton reservoir states in microcavities in the strong-coupling regime

    Coulomb Blockade Resonances in Quantum Wires

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    The conductance through a quantum wire of cylindrical cross section and a weak bulge is solved exactly for two electrons within the Landauer-Buettiker formalism. We show that this 'open' quantum dot exhibits spin-dependent Coulomb blockade resonances resulting in two anomalous structure on the rising edge to the first conductance plateau, one near 0.25(2e^2/h), related to a singlet resonance, and one near 0.7(2e^2/h), related to a triplet resonance. These resonances are generic and robust, occurring for other types of quantum wire and surviving to temperatures of a few degrees.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript files with figures; uses REVTe

    Effect of the spin-orbit interaction on the band structure and conductance of quasi-one-dimensional systems

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    We discuss the effect of the spin-orbit interaction on the band structure, wave functions and low temperature conductance of long quasi-one-dimensional electron systems patterned in two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG). Our model for these systems consists of a linear (Rashba) potential confinement in the direction perpendicular to the 2DEG and a parabolic confinement transverse to the 2DEG. We find that these two terms can significantly affect the band structure introducing a wave vector dependence to subband energies, producing additional subband minima and inducing anticrossings between subbands. We discuss the origin of these effects in the symmetries of the subband wave functions.Comment: 15 pages including 14 figures; RevTeX; to appear in Phys.Rev.B (15 Nov 1999

    Conductance anomalies and the extended Anderson model for nearly perfect quantum wires

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    Anomalies near the conductance threshold of nearly perfect semiconductor quantum wires are explained in terms of singlet and triplet resonances of conduction electrons with a single weakly-bound electron in the wire. This is shown to be a universal effect for a wide range of situations in which the effective single-electron confinement is weak. The robustness of this generic behavior is investigated numerically for a wide range of shapes and sizes of cylindrical wires with a bulge. The dependence on gate voltage, source-drain voltage and magnetic field is discussed within the framework of an extended Hubbard model. This model is mapped onto an extended Anderson model, which in the limit of low temperatures is expected to lead to Kondo resonance physics and pronounced many-body effects

    Inelastic lifetimes of confined two-component electron systems in semiconductor quantum wire and quantum well structures

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    We calculate Coulomb scattering lifetimes of electrons in two-subband quantum wires and in double-layer quantum wells by obtaining the quasiparticle self-energy within the framework of the random-phase approximation for the dynamical dielectric function. We show that, in contrast to a single-subband quantum wire, the scattering rate in a two-subband quantum wire contains contributions from both particle-hole excitations and plasmon excitations. For double-layer quantum well structures, we examine individual contributions to the scattering rate from quasiparticle as well as acoustic and optical plasmon excitations at different electron densities and layer separations. We find that the acoustic plasmon contribution in the two-component electron system does not introduce any qualitatively new correction to the low energy inelastic lifetime, and, in particular, does not produce the linear energy dependence of carrier scattering rate as observed in the normal state of high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng
